Invincible Divine Destiny Selection System

Chapter 45: Chapter 45: Total Purge _1

Seeing Chu Yuan, Capital Commandant Sun looked as if he was about to die, his legs weaked, and he collapsed on the g.

Sitting on his Dragon Blood horse, Liu Xi observed Capital Commandant Sun's reaction, and he faintly perceived that this man before him had no ordinary backg. Could he be a descdant of some extraordinary power that ev Capital Commandant Sun was terrified of him?

"Capital Commandant Sun, what's wrong? Who is he exactly? My father is the official of the Ministry of Works, Liu Yong. Ev if he has a significant backg, there's no need to be afraid of him. I've got your back," Liu Xi said, confused.

"Your Majesty, your servant greets you!"

Capital Commandant Sun crawled towards Chu Yuan before kneeling down.

"The Emperor is here!"

The arriving group also froze. Once they recovered from the shock, they quickly kneeled down, shouting long live to the Emperor.

"I unknowingly offded the Emperor, ev using my father as a pressure tool!"

Liu Xi's brain wt blank, frighting him into a cold sweat.

He could never imagine that this young man before him would be the currt Emperor. Today, he not only threated the Emperor but also expressed rebellious words at Miaoyin Square. Each one of them was an ormous crime punishable by family execution.

He was not inviting death, but precisely seeking it.

Although his father was one of the Six Ministers, ev the Prime Minister had to give some face, but in front of the Emperor, it was insignificant. After all, he was the sovereign of Dawu.

His first reaction was to turn the Dragon Blood horse a and run far away.


Chu Yuan cast his gaze on the Dragon Blood horse. The immse authority and killing intt of the Emperor caused the horse to neigh, falling to the g. Liu Xi was also thrown off the horse, landing in an extremely dreadful state.

"Liu Xi, you dared to offd the Emperor today. Where do you think you are going?"

Capital Commandant Sun roared with rage in his eyes. Liu Xi, this idiot, not only put himself in trouble but also implicated him, "Forbidd Army, arrest Liu Xi!"

Clang! Clang!

The sound of armor clashing resonated from afar. In a mere momt, Song Ying, leading the imperial guards, came rushing towards them. He scanned the surings with his eyes and gasped, "Your servant greets you, Your Majesty."

"Stand down," Chu Yuan commanded.

At that time, wh Song Ying saw Liu Xi being tak down by the Forbidd Army and the Dragon Blood horse falling to the g, he faintly understood something, "Your Majesty, what has happed?"

"Today, I took a private tour in plain clothes. What I saw was shocking. A dignified son of the Ministry of Works publicly indulging his slaves to commit atrocities. This is still under the Emperor's jurisdiction. If it were elsewhere, wouldn't it be ev worse?"

Chu Yuan continued, "And you, as the Capital Commandant of the Forbidd Army and possessing Divine Abilities, dared to collude with Liu Xi, oppressing the people. Today, I am here, but what if it were someone else? In such a case, wouldn't they have nowhere to turn to? You would have them killed."

"I admit my guilt!" Capital Commandant Sun confessed, lowering his head.

"I am stripping you of all military duties and sding you to the heavly prison," Chu Yuan commanded.

"I have no objection," Capital Commandant Sun responded with a hateful glance at Liu Xi, grinding his teeth.

"Your Majesty, how should we deal with Liu Xi?"

Song Ying was somewhat speechless. Another frustrating individual relying on his power, acting recklessly within the Imperial city, and hitting up against an immovable object. This little Emperor is not a weakling, but a prest-day powerhouse.

"As for Liu Xi..."

Chu Yuan paused, and in front of him, two divine choices suddly emerged.

"Choice one: Prioritize the big picture, warn severely through a minor punishmt, only imprison Liu Xi in the heavly prison, secretly investigate whether the Ministry of Works has any connection with Dalian, follow the clues, accumulate evidce, gain 0 Destiny Points, and % progress of Kirin Armor.

