Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 418

Episode 418 So (1)

Is it because I eat a lot of dinner and late-night snacks? In the morning, bloating hit me first. It wasn’t like I was feeling sick, it was just a feeling of bloating because my stomach was still full and I was not hungry.

“Is that all you eat?”

“I ate a lot yesterday.”

So I gathered only relatively light items and filled a bowl. After I brought him half a bowl of soup full of spices, his gaze towards me became much softer.

“It’s refreshing….”

I didn’t drink alcohol, but if I had a feeling of relief, this would be it. Oh really. I love that this city uses spicy spices in its cooking.

I was once again amazed as I sipped the soup on my plate with satisfaction.


However, the Inquisitor, who heard my exclamation, tilted his head. For reference, she has currently kicked out the late Deathbringer and taken the seat next to me. A distressed Deathbringer sat next to him with his ears laid to the side and muttered.

“Is the soup cold already? Shall I bring a new one?”

“…? It’s still warm, so there’s no need to do that…”

Why did he suddenly say something out of the blue… Ah. Just because I’m cool?

“If you’re thinking that I’m cool because I said it’s cool, that’s a misunderstanding. “I just sometimes describe the food in my hometown as refreshing because it’s hot but makes you feel refreshed.”

“Oh, is that something like that?”

“It’s strange that you express your admiration using completely opposite words.”

After hearing my explanation, the Inquisitor said, “Aha!” I was convinced by the expression on his face. After I told everyone where my hometown was, I didn’t see any particularly confused faces.

Ting Ting.

Uh… I don’t know if it’s confusing, but there might be at least one person who is distraught.

I saw the Deathbringer munching on the female soup with a spoon. There was no need or room for me to intervene as it was a problem he had to overcome, but it was a little heartbreaking.

Is he that sad about not seeing me again? Although the Inquisitor was very disappointed, he accepted that this was something that would never change and firmly shouted that we should have a better time until then.

“Daejeon Temple, I want to eat that too…”

“Did you forget that I got an upset stomach after eating yesterday? “Just eat your porridge quietly, pipe player.”


If you look closely, the Inquisitor looks more like an adult than the Deathbringer. While thinking that, I placed my hand on the head of the girl who was shaking her feet.

“If you feel any signs of stomach upset, I’ll let you eat as much as you want, so just hold on for a little while.”

“But this porridge tastes weird and I don’t like it….”

“Wow, the kid who used to live in a place where I used to worry about food is now full.”


I glared at him once and then made eye contact with Isarncol. Isarncol’s cheeks paled a little, as if he had realized something from Meister’s words.

He had the kind of blood that made him wonder whether he had crossed a line or not.


But that’s something Isarncol shouldn’t worry about. I stroked the girl’s head.

“If you don’t want to eat yam porridge, you don’t have to force yourself to eat it. “Eat only boiled cabbage soup and suzma.”

To be honest, I think I’m not a picky eater if it’s just a simple call. My theory is that unless picky eating is so severe that it causes health problems, there is no need to force a person to correct picky eating.

There are cases where it gets better as it grows, and there are many cases where force-feeding causes negative feelings, so why force it? Even though there are few or no options right now.

“…I’ll just eat it.”

“No, you don’t have to eat it if you don’t like it. I’m serious. “Didn’t I tell you not to listen to that mean adult?”

“What are you doing, you bastard?”

“…Can you really not eat it?”


There is no need to endure dislike even now that there are so many likes and dislikes to choose from. I told this to Isarncol, and after eating spicy food, I came up with a few foods that were effective in treating an upset stomach.

I don’t like green tea because it’s bitter, but I remember milk and honey were also effective.

“When you finish the soup, I will add honey to your milk.”


Assuming they don’t have lactose intolerance, there aren’t many children who don’t like milk and honey. After giving my child a reason for his passion by offering a reward, I turned my head back to my meal.

“Don’t be too fussy, adventurer. “Isn’t the kid just acting foolish?”

“It is a child’s right to be foolish. “It would be overprotective if I listened to his stubbornness, but I think this is an acceptable level.”

I was momentarily dumbfounded by Berserk’s words. It wasn’t just because of the content. It’s because she knows that when a child wants food, she has to come in at night to ask where he can get it.

