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Book 6: Chapter 33:1: The Biggest Rigging of the Holy Grail Carnival, Part 1

Book 6: Chapter 33:1: The Biggest Rigging of the Holy Grail Carnival, Part 1

Chen Heng felt wronged, but he held his tongue. He knew that even if he spoke out, it wouldn’t change anything.

Argue? Although Fu Hua did not admit to it, she was not good at expressing her feelings. However, she had lived for 50,000 years after all. If a debate about right and wrong ensued, she could talk circles around him.

Fight? That wasn’t an option, either. Fu Hua’s ring countered all of Chen Heng’s abilities, be it space, gravity, attraction, or electromagnetism. The moment that ring touched him, they failed. All that was left for Chen Heng was his swordsmanship. However, he had to submit when he considered the difference in combat prowess.

Although Chen Heng did not want to admit it, his sword skills were indeed his greatest shortcoming despite coming from a sword cultivation clan.

This is too hard on me!

Chen Heng shot Fu Hua a pitiful look.





“Alright, alright, Little Heng, you truly are exceptional.” Fu Hua finally relented, unaccustomed to such displays. In her long life, she’d never encountered anyone acting as spoiled as Chen Heng.

In the end, Chen Heng emerged victorious, using a different strategy.

After his victory, Chen Heng felt on top of the world, but a glance at Fu Hua’s Grips of Tai Xuan grounded him again.

[TL Note: Grips of Tai Xuan is Fu Hua’s weapon. They are gauntlets and are one of the mass-produced 10th Divine Keys.]

Never mind…never mind…better to stay humble.

Once Mo Qingtong woke up, they both headed to the college entrance exams. It was the last day, and after the exams, they could finally relax.

However, Chen Heng was still undecided about which school to attend.

How could Chen Heng be uninterested in Jixia Academy? Everyone in the hidden world was interested in Jixia Academy.

Jixia Academy had all sorts of mythical creatures and even near-extinct beasts and contained all sorts of strange things.

However, getting Luo Li and Sirin into Jixia would be challenging.

Never mind. I’ll think about this after the exams. Chen Heng shook his head as he approached Vast Sea City First High School. After he got off the car, Raven sent Mo Qingtong to another school.

Chen Heng and Mo Qingtong had different examination centers.

Before he knew it, the day was over.

This time, Chen Heng remembered to watch the Holy Grail Carnival’s livestream.

Unlike the previous murder…beach volleyball, this game was Monopoly.

Don’t misunderstand. This was no ordinary board game but a life-sized version of Monopoly.

It looked like the normal Monopoly, with the same rules, except on a larger scale with 14 players.

However, there were real-life consequences for every move. For example, if a player landed on a space, the game might force them to confess their feelings to someone they liked and be paralyzed by embarrassment for a turn.

The Holy Grail could truly make one confess one’s feelings. Even if one normally did not feel embarrassed, it could make one feel embarrassed.

While it was Monopoly, it was more like a mix of Monopoly and Truth or Dare.

Watching, Chen Heng thought of Diarmuid and his infamous E-ranked Luck.

True to form, Diarmuid did not disappoint Chen Heng. He drew the short straw right from the start, ending up last to start. Then his first throw, a one, landed him on a penalty trap.

Three ten-sided dice of different colors appeared in Diarmuid’s hand. Each die had 0-9 on the sides, with the red one representing the 1s digit, the yellow one representing the 10s digit, and the blue one representing the 100s digit.

That meant there were a total of 999 different punishments. Root had too much time on hand.

According to the rules, the larger the number, the more severe the punishment out of these 999 punishments. The 999th punishment was to commit suicide and be eliminated.

Diarmuid held three dice in his hand, feeling a tinge of anxiety. He knew about his terrible luck, but he hoped it would not be the last punishment.

He rolled the dice with no intention to cheat. Root was here; how could he cheat?

The dice tumbled, revealing their ten faces. Diarmuid watched intently.

“…” The three dice stopped, showing the same number.

9. 9. 9.

Upon seeing this, Chen Heng quickly turned off the livestream. The scene is too bloody; this is simply too brutal. Lancers have rights, too! Has E-ranked Luck offended you?

Consequently, Diarmuid left after the first throw.

Kayneth watched as Diarmuid left and reappeared beside him. Then he snorted coldly and turned away.

Diarmuid, flushed with embarrassment, transformed into his spiritual body and trailed behind Kayneth as they left.

Of the remaining 13 Servants, Jeanne d’Arc was the next to exit, also because of her E-ranked Luck.

Actually, her situation was much better than Diarmuid’s. Her punishment was number 832: Confess to someone she liked or get disqualified.

Without hesitation, she chose the latter. She was extremely, incredibly, exceptionally decisive.

Chen Heng wasn’t surprised at her choice. Jeanne, known as Chaldea’s easiest woman to handle, was famous for her tsundere nature. Want her to confess in public? Dream on!

The subsequent penalties amused Chen Heng: sliding to tackle a tiger, washing hair while doing a handstand, singing children’s songs in mascot outfits, eating a stargazy pie, etc.

Speaking of which, the penalty of singing in a mascot outfit went to Eresh-chan. Her reluctant performance thrilled Chen Heng. He even recorded it.

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