Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 91: negotiate

He Jingwen is the director of the parts processing factory in Heyuan County. He is not very old, but he has a very flexible mind. When he was a child, his grades in school were mediocre, and he often went to the bottom. water rises.

Relying on his unique vision, the spirit of daring to fight and try new things, he quickly climbed from a small employee to the position of factory manager, and he was quite valued.

Once, he went to Taohua Village to visit his relatives. He went early, and when he entered the village, he found that many people were rushing in one direction.

Curiosity is human nature, not to mention that He Jingwen, who likes new things, abandoned his original intention of coming to Peach Blossom Village without saying a word, and then followed the fellow villagers in the same direction.

Soon, he found that everyone had gathered at the door of one person's house in the end, and they were not crowded in such a mess, but lined up in an orderly manner, as if they were waiting for something.

Judging from this posture, it didn't look like he was collecting debts or looking for trouble at the door. He Jingwen immediately sniffed out the unusual situation.

"Brother, what are you all doing?" He Jingwen couldn't hold back, and asked a villager who was queuing up next to him.

"You're new here, right? It's normal if you don't know. Everyone is queuing up to buy breakfast." The villager from Taohua Village said enthusiastically, with an inexplicable pride on his face.

"Early?" It was the first time He Jingwen heard this word, so he continued to ask with the good spirit of not being ashamed to ask, and then he gradually understood what early is, and at the same time, it also fully aroused his interest in this early. interest of.

Everyone has been rigidly determined to eat nutritional powder and nutritional supplements. After all, generations of people have come here like this. No one thinks there is anything wrong with it, and no one will think about changing it.

Even some people who study archaeology know that their ancestors ate other foods, but they just express their envy and don't think about changing it. After all, this is not something that can be changed if you want to change.

However, he didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing when he was just going back to the countryside to visit relatives, which made him look forward to the upcoming breakfast stall.

During the waiting process, none of the villagers were impatient. Instead, they talked to the people around them on their own, regardless of whether they knew each other. Driven by the same purpose, they quickly became friends. .

During this process, He Jingwen also learned a lot of news about the Mu family's early stall, and his flexible head began to turn quickly again.

Many people just come here to buy breakfast habitually. When they knew it was early, they were just very surprised, and secretly rejoiced that they would be able to eat an extremely delicious breakfast in the future. However, He Jingwen was different. , There is already a faint plan in his mind that is about to take shape, but whether to implement it in the end depends on whether the Mu family is worth the investment earlier.

When the Mu family served it early, even though he hadn't eaten it yet, He Jingwen had already made a decision in his heart.

When I got the buns, I looked at the white and tender buns, which were different from the nutrition powder. I took a bite, the juice was thick and delicious, so delicious that I almost wanted to bite off my tongue.

If he had a plan in mind when he served it earlier, he can't wait to discuss it with the boss of the Mu family, and then expand this kind of breakfast to the county. Countless people are flocking to it, and the benefits it brings are huge and exciting.

And this is only in the county seat. If it is extended to the city and the world, the number of benefits is absolutely unimaginable.

Thinking of the bright future, He Jingwen couldn't help but want to go up to chat. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of customers, and everyone is surrounded by the little boss. He can only suppress his excitement and wait silently for everyone to finish their purchases. Only then did he dare to step forward.

"Little boss, the breakfast at your house is really delicious. It's the first time I have eaten such a delicious thing. It's really great. If this kind of breakfast can be expanded, I believe there will be more People like it." He Jingwen came up with a heartfelt praise, and the words of praise did not cost money, and the wooden words he said were a little bit embarrassing.

"Thank you." Mu Yan thanked him with a smile.

"Really, little boss, have you ever thought about going to the county town to open a store? There are more people in the county town, and the business will definitely be better then." He Jingwen said excitedly, and just wanted to tell the boss of the Mu family about the earlier business in detail. The prospect, but it turned out that the boss of the Mu family hadn't expressed his opinion, but the villagers of Taohua Village had reacted first.

"You dare to come to our Taohua Village to pry the corner of the wall. Do you want to live? Get out of Taohua Village. You are not welcome in Taohua Village!" react.

Damn, the prying person has come to their Peach Blossom Village, I really don't want to live anymore, the little boss is the treasure of their Peach Blossom Village, if he is really kidnapped, where will they go to eat such delicious food early in the future.

The others also gradually came to their senses, confronting He Jingwen with the same attitude, defending their little boss to the death, and must not let him be pried away, even if it is for their own appetite, they must defend to the death!

He Jingwen did not expect the reaction of the people in Taohua Village to be so strong. The most important thing is that the villagers in Taohua Village are very united, and he is alone. Even if he wants to resist, he will not be able to resist the strength of all the villagers in Taohua Village In the end, he had no choice but to leave Taohua Village in despair, and even failed to visit his relatives.

However, He Jingwen, who returned to the county seat, was obviously unwilling to give up just like this. He finally found a brand new profession. Knowing how much sensation it would cause and how much profit it would bring if it was spread out earlier, such a big piece of cake would be let go. In front of myself, there is no reason to give up and not eat.

