Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 92: But There is Still Hope (1)

Chapter 92: But There is Still Hope (1)

It wasn’t like I didn’t want to go to the next city. Ten days were enough rest, in my opinion.

Also, since the sealing device was nearing completion, my character wouldn't tolerate idling in this place any longer. While he might be wary of any further outbursts, he wasn't the type to obediently comply for the rest of his life.

It was about time to go someplace different to kill Demons.

Recruiting more comrades was also something to welcome. The Archmage, who was considered a nuker (a character that can deal explosive damage in an instant) in-game, wasn't actually a very good damage dealer with all these realistic elements now included.

His casting—he would just stand still and cast his spells—simply took too long and required far too much preparation. He might be effective during a siege or raid, but now that most battles were mostly melee or required movement, his use had become rather vague.

He had more often supported us from the rear in various ways than actively participated in the battle.

Deb? Deb… Since we didn't include him in the party for his battle prowess, we couldn't really see him as a proper damage dealer. He was fine just doing what he was best at.

As such, it was as clear as day that we needed to recruit a new comrade, especially someone who could fight.

“The arena… is it?”

However, my feelings were somewhat contradictory. While ten days to rest were more than enough, I still wanted to play some more.

I felt like an office worker screaming, ‘How is the weekend already over?!’

“Yes. We'll definitely find talented people worth joining our group there. Even if we don't, there should be plenty of strong people to test our strength against.”

I also found it quite bothersome that our next destination would be an arena. Thinking back to the original game, one class immediately came to mind.

“What's the name of the arena?”

“It's Ainoxar, the arena of Pa Enoch.”

Of course, if that class’s official character were to join our team, our burden would be eased…

…Hrmm. I didn't really know if this would be fine, though.

My character setting wouldn't exactly work effectively with that class’s character.

* * *

“…Isn't this close to the Southern Front?”

While I was worrying about a different matter, Deb pointed out another problem. The Archmage, seemingly having already expected this question, had an answer ready immediately.

“Don't worry about that. The Southern Front is safer than you think. Isn't the existence of the arena proof enough? Nothing will happen, even if we go there.”

He added that if he had to choose the safest of the Four Fronts—North, South, East, and West—it would be the Southern Front, and it would be a good chance for us to gain some experience.

His arguments were quite persuasive. If we had to experience the frontlines one day anyway, it would be best to gain some experience one step at a time, starting from the lowest level.

This was especially true since we couldn't simply fast travel to locations, and moving between those places took a lot of time.

“No, that's…”

However, Deb's worries weren't soothed so easily. His eyes, peeking out from under his hood, traveled back to me.

“There's also the problem with Mister…”

At that moment, I remembered a particular setting I had completely forgotten about.

Now that I think of it… didn't I kind of establish that the Demon Knight had never been to the frontlines based on the hypothesis that Demons would become more aggressive and likely to run rampant the closer they were to the Demonic Realm?

“I was quite worried about that part, as well, but… I mean, as long as we are together on this journey, we’ll have to enter the Demonic Realm one day.”

I saw the Archmage’s eyes shift from Deb to me. His eyes, blue as snow and ice, were now filled with clouds of worry. It seemed he held doubts about his own proposal.

“Haven’t we just finished developing the sealing device? We should take this opportunity to test it. Is it truly impossible for you to enter the Demonic Realm, or can you overcome its influence using the sealing device?”

“But the risk is just too…!”

“I think it’s a good idea.”

Deb seemed opposed to it, while the Inquisitor was in favor. Of course, she had to look into my face right after saying that.

“However, if you don’t want to, I have no intention of forcing you, Demon Knight. However, if you are willing to try it, I’ll take care of anything that might happen. I’m more than confident this time.”

What truly dependable words.

I completely immersed myself in my roleplaying, suppressing the laughter about to burst out. How would my character act in this situation?

My calculations didn’t last that long.

“I’m going.”

I mean, there was no way my character would ever shirk that place. Realistically, if I said I would take a step back here, all future developments would get twisted beyond recognition.

