Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 80: Joan, the little angel who delivered the ingredients

"Yanyan, here we come again." No. 5 quickly flew to Muyan's side and said speechlessly.

Mu Yan followed to the door, and when he came back, he had a few more strange-looking plants in his hands, and then used the identification technique to identify them one by one.

"Endo, not edible."

"Acacia, not edible."

"Red fruit, edible."

This situation has been going on for three days. Every morning when I wake up, I will find some strange plants at the door, sometimes it is some branches and leaves, sometimes it is some fruits, and I don’t know who put it there. On the other hand, after throwing out the identification technique, he can occasionally identify edible things, which also makes Mu Yan even more curious about the purpose of the person who sent these things.

The first time they found this, no one took it seriously. When they found it the next day, No. 5 decided to get up early and squat, but when it got up, the thing had already appeared at the door, as if it had appeared out of thin air It seems that this frustrates Number Five.

"How early does that person get up?" No. 5 complained depressedly, and at the same time, his fighting spirit was aroused, and he vowed to catch this person.

So, on the night of No. 5, he tried his best to stay up all night. When the sky was about to get dark, No. 5 suddenly saw a small figure walking towards him in the distance, and immediately became nervous and excited.

The figure was getting closer and closer, and number five became more excited, the hairs on his body stood on end, and he was ready to fly towards the bedroom at any time.

"Yanyan, Yanyan, he has appeared, get up quickly." Number five's voice was sharp enough to wake up those who were still sleeping.

Mu Chen's sharp eyes shot at No. 5, making him immediately swallow the next words forcefully, but at this time Mu Yan had already been woken up by him, and sat up rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Ah Chen, what happened?" Mu Yan asked subconsciously as his head was still a little confused.

"It's okay, you can sleep again." Mu Chen gently patted Mu Yan's back, coaxing him.

But Mu Yan was also confused for a while, and then remembered the matter of No. 5 squatting guarding the mysterious person. Hearing No. 5's voice just now, it must be that person who appeared.

"No. 5, did that person show up?" Mu Yan hurriedly asked

"Yeah, we'll be there soon." Number Five nodded hastily.

Mu Yan immediately began to put on his clothes, and after waiting for several days, it finally arrived.

Mu Chen had no choice but to secretly stare at No. 5, and then he got dressed and went out together.

When the door of Mu's house opened, that person was just putting down the things on his back, maybe he didn't expect the door to open suddenly, and he was stunned on the spot.

"Xiao An?" Mu Yan exclaimed in surprise, apparently he did not expect that this person would be Qiao An.

"Ah, brother Ayan..." Qiao An stood there awkwardly, a little at a loss.

Mu Yan looked at Qiao An, then at the plants that had just been put down, and asked, "Did you send these these days?"

"Yeah." Xiao An's voice was like a mosquito, keeping her head down and not daring to lift it up

"Where did you get these?"

"In the forest." Joan's voice became softer.

"You went to the forest alone?" Mu Yan was even more surprised, but also worried. He couldn't imagine how a child from the other party went to the forest alone to find so many plants.

Joan wasn't answering, but that appearance obviously acquiesced. "Xiao An, you can't go to the forest alone in the future, it's too dangerous for you." Mu Yan said hastily, frowning tightly, with a serious expression.

Every time Chen followed, he dared to go a little bit deeper, and he needed to bring a lot of medicines in case Wan Xiaoan was so young, how could he go to the forest alone, it was too dangerous.

Xiao An's head drooped even lower, and his whole body was wrapped in a depressed atmosphere.

Mu Yan stepped forward to touch the other party's little head distressedly, patted the other party comfortingly, and said softly: "Xiao An, brother Yan appreciates your kindness, but the forest is really too dangerous for children. If you If something goes wrong, Brother Ah Yan will feel guilty and sad, so don't go there in the future, okay?"

After these few days, how could Mu Yan still not know Qiao An's purpose, he was helping him find ingredients, he was very touched by this kindness, but he couldn't take it for granted.

"Brother Ah Yan..." Xiao An murmured, wanting to say something but stopped talking.

"Huh?" Mu Yan encouraged the other party to continue.

"I want to help you." Xiao An finally mustered up the courage and said.

He has been living with his grandparents since he was very young. Apart from his grandparents, Brother Ah Yan is the first person who treats him so well. He not only drives away those who bully him, but also often cooks him delicious food. The words are also very gentle, which makes him feel very warm, and always wants to keep getting closer

But he was too young to do anything, and he couldn't help Brother Ah Yan, so when he heard that Brother Ah Yan wanted soybeans, he made up his mind to help Brother Ah Yan find soybeans. He didn't want to see Brother Ah Yan showing distress expression.

But he didn't know what soybeans were or what they looked like, so he had to go to the forest and bring back the plants that looked like they might be, and let Brother Ah Yan decide for himself.

"If you really want to help me, why don't you come to my snack bar every day after school to help, the snack bar is just short of people and is planning to recruit workers." Mu Yan said with a smile.