“No, you’re too weak. “If I raise him like you, he will only look for you when he grows up?”

“It would be like that if you just blindly protect yourself by abandoning even proper discipline. But I’m not just trying to be overprotective of my child. “I’m just trying to avoid oppressing and forcing the mold that adults want.”

“Is fixing your picky eating a lot of oppression?”

Despite all this, the Meister continued to argue. He especially acts like this whenever I take care of a girl. A breath resembling a sigh came out of my hand.

“Depending on their genes, people sometimes feel sweet in alcohol or just bitter. And many people generally dislike bitter tastes. However, if the former person continues to force the latter person to drink just because they can eat it, can we not say that it is coercion?”

“That’s… an ambiguous issue…”

“I think it’s coercion!”

“There is such a thing as constitution, so I guess it’s possible… I’ve never even thought about the taste of alcohol.”

“You are that adventurer. May I ask what genes are? That also seems to be knowledge of your world.”

“Oh, of course, Archmage.”

I took a moment to choose my words as I looked at the old man who asked carefully.

“If you explain it in a long way, it is complicated, but if you summarize it, it can be said that it is a substance that expresses individual traits in each organism. For example, the reason Deathbringer’s hair is green is because the trait of green hair is written into his genes, and the reason Meister has two hair colors is because that trait exists in his genes.”

People who really sell genetics will frown upon my explanation, but wouldn’t this be the best way to explain it as simply as possible to someone who doesn’t even know the letters of genes? It is true that this is all the knowledge I have in the first place.

“This is not knowledge I have learned intensively, so please understand it roughly conceptually.”

“No, thank you. “Genes… It’s an interesting concept.”

“Anyway, the Meister symbol may not necessarily be determined by a person’s taste. So, if you don’t have a choice, I don’t think there’s any reason to force it. Don’t you hate it when there is an alternative? “It’s just unreasonable to make your child do something you don’t like in order to correct his or her behavior.”

I don’t know how the word came out like this, but that’s roughly what I want to say. As I finished speaking, I looked directly at the meister.

“…There are times when you have to do something even if you don’t want to.”

“Know. But usually, when that word is used, it’s only in cases where you don’t want to work, but you have to work to make a living. “It’s not like this child needs to eat yam to survive, and yam isn’t a great luxury item, so I wonder if there’s a need to fight like this.”

It may be a waste, but to be honest, it is only a few pieces. At most, I only used two or three pieces of hemp that were as long as my finger.

And just as the Meister said, Isarncol is a child who came from a hungry place. If a child like that says he can’t eat it because it doesn’t taste good, isn’t it possible that it really isn’t his taste?

In the first place, you shouldn’t leave food… That’s right, surprisingly, Meister was the type who ate everything without any special consideration.

“…No, maybe I said something wrong about the latter. Even if it is not a luxury item, it is true that it is a waste. However, there are many people around who will eat what the child does not eat. “If you’re bothered by waste, isn’t this the solution?”

“It’s a waste to throw something away, so I guess I should eat it.”

With a sour expression, Berserk grabbed the porridge before Isarncol could touch it. Due to her personality, when taking care of her child from now on, she will only buy or prepare food without yam.

“It’s not that waste bothers me—”

Meister started to say something, but then pursed his lips for a moment.

“No, no. “I guess you’re right.”

His hair fell forward and obscured part of his face. The mouth that was visible through it did not change from straight, but I could not shake the feeling that the voice was somehow sinking.


“Tell me more about genes than that.”

…is not it? Unable to hide my tiredness from his questions, I put some cabbage soup and suzma on Isarkol’s plate. Fortunately, it suited the child’s tastes so he ran out of it quickly.

* * *

“female! “We’re here!”

Did I finish the whole breakfast? Wind Hand and Crusher Hawkeye visited at just the right time.

“These are them.”

While eating, I relayed everything that happened yesterday. Thanks to this, the Inquisitor recognized the two people at once, swallowed his saliva, and took a step forward.

“nice to meet you. “Please call me Inquisitor.”


“It’s Hawkeye. nice to meet you!”

