Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 395

Episode 395 One person (1)

At dawn on the day of departure, I went out to the front yard of the tower for a while. There was no special reason. I just woke up at dawn and had nothing special to do.

[You woke up early.]

Suzaku, who does not sleep, is picking and polishing his flame at the top of the tower. I gave him a light bow and then looked up at the dawning sky.

“You woke up early.”

But after a while, the Archmage came out of the tower. She doesn’t look very good, probably because she couldn’t sleep at all.

“Arch Mage.”

Well, the news I heard yesterday must have been quite shocking. I nodded my head in greeting, understanding her feelings. The Archmage raised his hand and accepted the greeting.

“How have you been?”

“Well… it wasn’t bad.”

“Is that so.”

Although the expression is that of an old and tired person, it certainly doesn’t look like he hasn’t had a bad time, as his fur is shiny than before. At least it means that you eat and sleep on time.

“Until I heard what you guys went through, I thought it was worth my time away.”

“Then I’m glad.”

The fact that you achieved something there is also something to celebrate. There is no one in this party who can say anything about the Archmage’s lack of accomplishments, but it is better to have accomplishments than to have no accomplishments.

“…So I heard they all shared a nickname?”

“yes. “It just so happened that it happened that way.”

Oh, I guess you heard that.

I massaged the back of my neck and lowered my head.

“sorry. “It’s not that I didn’t want to tell the Archmage.”

“No, you don’t have to apologize. It’s okay. Because I understand how you feel. “It is not a matter to be treated carelessly.”

Fortunately, the Archmage’s heart was broad. She waved her hand to briefly consider my position.

“I’m embarrassed to say my nickname at this age, so I’ll use a different name instead. It’s a wise golden wind. “You probably already heard it.”

“…This is Job, Mr. Geumpung.”

“Call me the golden wind, Job.”


At the same time, we formally exchanged nicknames for each other. I already knew about it because I heard the white crow calling, but it was still better if he introduced it to me.

Her and mine held each other’s hands and shook once.

“…but Job. “There is something I would like to ask you for forgiveness for.”

“…? “Is Geumpung talking to me?”

However, the moment the hands fell, the Archmage’s expression became confused. It’s as if the old man’s old regrets have been scooped up and painted over.

“If you were me, I’d probably say there’s no need to apologize, but—”


Unfortunately, the timing wasn’t good right now. My hand went up to stop her.

“Someone is coming.”


Of course, I also want to continue listening to her story. However, no matter how you look at it, it is difficult to talk about personal and sensitive material in a place where others can hear.

The Archmage smiled faintly at my actions.

“Let’s talk later.”

“Please call me whenever it is convenient for you.”

Well, if I get on Suzaku’s back later, I won’t be given any personal time until I arrive at the next city.

I watched for signs of her approaching, wondering what she was trying to say.

“Hwaaaam… eh? “Are you already here?”

He was a Deathbringer whose hair was matted because he hadn’t washed it.

The Archmage and I looked at each other for a moment, then looked at the Deathbringer again and laughed.

“What is it? What is it? “What was there?”

Only the Deathbringer, who didn’t know what was going on, pricked up his ears in confusion.

“Are you taking this wizard with you?”

And an hour later. It was time to leave and people came rushing out. In the process, it was a bonus that a white crow was dragged out of the cage.

[This is a city that is no different from his headquarters.]

“There is definitely a secret we don’t know about, so it would be difficult to escape using that.”

[huh. So I would rather take them to the front lines. Since I don’t know which city I might go to, I can’t possibly prepare for that.]

“That’s an excellent decision.”

Suzaku explained why the white crow was brought in and lifted up the cage he was carrying with one foot. “Ugh.” Not only is he locked in a cage, but he is also tied up with shackles and chains and is not prepared for the cold weather at all.

I don’t sympathize with you, but I think you’ll freeze to death if you go there.

“I think I need to wrap you up in a blanket.”

Aside from dying without proper punishment, he was a colleague of the Archmage. I’m worried that Archmage will be heartbroken if I die like that.



“Do you even care about the end of humanity? As expected, Kyeong-eun…”

“…I only said it because there was some misunderstanding, but I felt like I was going to die if I kept going.”

Won’t you be in trouble if you die because of your magic research and all? Also, you can receive punishment only if your life is preserved. Or is everyone of the mindset that it’s okay to go and die?

“What if I die?”

“No, dying is a bit difficult. You better definitely bring a blanket. “It would be a waste to save his life with divine power.”

Fortunately, the meister agreed with my opinion. It seems that I didn’t bring this up for no reason.

“Separately… you guys seem to treat me like a big man too much.”

Rather, it seems like everyone strangely sees me as a generous person. I don’t have a good personality enough to forgive all my sins.

“If I am not a great person, then who is a great person?”

“I have never seen someone as merciful as the police officer.”

“What are you talking about, you bastard?”

No, so you’re saying that’s a misunderstanding? In the first place, what is the difference between protecting human rights and truly showing tolerance? The results of two propositions may be the same, but that doesn’t mean they are really the same sentence.

Just because a public servant helps the socially underprivileged in accordance with his official duties does not necessarily prove his morality.

“…It would be pointless to protest.”

What happened? If you deny it, you’re trying to be humble and all, but it doesn’t seem to work… It’s not a misunderstanding that needs to be resolved, so it’s okay.

[…Why am I looking at that guy?]

I turned away from the flapping wings of the fly buzzing in my ear.

“Riding on Suzaku’s back… It’s a sad thing.”

“Can you come up?”

“Just extend your hand from above.”

“Let me help you.”

Meanwhile, the Archmage climbed onto Suzaku’s back. With Deathbringer holding her from above and Daniel supporting her from below, she was able to climb on the back of the giant Firebird.


