Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 460

Chapter 460: That’s how you’ll be blessed (6)

Hawkeye stared at the assault team reaching the castle’s barrier—in fact, he couldn’t see the barrier, only that they were floating in the air—and lowered his bow. My arm throbbed slightly after sniping long distances without stopping for a short period of time.

“How is it?”

“We arrived properly except for two people.”

“Except for two people??”

“are you okay. “He will be alive.”

He thought of the two people hanging on the dragon’s head because they couldn’t escape in time.

Although Qureity was almost chewed to death by the dragon, we saw the dark-skinned Sland tribe give up their parachute to save them. After that, I vaguely saw the two figures ascending onto the dragon’s head.

“Oh, you’re still alive.”

A little later, he confirmed the presence of Qity flying towards the hero from the dragon’s tail. I know that the Qureity knight doesn’t have that much jumping ability, so the Sland tribe probably threw it to him.

“Now even the Qureity driver has joined us. But it looks like the Sland warrior remained on the dragon’s back.”

“You mean Berserk….”


Hawkeye picked up a new bow with relaxed muscles again. The reason for changing the weapon is because there is no need to cover the hero party anymore once they have reached the barrier. Each bow has a slightly different range and use.

Pow! Pow!

“What should we do with that dragon?”

“I… I don’t know. “It doesn’t seem like the artillery fire isn’t working…”

Even though the archmages were being pounded by the artillery fire they had prepared in advance—most of it was directed toward the Demon Castle, but some of it was fired at the dragon—they swallowed their silence as they watched the dragon flying resolutely.

The dragon’s swimming was as leisurely as its size, but it was still faster than the castle, so it was already right in front of them.

“hmm. “For now, I will join in slaying the dragon.”

“Is it possible?”

“I think we’ll need a new kind of strengthening magic.”


“yes? Ah yes!”

For this purpose, the wizard who had been left here came hurriedly holding an arrow he had been waiting for.

“First of all, I made fifteen shots…”

“Oh, is it possible to add explosion magic to that? If that doesn’t work, take off the acceleration.”

“Oh, if it explodes, I don’t think you can take it out?”

The wizard, who appeared to be innocent, fired another arrow with unexpected boldness in a situation where he would have died if he did so. Special arrows that must be used sparingly in normal times were created in an instant.

“I just made one.”

“Please do the rest as well, and prepare to cast strengthening magic overlapping just in case.”

How many days will we be able to shoot as many magic arrows as today? Today is the first time we have had the luxury of using a wizard to make a custom order.

Hawkeye felt a strange feeling at that point and pulled out a protest. What you’re aiming for is the eyes. It was an area that was bound to be a weak point in most living things.


At the same time, a strange sound came from the protest. It was a sound as if steel was being pulled, a sound that does not come from a normal bowstring.

The release, which was intended to apply maximum force rather than a posture for rapid fire, bent the bow as if it would break.


And when that tension reaches its peak. When the focus and wind that only Hawkeye can feel are met.

He put up a protest. The arrow was shot, creating an air current that was slower than sound but faster than wind. The force was so strong that the hair of Hawkeye, who fired the shot, and Timanuk, who was behind him, were instantly blown away.

“Did it work?”

“It hasn’t arrived yet.”

Hawkeye followed the arrow he shot with his eyes and shouted just as it hit the dragon’s eye.

“I’ve reached it now.”

Quang! The arrow that hit the dragon’s eye caused an explosion.


“It worked!”

“Did it work?!”

The dragon’s body, which had almost reached the expanded Earth, was bent and twisted this way and that. Its long, wingless body violently shakes its whiskers and tail feathers every time it stumbles.

“No, it didn’t break through.”

But Hawkeye knew. This is an attack where the eye is stabbed with a finger but the eyeball is not exploded. I can be sure because I witnessed the arrow bounce back the moment it hit the eye.

“Please cast a penetration spell.”

“Uh… like an explosion?”

“Will it be difficult?”

“Isn’t it difficult?”

“Then just penetration.”


There’s already been an attack in my sight once, so I’ll be on higher alert next time. But did I know that my eyes would be that hard?

“Is there one chance in the future… Ah. “I wish Crusher would pick out those eyes.”


No, the crusher can’t crush it. Because it’s in the sky. In the first place, Crusher went to that big castle.

So he has to be the one to drop it by poking it in the eye or hitting it with something else. Hawkeye pulled the bowstring again. This time it is an arrow with a piercing spell.

[Human!! Be careful!!]

However, the arrow with the piercing spell could not be fired towards the dragon.

“come! “Prepare the barrier!”

[Die, you little creatures.]

The first reason is that the dragon passed by the second expansion district, and the second reason is that the blue-black bird that had been postponed as a low-priority target approached.

“You bastards!”

The penitent fairy’s magic and the blue-black bird’s flames collided to create a rainbow.

* * *

In fact, Meister was considering the possibility that the Expansion Earth itself was blocked until he got on Frederick’s back. This was unavoidable since these frontline cities were usually strict about managing deserters.


But the worries ended up just being worries. He stopped the deserter and everyone panicked, so he just said, ‘This is the name of the archmage’ and the door was immediately opened.

“Fuck, this really sucks!”

If you’re asking, “Is this what a frontline city should look like?”

Honestly, I think days like today should be made an exception. After all, what human would not feel confused when the Demon King is walking towards him?

Moreover, with the birth of the expanded district, command authority has also been dispersed. This means that at least one area is likely to become disordered due to unexpected variables.

And no matter how solid a wall in the world is, it can easily be shattered as soon as there is a crack in one place.