I ended my words by brushing over the place where the sealing device had been. Deb seemed to have more to say, but no words left his mouth.

Like that, our next destination had been decided.

* * *

At dawn the next day, White Wind, who had run off saying he only needed to make some adjustments to the sealing device’s durability, returned.

He came at the right time. We had agreed to leave as soon as the sealing device was completed.

“I paid as much attention as I could to the finished device’s design!”

…While I didn’t know much about design or fashion, I really couldn’t tell what had changed.

“Until now, you always wore it over your clothes, but you can now actually wear it directly on your arm! I put a spell on it to prevent it from getting released on its own!”

I took the ring-shaped seal he gave me, feeling rather strange. I didn’t really feel like stripping in front of the others—even if I did take off all my clothes right now, all they would be able to see was my carefully bandaged upper body—so I planned to put it on later.

“I made another one in case this one breaks, so I’ll leave it in your care, as well. If you encounter any inconveniences while wearing it or have ideas for improvements, let me know through our friend here! I’ll keep improving it!”

“No need to worry. I’ll ensure stable communication between you.”

“Hmm, I’ll leave it to you, then!”

Immediately after saying that, White Wind chuckled and vanished like the wind, saying his job was done. His title really fit him well.

“…It must have been difficult.”

What…? The only difficulty was matching White Wind’s tension with my character settings, so if one thought a bit more, wouldn’t White Wind, the device’s developer, have gone through much more trouble?

I wiped over the seal he created with my fingertips a few more times.

Now that I thought about it, I hadn’t even been able to thank or pay him for his troubles. Although the former was pretty much impossible with my character setting, I could have done the latter, but alas, I had missed the opportunity to do so.

Would it be okay?

“Go and put it on. In the meantime, I’ll prepare some horses. Or do you want me to come along?”

“Not needed.”

…Seeing that the Archmage wasn’t saying anything, it should be fine.

Accepting the Archmage’s kind consideration, I left for a bit. I rented an unused room for a little while and immediately put the seal on my right arm.

As my total amount of Arcane Power decreased, I felt like a corner of my mind became clearer. However, it wasn’t all that refreshing.


I put on some of my clothes and rewrapped the bandages on my right arm, which had loosened a bit, before putting on my gauntlet. In that process, I caught a glimpse of my arm’s skin, which was pitch black, but I just moved on.

I’d gotten used to its appearance because I had to look at it every time I wanted to wash up, after all.

Just like I’d become used to putting on my bandages and fastening my eye patch so it felt comfortable but not too loose.

Or how I wasn’t all that surprised anymore about my body being totally different from my original one.

…Was it because my break was over, and it was time to get back to work? I somehow felt stuffy on the inside.

I shook away the thoughts that had suddenly appeared in my head. Clap, clap. Two light taps on my cheek brought me back to my senses.


I put on my shirt, vest, coat, and gauntlet one after the other.

Ah, and I also put on my newly acquired chest protector beneath my shirt. It was fashioned like one of those archery chest protectors… It was fine since the shirt and vest didn’t make it too obvious I was wearing it.

Now, I just had to check my facial expression one last time and fix it accordingly, and then everything would be perfect.

“I’m sorry, but… Could I ask for directions? I got a little lost… Aah.”

But who was that person?

The room I was changing in was the same one I’d been using over the past few days. Furthermore, the place we were staying at was separated from the general accommodations provided to Temple’s visitors.

No matter how lost one got… How could they wander into this place?

However, when I remembered my very directionally challenged cousin, I figured this might just be possible.

“I was looking for my assigned room, but no matter how hard I look, I can't seem to find my group's accommodations…”

After glancing at the word ‘Grindana' written across their chest, I walked away without saying anything. While it felt a little awkward, I didn't even know the general location of their rooms, so I couldn't really answer.

“Ah, so you want me to follow you?”

However, getting angry at them and telling them to get lost seemed a bit much.

I ignored the person following me. For a moment, an awkward silence pressed down on our surroundings.