Her gaze rested on Suzaku’s back and briefly glanced at the cage before dropping.


“Throw it.”

Regardless, I followed her upstairs. Just like before, I threw the hook and Berserk caught it.

“…The basket got a little bigger?”

But wasn’t there strangely enough space for me to board?

“Oh, I thought you might be frustrated, so I got a bigger one!”

The Inquisitor loudly revealed the source of the basket. It was a consideration that I was thankful for. It was true that it was small and uncomfortable.


With the help of others, I settled into the basket and quietly closed my eyes. There won’t be anything to do on the way, and I’ll be tired from leaving early in the morning. I was just going to close my eyes.



And just as Suzaku was preparing to take off with everyone on board, the Nordine trio waved from the ground. One of my eyes was opened as I saw off people I would probably never meet again, but whom I had become very attached to for a while.

“Take care!”

“I hope you are healthy!”

“I’m not seeing you guys!!”

It may be impossible to say hello out loud like that, but waving your hand… Oh, you can’t see it because of the angle. While wondering what I could do to say goodbye, I tapped my inventory.


“Uh huh.”


Okay, I received it well.

I leaned comfortably against the basket, feeling the three panicked figures. It was okay because the Inquisitor and Deathbringer had fixed it so it wouldn’t fall back. My eyes closed again.

“Good luck to you, driver!!”

“You’re strong! bye!!”

“I’ll enjoy the candy!!”

The cries of three people were vaguely heard through the sound of Suzaku’s wings flapping.

* * *

[Why don’t you look after me?]

Oh, I was going to sleep, but why are you here?

I scratched the back of my head as I looked at the world filled with apple trees and greenery. I didn’t really have any intention of coming here.

[I know you’re listening to Gretchen.]

But since we’re here, I think it’ll be okay to rest here. Unless you make special adjustments, time flows similarly here and outside, but it’s more comfortable here than outside.



Although there are two people who are unsightly for different reasons.

“Why are you here?”


The boy standing in front of the prison where his anger was confined seemed timid and hesitated in speaking. Of course, he couldn’t have done it because he was truly timid. As evidence, the boy holds a pot and an iron bar in his hands.

“What is that again?”

“Well… that bastard keeps bothering Gretchen, so try to treat her back…”

Oh, right. But is that Yeokjisaji…?

“…are you responding to noise pollution with noise pollution?”

“…yes. In the end, it didn’t work.”

The sound of a pot and an iron bar is actually similar to a gong.

I wonder if he was really good at coming up with a novel method, or how he came up with a similar method since he’s not even from Earth. I wonder why the psychology of revenge remains the same even though the dimensions are different.

“sorry. “I couldn’t stop it…”

“It’s not your fault, so there’s no need to apologize.”

I never expected Faust to stop the jaws of anger. I didn’t even want it in the first place.

“If possible, don’t deal with that guy.”

[Gretchen! You’re asking me to look at you!]

“I’m asking you to ignore me just as I ignore you.”


Since ancient times, I have never spoken to voice phishers and pseudo-scammers. This doesn’t mean that you’re showing off your intelligence and that you won’t get bullied, but that it’s best not to even pay attention from the beginning.

[Don’t you feel sorry for me?]

“Of course, if you hear shit like that, it’ll be hard to ignore. But you still have to do it.”

[Don’t you feel sorry for me, who is trapped like this and has to rot without being able to do anything?]

“Do you understand?


Well, I know that he’s endured this whole time because of his personality, but honestly, it’s not like I don’t feel like he’s being swayed by this personality.

I recalled that and gave the boy some advice. Whether Faust would follow this, well, it seemed like it was none of my business.

“That thing you said a few days ago, Gretchen…”

“That’s all I said then.”

“Is that so…”

It would be possible to give a more detailed explanation, but what Faust hears is anger. And that guy’s brain is really needlessly crazy.

I don’t want to hand over useless information to this guy in case he makes a mistake. Anyway, if you can’t catch Satan, it’s a meaningless transaction.

“You just have to help me like you do now.”


With that in mind, I remained silent. 5 thousand. The number of victims told by Gestas flashed before my eyes for a moment. It’s not like I didn’t know anything about it, so there’s nothing surprising about it, but it was enough to widen the distance between me and the boy again.

“I’ll sleep for a bit then. “You should pay no attention to them and do what you want.”


Whether it’s growing crops, training, or making something. I roughly put everything I could use as a hobby in the apple tree house. So, I won’t ask you, ‘What should I do?’

I hoped so and entered the building I had built for myself. When I made it, I didn’t know I would actually use it, but it never hurts to be prepared.

I went into a modern house outside the apple tree house.

There is no expensive monthly rent or lease, and you can decorate it however you want. It was a house that recreated what I always dreamed of.

Tools used for work on a desk that matches your height in a white-toned living room that gets plenty of sunlight…

“…it’s almost now.”

A picture frame in which only the best drawings are selected and hung.

I looked at my four friends and then lay down on the sofa/bed.

“I really need to sleep.”

It looks like there’s nothing wrong outside. It’s really time to sleep now.

[Please talk to me!]

I really closed my eyes, leaving behind the miserable cry.

[…good. If you show up like this, I can’t help it.]

It was very noisy outside, but it was okay. Over the past few days, I’ve developed a knack for sleeping while listening to the chirping.

[I didn’t want to write this…]

My mind began to sink further and further down.




[Ah, I am also a very lucky person to have managed to find it before it was eaten. Isn’t that right?]

And at the bottom of my consciousness, I opened my eyes.

[Let me introduce. I am Mephistopheles. A jester from a corrupt court.]

No…was it really me who opened his eyes?

[Welcome to the sight of the corps commander, human.]

The human who fell into hell clenched his fist.

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