Afterwards, He Jingwen went to Taohua Village many times. At first, he could still enter Taohua Village, although he would soon be caught by villagers wandering around Mu's house and sent out of the village.

Later, he couldn't even enter the gate of the village.

Because He Jingwen went too many times, everyone became wary of him, and regarded him as the number one enemy of Taohua Village, almost reaching the point of being a household name. "Please go out.

There is probably no one who can do this.

If it were another person, it might be regrettable to give up, but whoever He Jingwen is, he is more stubborn than a cow, otherwise he would not have become the director of the factory at a young age.

After many failures, He Jingwen's fighting spirit was fully stimulated, and the more frustrated he became, the more he tried to get into Taohua Village. He even put himself in a wooden cabinet and got into the village. In the team that entered the village, he had done this kind of thing more than once.

Also because of He Jingwen's existence, the villagers of Taohua Village now have an additional investigative skill. Anyone who has malicious intentions enters the village, everyone can be vigilant at any time, so the probability of Taohua Village villagers being deceived has dropped a lot.

Of course, these are things for later.

On this day, He Jingwen armed himself again and planned to sneak into Taohua Village. He was confident that even if he stood in front of his parents now, his parents might not recognize him.

After being armed, He Jingwen entered Peach Blossom Village like this, because based on his past experience, even if he is armed, as long as he enters the village with a little care and caution, he can be spotted by the sharp-eyed villagers. Knowing how these villagers did it, don't they all say that the villagers who are going down are simple and simple? Why did he meet all the villagers who were comparable to scouts? It was really depressing.

Of course, He Jingwen would not know that the reason why these villagers have such heaven-defying skills is all thanks to him.

At this moment, He Jingwen had sneaked into Peach Blossom Village openly and aboveboard. He didn't go to Mu's house in a hurry, but walked around the village first, and then came to the edge of the forest near Mu's house, and found the enclosed piece of land.

Looking at the lush green plants emerging from the ground, He Jingwen wished he could learn what these plants were and what they were useful for from the boss of the Mu family. He was really curious about this.

However, he didn't look at it for too long, and then he started to walk towards Mu's house pretending to be nonchalant.

"Dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door, and Mu Yan, who was basking in the sun in the yard, got up to open the door.

Then when the door opened, Mu Yan was stunned by the costumes of the people outside, and it took him a long time to react.

"Hello? May I ask who are you looking for?" Mu Yan tried his best to control his eyes not to look at them, but his small eyes still secretly glanced up, thinking that they were very hidden, but in fact they were all seen by others.

He Jingwen touched his nose in embarrassment, coughed lightly, and said, "Hello, my name is He Jingwen, and I want to talk to you about something, is that okay?"

As soon as He Jingwen opened his mouth, Mu Yan's expression instantly changed to this 5: (°△.丨|1)1 The small mouth opened into a circle, and there was a look of astonishment on his face.

"Okay...ok." After a long time, Mu Yan came back to his senses, and then invited people inside.

Although he came from a world without women, but because he has lived in this world for more than a year, he is more used to the existence of women, but... just dressed so strangely, and the voice is still a male "woman" It's really the first time I've seen it.

He Jingwen saw Mu Yan's reaction and eyes, with a helpless expression on his face.

If he could, he really didn't want to pretend to be like this, but the villagers of Taohua Village were too tough, he wouldn't be able to get in if he didn't.

"That..." Mu Yan looked at He Jingwen, hesitating to speak, in fact, he really wanted to ask whether the other party was a man or a woman, but felt that it was impolite to ask, so he had to forcefully suppress the doubt in his heart. He planned to ask Ah Chen in private later, as Ah Chen is so smart, he must know.

"Little boss, if you have any questions, just ask, I will know everything I know, and I will tell you everything." He Jingwen said to Mu Yan with a smile, because he was going to discuss business with them next, so he naturally wanted to stay in the other party's heart. Makes a good impression, and it's easier to talk that way.

"No, it's nothing, I'll go find Ah Chen." Mu Yan blushed for a moment, then hurriedly got up, and called Ah Chen who was still in the kitchen.

When Mu Chen came out and saw the people sitting in the yard, his eyes darkened a lot, then he sat calmly in front of He Jingwen, and said to Mu Yan: "Mu Mu, I've already made your favorite food, you go first Go to the kitchen and have some food...and bring me two glasses of water."

When He Jingwen heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, Mu Chen's pause was obvious just now, it's fine if he doesn't invite guests to eat together, but he didn't even plan to give him a glass of water?

He Jingwen could clearly feel that Mu Chen was very unwelcome to him, which made him unable to help but beat a drum in his heart.

"Okay." Mu Yan has always been very obedient, and went into the kitchen after Mu Chen finished speaking.

"I don't know what is your purpose of coming here dressed like this?" Mu Chen asked very straightforwardly, without any hint of tact.

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