Hawkeye grabbed the Inquisitor’s hand and shook it. The Inquisitor, who was taken aback at first by the brightness, responded with an angry smile. “yes!” The brightness has doubled.

“Why do I see a halo?”

“It’s the crazy Hawkeye department….”

“That priest is still the same.”

Of course, Crusher was disgusted and Windson laughed awkwardly.

“So… what do you have to say?”

“Oh, about that.”

The wind hand scratched its head and immediately took something out of its arms. It was something thick that overlapped both hands.

“I heard you’ll understand if I say Skylar…”

“huh? yes? Skylar?!”

At the same time, Deathbringer jumped up and grabbed the object with his wind hand. Perhaps to prevent it from breaking, it was wrapped in thick leather and string, so it didn’t come off easily. I don’t know how tightly it was tied.

“Why Skylar? Or rather, why do you have Skylar’s message?!”

“Is that because you took on the request?”

However, despite the Deathbringer’s astonishment, the wind hand only scratched the back of its head.

“To be precise, it’s an escort request.”

I asked, glancing at the contents of the object that Deathbringer finally succeeded in liberating.

“How grandiose it is to escort a letter. “Isn’t it usually expressed as transportation?”

Wrapped in leather was a letter envelope made with great care. Deathbringer threw away the leather wrapping paper and took out an envelope.

“Oh, that’s usually the case. But this is an escort. “Originally, the contract was to bring Skylar herself to the Deathbringer.”

Skylar? It’s a name I’ve heard before… Ah, I think it might have been the name of an acquaintance of Deathbringer’s…?

I traced my vague memories and remembered the truth.

I heard you run a store of some kind. You also lent us a horse… you gave it to us, right? Deathbringer joined because of that, so maybe…


“Unfortunately, he couldn’t adapt to this crazy weather…”

But… did he die on the way?

Just as Deathbringer and I were staring at the Wind Hand in anxiety, he shrugged his shoulders.

“I came alone because I had a cold.”

“I was surprised because I thought you were fucking dead!”

“Look at this kid. Did I say something strange?! “It’s probably your fault for having such a strange imagination!”

“That’s Okay! So Skylar is fine?! Are you so sick that you can’t come?”

“Oh, that’s not it. “I said I didn’t want to sleep out in this weather with a cold, so I sent him alone.”

Baramson added that he was still in Nikadumala—a nearby city. Deathbringer finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“How did you meet Skylar? As far as I know, that person….”

Well. If you’re an acquaintance of Deathbringer, you’re probably an information guild official. Even if not, since you live in a city located relatively inland, it would be difficult to come into contact with Wind Hand.

How did you really meet?

“Ah, they contacted me first in the form of a customer.”

“From there?”


“What did you say… you said you wanted to hear about what your little boy did while you were handing over the ship request?”



When I say kid, I guess I mean Deathbringer. I narrowed my eyes slightly at the blurry image of Skylar that came to mind.

“That person said that?”

“okay. He was such a good customer that he even paid extra in exchange for telling the story. Of course, the money did not come to us.”

Isn’t it a good thing because Jakrathi is prospering with the money we earn? Windson said this and grinned. The Deathbringer’s expression, on the other hand, was rotten.

“So… what happened to this request?”

“what is it. You said the reason I came to see the demon knight was because I heard that rumor, right? “Actually, he was the one who told me that rumor.”

“I see.”

“But the customer told me the rumor and suddenly made an offer? “I’m going to go see the little boy’s face soon. Do you want to come with me?”

“…If the rumors were true, there would have been no guarantee that I would be with the Deathbringer.”

“But, rather than chasing after him without any clues, wouldn’t it be better to at least listen to the story from someone who was with you until the end and find it?”

…what is it. I’m thinking about it again, but it’s a breeze. You came all the way inland with the determination to take a huge hit and run.

“Wait a minute, but how did he find me? It’s true that I stop by the information guild every time I arrive in the city, but there must be a time difference due to the distance.”

“ah. “You mean that.”

Wind Hand scratched his head.

“I heard you can find out your location in real time using a shadow or something?”



For a moment, a word came to mind in my head, even though I knew it wasn’t true.


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