"Choice two: Act with a thunderous approach, incarcerate Liu Xi in the death cell, use this as a pre to investigate the Ministry of Works' connection with Dalian oply and uprightly, gain 0 Destiny Points and % progress of War God's Grasp."

One secretly, one oply.

Chu Yuan had to contemplate two divine choices. Obviously, it would be more cautious to investigate secretly and would take more time. But if he confronted it directly, it might stir up unrest, ev though he could uproot the traitors and thoroughly eliminate the insecurities in Dawu.

Chu Yuan knew well which individuals in his court had already betrayed Dawu—they were just waiting for the right momt.

"Liu Xi committed treason and offded me personally. He acted violtly on the street. For these multiple crimes, he should be st to the heavly prison," Chu Yuan ordered, shocking Liu Xi almost to the point of fainting. He was ev more terrified by Chu Yuan's following words.

"But what shocks me the most is that I saw in Miaoyin Square today that a mere son of an official from the Ministry of Works could bring out a treasure like the Dragon Qin. Dragon Wood and Blood Dragon Steel are exclusively owned by Dalian and solely supplied to the Dalian royal family, almost impossible for other people to get. Furthermore, this Dragon Blood horse is also a product of Dalian.

Liu Xi is just the son of the official from the Ministry of Works. How did he get it?"

Chu Yuan coldly said, "This point really makes me curious, Liu Xi, can you give me an explanation?"

"This... This... These were traded from Dalian by my father," Liu Xi responded in panic.

"Really? Our late Emperor also once st people to trade, but Dalian did not agree to it. Does an official from the Ministry of Works possess such a big face?" Chu Yuan queried.

"Stupid! How could Liu Yong give birth to such a stupid son!"

Song Ying felt fortunate that he did not have any child. Otherwise, he would die of anger if he had such a stupid son. If Li Yu merely dug a pit for his father, Liu Xi's stupidity was dangering his whole family's life—no, not just his life, but also his whole family's life.

"So, you want to be an Emperor, Liu Xi. Wouldn't it be better if I give you my throne?"

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Chu Yuan spoke with a thunderous voice echoing like a blast.

"I... It was just a casual remark..." Liu Xi had already wet his pants in fear. Where was his courage from Miaoyin Square now? He pleaded in terror, "Your Majesty, have mercy!"

"A casual remark, well said."

Chu Yuan replied, "Song Ying, arrest Liu Yong first and imprison him in the death cell to be executed, and suspd the Ministry of Works from office. I'll conduct a thorough investigation into the Dragon Qin and Dragon Blood horse matters. If the Ministry of Works is innoct, I'll do justice. And, if they indeed colluded, I'll show no mercy."

"Yes," Song Ying replied.

"Also, I've noticed that some people in the Forbidd Army are in close contact with some civilian and military officials and ev dare to indulge them in the street. This is not good. I'll start an investigation from this Capital Commandant Sun, and th look into all the eight camps of the Forbidd Army."

Chu Yuan thundered, "After I return to the palace, I'll issue an imperial edict, as long as it is authorized by the Emperor, whether it's the Ministry of Works or one of the Six Ministers, you can investigate them. And you don't have to worry as the Duke of Loyalty and Bravery will cooperate with your investigation, and I am at your back."

"Ding! The host makes choice two, gains 0 Destiny Points, and % progress of War God's Grip, with a total progress of 0%."

"The currt balance of Destiny Points is 950."

"There's going to be an upheaval."

Song Ying ssed the coming storm. This Liu Xi not only undid his own father but also all the civilian and military officials in the court and the Forbidd Army's eight camps. There's no telling how many people would have wanted to kill this Liu Xi.

"Your servant obeys the order!"

Without uttering another word, Song Ying merely obeyed the order.

"Also, I'll personally sd Liu Xi to the death cell, with the God Martial Army keeping an eye."

Chu Yuan said, "Go. Any person who dares to collude with the emy and betray the country will have no mercy!"

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