Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 31:2: The Prestigious Jixia Academy, Part 2

Book 6: Chapter 31:2: The Prestigious Jixia Academy, Part 2

Chen Heng’s mother had been the Ji Clan’s most beloved youngest daughter—also the only daughter—so the degree they had doted on her…

Let’s put it this way. There were over ten males in that generation but only one female—the youngest. The degree to which they doted on her could easily be imagined. She was treated like she was fragile, like a delicate piece of candy that might melt in their mouths. Sadly, though, she ended up being snatched away by a pig from another clan.

To this day, Chen Heng could not understand how his father had walked out of the Ji Clan’s doors alive. Furthermore, his father rarely visited the Ji Clan.

Nevertheless, Chen Heng was the Ji Clan’s only nephew and was also cherished by all his maternal uncles. Otherwise, there would not be so many people from the Ji Clan sending him excellent cultivation techniques that could push him into becoming an immortal so he could switch his cultivation method after his parents died.

If it were before, Chen Heng would think his father had married above his status. However, after learning he had a transcender ancestor…

In fact, after Chen Heng’s parents died, he had been practically alone with no one to rely on. A maternal uncle had once offered to take him into the Ji Clan and have his family name changed to Ji. No one had objected to this idea. After all, half his bloodline did come from the Ji Clan. However, he had refused.

In hindsight, it was fortunate that Chen Heng had refused. Otherwise, when the Chen Clan ancestor returned to this world and discovered that most of his descendants were dead and that the only survivor had changed his family name…

Never mind, there was no need to think further. There was no guessing what that ancestor would have done.

Chen Heng felt his ancestor might even simply destroy the world with a slap if his ancestor got angry.

After rejecting joining the Ji Clan, the 14-year-old Chen Heng had returned to Vast Sea City, where his parents met.

“…” Cheng Lixue did not expect her junior brother to have such an impressive family background.

“Oh! Oh! Ah Heng, are you really going to Jixia Academy?”

“I don’t know. I’m not certain yet. Furthermore, even if I want to go, getting there is a problem.”

Actually, entering Jixia Academy would be easy for Chen Heng. Furthermore, he had several means available to him. Choosing the means was a problem in itself.

The most direct method was to go to his first maternal uncle, the current Ji Clan Head.

The Ji Clan had several slots for Jixia Academy. After all, it was one of the strongest clans in China, with deep accumulations. However, it did not have many people in the new generation, and even fewer people of the suitable age, so it frequently had extra slots.

These slots would normally be given to people of other family names with big contributions to the Ji Clan.

Selling the slots would be impossible. The Ji Clan did not lack for money. If the Ji Clan truly sold the slots, the other big clans would mock them. However, giving the slots away to gain favors was fine.

Hence, it would be easy for Chen Heng to get a Jixia Academy slot through his connections. This was the same before the world reset. His first maternal uncle had personally delivered an invitation to Jixia Academy to him. However, Chen Heng eventually got dropped because he could not change his cultivation technique. The examiners found this to be a pity, as their tests showed he had extremely great cultivation talent.

The second method Chen Heng could use was to expose one of his abilities. Be it electromagnetic control, gravity, attraction, the Absolute Precognition, or spatial ability, these were all abilities with extremely high limits. Furthermore, he could already cultivate and had enormous cultivation potential. Although it would be problematic for him to join Jixia Academy using just his talent and potential, it was not impossible. Before the world reset, Chen Heng’s ability had already reached the limit, with no more potential. However, this life was different.

The third method was to seek out the world consciousness or get Customer Service to pass on a message to the world consciousness.

His ancestor had played a huge role in this high-martial world’s promotion to a supreme-martial world. Asking for a Jixia Academy slot would not be too much, right?

If it was too much, then he could only call on his guardian to have a chat with the world consciousness. As for how that discussion would go…

Of course, this method came with great uncertainty. The uncertainty was not in whether Chen Heng could enroll in Jixia Academy but how he would end up enrolling.

It would be impossible to guess the world consciousness’s thoughts.

“Let’s go! Let’s go! Ah Heng, how great would it be if we both went!”

“Qingtong, did you manage to get a slot to enter Jixia Academy?”

“Yeah. How to put it? I previously could not go because of that biased ancestor valuing only males and not females, so the Mo Clan’s slot went to a male in a cadet branch who was much less talented than me. However, this time…hasn’t my father already succeeded the clan head position?” Mo Qingtong spoke extremely cryptically, as Chen Heng’s master and senior sister, who had appeared out of nowhere, sat nearby. She was certain that these two had not existed before the world reset.

When mentioning the Mo Clan ancestor, Mo Qingtong couldn’t help becoming depressed. First, this Mo Clan ancestor had something to do with Chen Heng’s death before the world reset. Second, this ancestor was extremely biased against females.

Mo Qingtong was the successor of the main branch, a direct descendant, but only a daughter, so…

As one of the clans inheriting the Hundred Schools of Thought, the Mo Clan naturally had slots for Jixia Academy. However, it had been in decline over the past millennium, so it only received one slot.

Logically, this slot should have gone to Mo Qingtong. After all, she was the clan head’s only child. However, just look at how she ended up going to a mundane university with Chen Heng. The results were obvious.

“Master, what do you think?” Chen Heng turned his head and asked Fu Hua’s opinion.

“Me? It doesn’t matter to me. It does not matter where you go, as your ancestor will most likely send me there, too. That way, I can monitor you.”

Fu Hua raised a good point. Chen Heng’s ancestor made her his teacher not only to impart her experiences and knowledge but also to oversee and guide him. She was to prevent him from becoming proud because of his privileged status of having a transcender ancestor. If the two were too far apart, how could she achieve that goal?

How could the Chen Clan ancestor not have ways to get Fu Hua into Jixia Academy? Those who know would know.

Seeing that his master did not mind and the anticipation in Mo Qingtong’s eyes, Chen Heng was divided…

“Let me think of a way to bring Luo Li and Sirin into Jixia Academy too.”

“Ah Heng, why care about Luo Li? She is only a freshman in high school. Also, Sirin is just a second year in middle school. Bringing them would be inappropriate, right?”

Mo Qingtong mentioned nothing about the difficulty of bringing those two into Jixia Academy. Ever since she found out Chen Heng’s ancestor was a transcender and saw Chen Heng toying with the world consciousness, she no longer felt anything was impossible for him in this world.

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