“Is something wrong?!”

“No, it just sucks!”


Meanwhile, the horse carrying him is so fast and dynamic that just holding on to it is extremely difficult. Meister, who was almost hugging Frederick’s neck, cursed again.

“Hey, tell me if you fall!”

“I don’t think I’ll be able to speak if I fall…!”

Are you going to fall off your horse while running at this speed? It is fortunate that it ends in a fracture, but there is a high probability that it will lead to death. Even though I said that, it was just a joke. If you die, I kill you. Something like that.

In that respect, this kid has no sense.

The Meister thought about this and quickly checked their location. Is there still a long way to go before we reach the first expansion Earth? No matter how far I went, all I could see was desolate land, so it was hard to tell where I had reached.

His eyebrows furrowed.




But while he was running, the girl called him. behind? Of course, Meister turned his head reflexively at those words.


When analyzing the hostile forces, a dragon that was obviously Cain or something was flying in this direction.

“Hey, run sideways!! “The dragon is coming from behind!!!”


Purr, purr!

Meister and Girl Frederick’s leg carrying them quickly turned to the left and fell.


And soon, the dragon’s massive body passed by where they were. Where the body floating in an S-shape passes, white snow and dust rise to form clouds on the ground.

It was a cloud that would reach the Meister and the girl who fell sideways.

“I thought the fuck was gone…”

Wouldn’t it have been safer if it had just stayed there? Meister even thought about that, but paused for a moment as he looked at the clouds that still remained.

“Master Daemyeong?”


He urged Frederick to approach the cloud created by the dragon. Then he reached out and touched it—

“Gravity has changed…?”


He suddenly said.

The Meister’s eyes dilated.

* * *


Meanwhile, Berserk frowned at the dragon’s extremely violent movements. As long as there is a mane running along the spine on the dragon’s back, it is not very difficult to hold on and hold on, but moving forward is another matter.


Not only that, but after an explosion occurred from the head, the dragon even created a strange phenomenon. Since becoming an adult, her body, which had never fallen off something it was standing on unless she wanted it to, began to float on its own.

This was a completely different context from the wind blowing in the clear sky that floated her—the wind could never have floated her in the first place.

If I were to be specific, the body itself became infinitely lighter, like a urinal ball that floats when you tap it or a feather floating on the surface of the water… or it was closer to the feeling that the heaviness you felt every time you set foot on the ground disappeared.


Accordingly, his movements became very awkward. The weight that a person carries all their life suddenly evaporates, so even if she is good at handling her body, she will feel awkward until she gets used to it.

bang! bang!

Even more so when this damned snake bastard twists and turns its body around.

The dragon, which was making a movement that seemed to be intoxicated, suddenly dived towards the ground. The sense of speed is almost twice that of what I have felt so far.


And just before the dragon’s body collided with the ground, its direction changed. It was a change of direction to simply fly without putting the head and body on the ground or rubbing it over it.

Kwajik Kwazik!

The dragon’s body, flying low with a space about the size of a child, began to destroy the second expansion Earth’s placenta.

The place where its head or body passed is filled with broken walls, tents, and twisted people. Some of the unlucky ones were either run over to death or had their limbs torn off by the debris of the collapsed building, leaving them in a miserable state.


But there was something truly dangerous in the process.

“Woo wow!”

A sense of loss of any pressure and weight she was currently experiencing. That feeling was left behind in the place where the dragon passed.

Paang! Papak!

Being light means that the strength to resist any force is weak.

The fragments, which should have been fired at a reasonable speed, flew out in all directions much more than twice as fast as usual. It got to the point where I thought that if I hit it with intention, it might go that fast.

“Everyone’s legs are gone…”

“Save me…!”


Naturally, the number of injuries caused by debris increased. This is because the blow, which normally would have ended up as a scratch or a penetrating wound, turned into a fatal wound that crushed the entire limb.


But Berserk couldn’t save them. Her personal power was focused on killing, and even she was having a hard time just standing on the dragon’s back right now.


Let’s hold on to the dragon’s mane and face the storm-like wind for a moment. Before we knew it, the dragon’s head had reached the first expansion district.

This time too, it seems as if it will pass by just barely, as its altitude is mysteriously separated from the ground.



As expected, the dragon tried to just pass by the first expansion district. Berserk’s eyes narrowed as he watched the fragments breaking into contact with the dragon’s body, leaving scratches on his body.

“The city…”

Is the city the purpose? This dragon.

As she passed two expansion globes, she saw a dragon’s body, some of its scales peeled off and broken. Because it was so large, it was hardly noticeable, but it had taken some damage. It’s just that the accumulation of blows wasn’t enough to defeat him.

Then what she will do is hit more and stronger attacks to make the guy fall completely. It was also the best timing as it was close to the ground.

In any case, if a dragon soars hundreds or thousands of meters into the air, it becomes difficult to catch and kill it and return alive.


I got used to this strange feeling, as if my entire body had become lighter. The Berserk’s body, which slowly advanced while holding on to its mane, found the scales that were slightly lifted and plunged its weapon into it. It was a weapon similar to a harpoon that had been placed in subspace.


However, the harpoon was not of much concern to this large body. The dragon continued to move forward, ignoring the tiny thorns getting stuck in its body.


And at that moment, Berserk bent his body like a bow. To exaggerate it, he could touch the soles of his feet and the top of his head.


The leather clothes, unable to withstand its incredible flexibility, popped a few buttons, and she felt the wind seeping through the clothes and rotated her legs as if they were bouncing.


The iron-plated shoe kicked the tip of the harpoon, and one scale was completely removed.

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