As the reputation of the snack bar spreads, more and more people come to eat every day. Even if there are limited sales every day, they will still be too busy during the meal period. Therefore, he really plans to recruit people to help.

"Is it really possible?" Joan immediately raised his head upon hearing this, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"Of course, but it can't affect your study, or you can only go back and let you concentrate on your studies." Mu Yan said with a smile, and told him the specific working hours and salary.

"I don't want a salary." Xiao An said, as long as he can help brother Ah Yan.

"Everyone who comes to work here must be paid, otherwise I won't be able to hire you." Mu Yan said, Qiao An wanted to say something, but Mu Yan blocked him back, and then sent him away.

"Yanyan, it is illegal to employ minors." Number Five said with a frown, clearly disapproving.

Xiao An is only ten years old, and looks more like a six or seven-year-old child, still a minor.

"I know that the person who should be hired will continue to be hired, as long as he is allowed to play in the store." Mu Yan said with a smile, of course he would not really treat Xiao An as a hired worker.

Mu Yan yawned, it's not yet dawn, usually at this time, they are still in the warm bed, I really don't know why Qiao An got up so early.

Thinking of this, Mu Yan felt more pity for Qiao An.

"Go to sleep again, it's still early." Mu Chen embraced Mu Yan and walked towards the bedroom, then shut No. 5 outside the door.

Mu Yan didn't resist the drowsiness, and soon fell asleep. Mu Chen looked at it quietly for a while, then stood up and walked out, apparently not intending to continue sleeping.

"What are you doing?" Number Five asked warily.

Mu Chen glanced at it lightly, then went straight into the kitchen to check how the dough fermented last night, and then started chopping stuffing to prepare for the opening of the snack bar.

No. 5 has been wobbly flying above Mu Chen, watching his hand movements, proficient and fast, many ingredients are constantly being decomposed under his knife, but they are more beautiful than the whole, not only amazed.

If he hadn't known that there was no such industry as a chef in this world, he would really have thought that Mu Chen had practiced knife skills since he was a child, and even many chefs who practiced since childhood in the world were not as dexterous as Mu Chen.

I have to admit that Mu Chen is really talented in this area, even more talented than his little host. Although he is a bit dissatisfied with the little host binding Mu Chen as a system partner, but for now, this is very correct decision.

Because what Mu Chen did would also be recognized by the system, and a certain amount of points would be given. It could even be said that Mu Chen got more points than the little host.

If the points are only repaid by the little host, maybe they will never see the hope of becoming zero.

Alas... Even if you don't want to admit it, you have to admit it.

It was only when the sun was high that Mu Yan woke up from the sleepy sleep. Looking at the wall clock on the wall, the hour hand had already pointed to the number 9. At this time, the busiest period of the snack bar was almost over.

Mu Yan put on his clothes in a hurry, and hurried towards the snack bar.

He doesn't know why he always feels that he doesn't get enough sleep recently. Every time he wakes up, it's eight or nine o'clock. Several times, it's all about letting Chen go to work in the snack bar alone. There are many things to do, but he still Because he slept late and threw it all to Ah Chen, then Ah Chen must be busier and more tired.

When Mu Yan arrived at the snack bar, he saw Mu Chen who was busy inside, and felt even more guilty about it, his eyes were full of self-blame.

"Are you awake? Are you still sleepy?" Seeing Mu Yan approaching, Mu Chen hurriedly put down the things in his hands, stepped forward, and asked carefully.

Regarding Mu Yan's situation, if it was someone else, they might just think that Mu Yan was sleeping late, but for Mu Chen who knows Mu Yan very well, he could find a deeper problem. If he didn't find other symptoms, He had already taken Mu Yan to the hospital for a physical examination.

Mu Yan shook his head and said, "I'm not sleepy anymore, you must call me early tomorrow."

"Okay." Mu Chen replied with a smile, but Mu Yan knew that every time he would agree, but he never did it.

"Boss, your breakfast is really great. If the store is open all day, I will definitely come here for three meals a day." A customer greeted Mu Yan with a smile.

"I can only make these breakfasts now, lunch and dinner are not yet available." Mu Yan replied.

"Little boss, you don't need to add anything else. They are also sold at noon and evening. My daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law now have to buy enough for a day to go back every day."

"These don't taste good when they're cold, it's better to eat them while they're hot." Mu Yan warned.

"No way, they can't eat nutrition powder at all now."

"There are few people in the store now, and we are too busy for breakfast alone. We can only wait for a while for lunch and dinner." Mu Yan said helplessly, thinking that he should recruit people quickly.

"Does the little boss want to recruit workers? Your business is so good that you can recruit a few people to help. If you open both lunch and dinner, the business will definitely be better." The customers' eyes lit up when they heard the words.

"There is a plan to recruit people." Mu Yan nodded.

The eyes of the others became brighter when they heard the words, but before they could say anything, Mu Yan was pulled into the back kitchen by Mu Chen, and he gave each customer a cold eye as a gift.

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