“…But is it really fine to travel to Pa Enoch wearing that armor? It must be pretty hot in the desert.”

“That's nothing to be concerned about. I tested it yesterday.”


“I tried artificially heating my room yesterday. I had a theory that this armor might contain some water-attribute power since it was made from the scales of a sea dragon… And as it turns out, my theory was right.”

“Water-attribute power, you say…”

“The effect isn't anything special, though. It just makes you sweat less easily, and you feel cool and refreshed, as if you’re submerged in water wherever you go. Going a little further, I might be able to fare a bit better in water than your average person.”

“Anything special?! It's really great! At least you won’t burn up in the heat!”

Then, I reached the stables where the others were waiting.

I ignored the person behind me making confused noises when they realized this also wasn't their room. They should just ask the stable keeper for directions.

“Damn, you ripped off such good armor from Mister Knight.”

“R-Ripped off?!”

While the seemingly jealous Deb argued with the Inquisitor, I approached them. The Archmage, trying to mediate between the two, noticed me.

“Now, now. Look, the Demon Knight is back already.”

“B-But that damn thief!”


…I had been thinking about this ever since I saw Deb speaking with the Inquisitor on the ship, but it seemed those two had grown pretty close.

As I watched those two bicker with each other again, I climbed onto one of the horses they had organized.

“Let's leave.”

It was time to go.

* * *

* * *

The arena, which the Archmage had suggested as our next destination, and the city it was in were directly next to a desert.

That meant if you wanted to travel there from the port city of Canaves, it would take several weeks—assuming you rode a horse—to arrive.

“There aren't any reports of unusual activities around Pa Enoch. In fact, it appears to be even more peaceful than usual since even the Demon Worshipers occasionally up to no good have completely disappeared.”

On our way, Deb collected information about Pa Enoch and Ainoxar every time we stopped by a village.

Things about the city’s level of security, unusual events occurring around it, and, most importantly, any talented people who may be.

“It might be because the average skill level of their fighters has gradually increased over the past ten to twenty years.”

“Looks like it rose a lot. A lot of talented people must have gathered in the city.”

“Maybe so. Currently, the most famous person in Ainoxar is a fighter nicknamed ‘Martial King’.”

Hmm. While it seemed like a strong name, paradoxically, it also seemed weak. Usually, for someone to be worthy of such a name, they had to be the main character, part of the main character’s party, or at least a rival character.

I munched on my salad while Deb kept reporting. Perhaps because we were close to the desert, it contained dates and tasted pretty sweet.

“I heard he managed to maintain his position as the arena’s ‘champion’ for five years straight… Although this news is three weeks old, it’s quite unlikely he’s lost his position in that time, considering he’s held it for five years.”


“What is ‘champion’? Is that some kind of nickname?”

“…It’s an honorary title given to the best fighter of the arena. It’s a little different from a nickname.”

The food here was far too sweet, so I didn’t especially feel like eating it… That was a bit disappointing.

“Only a contestant with at least ten consecutive wins can challenge the champion. There’s also the condition that the champion can never refuse a single challenge… So, if you managed to hold that position for five years, you would definitely be pretty strong.”

“Certainly… Under those conditions, I don’t think that he’s lacking skills. Then should we ask this ‘Martial King’ to help us?”

“Unless there’s something seriously wrong with him, it would be better if we did.”

I scooped up the last few vegetables and put them in my mouth before putting down my spoon. Although this was also pretty sweet, it was a satisfying meal.

“What is your opinion?”

So, they also asked me.

“Not interested.”

I saw the need to recruit another person, but I couldn’t vigorously insist on someone. My character was a lone wolf, so he wouldn’t be that affected by the presence of his party members.

Moreover, the person we would be recruiting this time was… If they really were the official character of the class I was thinking of, I would rather not have them anyway.

It was a pretty popular class in the original Legend of Heroes, but if any players were to be asked whether they wanted to meet them directly, face to face, all of them would answer, ‘That’s a little…’ That’s the kind of character they were.

