Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 463

Chapter 463: Still, you will be blessed (2)

The moment he stepped on the grass in the garden, the Inquisitor realized that there was no one around him.

“Adventurer? Crusher?”

I tried calling others just in case, but the situation was the same. There was no one around. Or at least the presence of enemies or insects that would normally exist in a garden.


No, in some ways, it may be natural that there are no bugs in this castle. After all, the owner of this castle was called the lord of magic—the Inquisitor did not like that expression. Because hitting the enemy upwards was a factor in lowering morale—wasn’t it there?

If he hated bugs, as criminals usually do, he would have taken appropriate measures in this garden as well. Therefore, it is completely understandable that there are no bugs themselves.

“Everyone is not there!!”

However, the fact that none of those who entered with her were by her side… That…

The Inquisitor realized. How rarely had she been left alone so far. How many people helped her.

The cheeks of the young man who was left alone in the enemy camp turned white as if the color had been bleached. It was a moment when she was already missing the people who had always been by her side.


For a moment, I felt confused. The young man woke me up by hitting me on the cheek a couple of times. The spirit you exhale through your mouth also plays a part in regaining your spirit.

Green eyes filled with light again.

“It only took a few seconds after we entered. So no one will be harmed already.”

She deliberately mumbled her words. This is because it is much more reassuring to let out a sound and hear it again with your ears rather than repeating it to yourself.

“So what I have to do is…”

It also helped me regain my composure and clarify the situation. The blue shining eyes were coated with the golden light of divine power.

“Oh God!”

She does not have the infinite knowledge of the commandments or the unexalted talent of an adventurer. However, that didn’t stop me from giving up my efforts.

“You are the one who knows each step even if your left eye is not open and your right eye is not visible!”

The Inquisitor’s red hair stood up, covering bright yellow gold like a veil. The cause was the wind pressure caused by the boiling sacred power. In the scattered light, a few strands of hair fluttered like flames.

“Now the poor man is praying, so please show me the right path!”

At the same time, a mighty demon began to take shape in the young man’s sight. Originally, it was an invisible being hidden by the demonic power of the Demon King’s Castle.

“That place!”

That was enough.

The Inquisitor rushed forward as soon as he sensed the deviant presence. I didn’t care that there were no people around me right now who had the wisdom to skillfully destroy the trap or the ability to remove it in a sophisticated manner. That wasn’t really that important to her.

[Who dares to run in the hallway!]

However, when he left the garden and stepped into the hallway, the Inquisitor held the hilt of his mace tightly. A robed monster holding a scythe is just appearing in front of her, just like the explanation I heard before.

[Be judged—?!]

And just as the robe monster was about to swing the scythe with his hand made of fog, the Inquisitor moved his mace half a beat faster.

Pow! The mace, filled with divine power, struck the robe monster’s body and exploded. Pieces of black fog and fragments of light flew in all directions.

『In fact, most things are not that complicated if you look closely. If you find it difficult to do, you simply lack the strength. Do you understand?』

The Inquisitor acknowledged as he looked at that figure. Berserk was right. Even though it was a primitive kind, honest strength was also one of the solutions.


Also, that ignorant power is exactly what suits her. The person holding the mace used his feet again.

[Running in the hallways— Wow!]

[Those who break the rules— Wow!]

The body with the shield in front of it started moving forward, smashing down the hallways and walls like a bulldozer.

* * *

The first thing that hit me was an arrow of light. The wolf was momentarily obscured by the burdensome twinkling light that obscured his vision. If I hadn’t been aware of the other person through my senses, I would have missed it right away.

Chunk chuck!

Meanwhile, some arrows had slightly different speeds than others. A couple of the arrows that I could see and dodge were fired at me so fast I could barely follow them with my eyes.

‘Holy shit—’

I barely managed to avoid it by twisting my waist, while crossing my legs like I was walking like a crab and running three steps. The pelvis, which is rotated to match the twisted waist, changes the appearance of crab walking back into front running.


The sound of a wolf howling clawed at my back. If it weren’t for the cloak, it was an attack that would have definitely cut into my skin. Maybe it was a real green onion.

“Gretchen up!”

But I didn’t even have time to catch my breath. The moment the wolf passed me, crossfire poured down from the ceiling as if it had been waiting.

‘I guess I’ll just hit that side first.’

Not even a minute has passed since I entered this place—even including the conversation time—how many times have I already been put on the defensive? I used Ratel like a shield and fixed my running direction to one direction.

My gaze became entangled with the person on the throne.

[It’s just like an insect.]

She crossed her legs and tilted the scepter that was propped up against her elbows a little more loosely. Then, the magic circle bloomed in front of her like a flower blooming, creating a transparent curtain. It was a curtain that blocked half of the hall.


At the same time, the wolf occupying space behind me sank into the floor. A new magic circle is emerging above the wolf, which sinks without a sound.


I could see the magic circle on the floor sparkling with light after hitting the curtain.

There is one jin to be the central axis, 5 jin to draw the pentagram, and 13 to draw the outermost border. There are 72 characters engraved in the right direction. It was a large magic circle where they coexisted.


I don’t know exactly what it is, but if I rely on the knowledge I’ve picked up so far, it’s definitely an offensive magic. My pupils dilated for a moment and caught Ratel.

[Fuck! Add magical energy immediately!]

Even the voice that seemed like it would never get involved in the process added a word. Immediately after Ratel and Magi wrapped around my body, I felt a powerful shock that crushed my internal organs.