So, if you were to ask me…



At that moment, someone entered the inn we were in. As we were close to the desert, a thick cloth was draped over the entrance instead of a wooden door, so it only made a soft sound.

“I can smell the scent of a strong man coming from here!”

What followed was an excited voice. It didn’t sound friendly, but it certainly seemed lively, as if the word ‘power’ was tightly packed within it.

“Pardon? We don’t have a dish of that name here…”


Well, what their voice sounded like wasn’t important. While the owner was somewhat taken aback by their new customer’s unexpected words, Deb let out a sound of exclamation. His ears gradually lowered.

“I’m not talking about food! I’ll still eat here, though!”

“…This is my first time seeing such a huge Sland.”

While the owner and the new customer were talking, Deb whispered to us in a lowered voice. Hearing his whispered words, the Inquisitor also seemed to become curious and turned around.

Unlike Deb, she sat with her back to the entrance, so she had to turn her head to see that visitor. The same went for me.

“They seem like a very well-trained warrior.”

“Given their dark skin, they seem to be from the desert. Are they using that halberd as a weapon?”

The Inquisitor and Archmage’s words offered some additional information to this person I had yet to see.

A Sland warrior with a large body, the way they were looking for a ‘strong man’, dark skin, and a halberd.

Suddenly, a certain someone passed through my mind.

“Ah, then how about sheep’s milk cheese and date bread? We also have smoked lamb!”

“Sounds good! But before that, there’s something I have to do first!”

…The person who’d come in didn’t have platinum blonde hair, by any chance, right? And even if they did, it probably wasn’t in a wolf cut, right? It couldn’t be, right?

“I came to fight that strong guy. Yes, you! The one with his back turned to me!”

Please, someone tell me that it wasn’t like that.

“Mister, I think they are calling for you.”

I desperately wanted to facepalm because I suspected I knew who that person was without hearing their name. Although I knew, I tried to ignore them. However, thanks to Deb's confirmation, I was even more sure, which killed any semblance of hope in me.

“Can’t you hear me?”

No matter how much I thought about it, this was definitely the official character of the class that immediately appeared in my mind when I heard we would go to the arena. I could tell without even looking at their face, damn it.

“…Are you referring to someone at our table?”

Fortunately, the Archmage answered them on my behalf.

“Yeah! I was speaking to one of you!”

The other person didn’t seem to notice the slight anxiety in his voice and agreed enthusiastically. I felt a headache gradually welling up.

“What business might you have with us?”

“Didn’t ‘Berserk’ just say that? I want to fight that warrior over there!”

They might be someone completely different, with just some slight similarities in appearance and speech… What was that?

Immediately after I heard what that visitor had just said, my hope, which had been running on ‘maybes’, ‘possiblies’, and ‘probablies’, finally broke completely.

Aah, they introduced themselves. They said they were Berserk.

And Berserk was the third class change of the class I had in mind: Fighter. In other words, they’d just confirmed that they were that class’s official character.

“…That would be a little difficult.”

“What’s difficult? There’s nothing more enjoyable than fighting against someone strong!”

I had an ominous feeling when I heard we would be looking for our next comrade in the arena, but as I’d expected, the Berserk would be the one to join us.

If possible, I would like the Archmage or Inquisitor to oppose their joining, but that wouldn’t happen, right?

Yeah, probably not. Up until now, there hadn’t been a single case where an official character didn’t join our party almost directly after showing their face.

“He doesn’t fight with normal people.”

“Berserk isn’t a normal person!”

“…That’s not what I meant. I mean that he doesn’t fight people unrelated to Demons.”

“So, he’s a Demon Hunter? That’s even better! There’s no one stronger than someone who knows how to kill Demons! Let’s fight!”


“Wow, he’s seriously quiet, isn’t he?”


I picked up my glass of water, trying to ignore my reality. I felt like so many painfully annoying things were happening these days.

“Fight with me, warrior!”

“…Get lost.”

…Now that this disaster was here, things could only get better, right?


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