I felt nauseous even though I didn’t want to. Isn’t it just nauseating when you cough up blood?

Anyway, I spat my last breath, feeling the helpless presence of the melting Ratel and the presence of five broken jewels at once. The red liquid seeped into the floor and spread like ink.


Wow, I feel really terrible.

Although I felt dizzy with disgust, as if I had been showered with divine power, I steadily restored the ratel and internal organs. It has never been this convenient to just inject magic and come back unharmed.

with a splash!

And then it rolled along the tent and fell straight into the lake. Water scales fluttered above the head, and the shadow of the wolf that had lost its target stretched out. The sound of chains echoing from all directions is more vivid because it is underwater.


But they never caught me. The magical energy that burst out of me pushed the water and chains in a circular motion.



In that state, I pulled out Ratel long and stretched it forward. Ratel rose up like a thorn protruding from the palm of his hand and pierced the wolf on the surface of the lake.

[It seems like it’s going to work─]

Ratel then soared endlessly into the sky until it reached the chandelier decorating the ceiling. Crash. The tip of the curved thorn caught the chandelier.


Then the middle part of the thorn contracted and pulled me up. The conflict with the wolf that occurs in the process has no meaning whatsoever.

[How dare you!]

It was vaporized to avoid the thorn attack, and the physical power it exerted in the process was zero. I used him to soar tens of meters into the air, almost passing the wolf.

Adam was not without intelligence, so he quickly realized my intention… but it was too late. The wolf, which materialized to avoid the thorns, gritted its teeth.

Ping ping ping!


Of course, that wasn’t the only thing targeting me, so I had to move right away. The Ratel hook hanging from the chandelier came loose and my body fell. It was like an arrow of light that narrowly passed over my head.

“Arrows are flying!”

‘I know how to do that!’

Of course, it wasn’t just arrows that flew. Extraordinarily fast arrows… things that I would loosely call spears were still mixed in there.

For reference, it was easier to shoot them down with a magic spear than to avoid them. It was also safe. Quang. The intangible energies collided in the air and caused a small explosion.

[I’m not happy that bugs can’t be easily caught.]

“Damn it!”

In the midst of this, Oman said something to make me angry. In fact, this child was especially vicious, and he didn’t just say it, he actually added a new pattern.

A magic circle that occasionally bloomed in the air spewed out a straight beam of light. Although it was not a guided type, it was a magic circle that spewed out rays of light at different angles according to the direction I was going. It was very scary.


What can I do if you block me with attacks front and back and left and right? Um yeah. There is nothing I can do. Just hit the tent with your head.


I evaded all kinds of attacks by spinning my mid-air body in various directions like the celestial part of an armillary sphere. Additionally, while doing so, he poured as much magic as he could into the ratel he was holding. It is so full that it overflows until the moment when magical energy becomes demonic energy and demonic energy becomes flame.



And just when I thought that the flame could erase the world, a half moon floated over this lake. All the lights attacking me were erased and the transparent curtain was shattered. The same was true for the iceberg that was inflated to block the flames, as was its owner.


The wolf engulfed in black flames howled uglyly. Even the mane it had grown to pretend to be a lion had disappeared in the fire, leaving only its distorted skin visible.

[…okay. Excellent.]


The devil sitting on the throne on the lake where the wolf was rustling around laughed heartily. Since my attack didn’t hit it, the throne appears to be perfectly fine.

[At this level, you are qualified to have a conversation. I admit it.]

But in order to keep it intact, there is a burnt offering right in front of it.

I wiggled my eyebrows at the arrogant person who didn’t even glance at his family members who were in pain. Even at this moment, I was running across the lake trying to find an opening to attack, but even so, I felt a sense of annoyance.

My legs traced where the tent had been and jumped over the remnants of the glacier that the wolves had created.

[However, that recognition does not mean that I agree to your survival.]

If you hit me again like this, that calm and weak face will probably get some reaction. Actually, the best thing is to just die.

[My God.]

[My beast, listen.]

[Now I am giving up my life, so sing for eternity.]

However, the moment the being that had been still until now moved, I gave up condensing my magical power. This is because I half-instinctively realized that now is not the time to build up a charging stack, but that I should focus on attacking first.


The moment Abel stabbed his heart with the dagger, my strike erased Abel and all the angel statues behind the throne. Even the form of arrogance was the same as belonging to the extinct.

[Those who receive my favor never break.]

There is no way they could die this easily? The moment I thought that, an echo came from the air, as if to echo that thought.

[Bring victory.]

At the same time, not a single ashes remained, and bright red drops of blood were created in the empty space of the hall. It was a plump drop of blood that swelled on its own.


Yeah, it can’t end like this!

I waved away my regret and fired the magic spear at the blood drop. I confirmed that some kind of energy was flowing regularly within me, but since I couldn’t interpret the type, I was in the mindset to start from the beginning.


However, rather than piercing the blood drop, the magic spear I fired was blocked midway. The reason was that there was a transparent curtain in the middle.

Also, in the meantime, the blood drop grew beyond the size of a volleyball to the size of a disc with a diameter of 1m. Twelve numbers and hour and minute hands are just being engraved on the cross section of the disc.

“This is crazy!”

I suddenly gained enlightenment from the clock-like appearance and the series of flows that became clear as they were completed.

That’s a watch made of blood.

In a time other than anything else—

[I will give you many opportunities to overturn defeat.]

Before my realization could reach my brain, the time of the space excluding me was rewound.

It was all over again.

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