Instant Death

Volume 6, 6, Going Back in Time 100 Million Years

Volume 6, Chapter 6, Going Back in Time 100 Million Years

Not wanting to keep talking on the street, Tomochika and the others had moved to the lobby of the luxury hotel that was their destination.

Tomochika and Yogiri sat side by side on the sofa, while across from them sat Edelgard, Georges, and the boy who called himself Koryu.

“You’re not going to betray us out of the blue, are you?”

Tomochika said as if she was looking at someone suspicious.

He was a boy with an aloof attitude who could not be trusted.

“I don’t know. Am I an enemy? Or an ally? That’s what it’s all about.”

“You’re a pain in the ass!”

It might have been better if they don’t suddenly turned on each other, but it was still a hassle.

“Why do I have to make peace with these criminals! Why don’t I just take them into custody?”

Edelgard seemed to be full of frustration.

“We were supposed to be innocent, weren’t we? I don’t even know why we’re being chased.”

He didn’t know why they were after them.

It was Yogiri who had killed the people from the criminal organization, but he never mentioned that.

“What? Then why did Lain-sama tell us to go after you! Because you’re criminals!”

“Well, Edelgard-sama. There’s no proof that we did it.”

“I sent the pigeons to Lain-sama. But now that I’ve sent them, I have to keep you here! If I found you, but you went somewhere else I couldn’t possibly report that! Otherwise I can’t say I found you.”

“We don’t want to be stranded. We’re supposed to be going to an island nation to the east.”

It was a hassle. It was easy to understand the frowning Yogiri’s feelings.

“Edelgard-sama. This is a different country, and I don’t think you have the authority to restrict our actions.”

“What? Then what should I have done!”

Their conversation was going in circles.

Tomochika thought it was fishy, but she turned to Koryu.

She thought that he would still be able to make sense of things.

“Well, I’d appreciate it if you could give me a brief description of the situation.” (Tomochika)

“Yes, that’s right. It’s not that difficult, but where should I start? Well, let’s go back in time 100 million years.” (Koryu)

“Why do you have to go back that far?”

“Huh? You’re not interested in my first love story?”

“Let me ask you this, why do you think I want to know about your personal life when I’ve never met you before?”

“I’ll ask you if I think it’s relevant, but I’d like you to answer my question.”

“It’s like I’m asking a question and it’s just being brushed off…”

“What did you come to us for?”



Tomochika couldn’t help but raise her voice.

She thought it wouldn’t be too much to ask.

“Hey? Can we go now? We don’t have much time either.”

Yogiri also started to sit up.

There was no reason why he should have to talk to them.

It would be a waste of time if he didn’t explain himself.

“The mysterious boy’s purpose couldn’t be a mystery, could it?”

“Why, I thought it was a good idea.” (Koryu)

He said with a really serious face.

“No, it’s no big deal. I’m just trying to help you get on with your lives, that’s all.”

What do you mean?“

“When a Sage dies, the food is good. I’d like to see it up close. I’d like to help you do that.” (Koyu) Note: It is a rhyme in Japanese

“Am I the only one who finds the rhyme annoying?” (Yogiri)

Help with what?“ (Tomochika)

“I know the world. I’m sure I can help you.”

“You know a lot. So, what are you?

“You said you were Koryu. Is that your name?” Note: His “name” can be read as “fallen Dragon”

“It’s more like a race name. It was a derogatory term given to the dragons who ruled this world when they were defeated by a new god and fell to the earth.”

“That’s a big deal! Are you sure about that?”

“It’s true. That’s why I’m not very popular in this world.”

He shrugged his shoulders excessivly.

“If “Koryu” is the name of your race, what is your personal name?”

“I’m the last one, so there’s only me, so you can call me Koryu.”

“Earlier, you were talking about flying in the sky. Can you do that?”

“Yes, I can. If I transform into a dragon, I can fly. That’s how I brought them here.”

“Then can you take us to the East Island?”

If they could do that, they wouldn’t have to wait for a ship and take a leisurely boat trip.

“It’s possible to fly, but not all the way to the eastern islands.”

Why not?“

The sky is the world of the Sages, and just like on earth, each Sage has his own territory that he controls. The Sages forbid people to fly in the sky.”

“Can you think of anyone who might be flying?”

“Only for a short time. If you fly long distances, you’re bound to get caught in the Sage’s net.”

“But you flew Edelgard and the others here, didn’t you?”

“Yes. But the Sage who was in charge of this area is gone now. You killed him.”

“I see. So you’re weaker than a Sage, huh?”

“I don’t want to nod my head to that, but I hope you can see that this is what a fallen god looks like.”

“I would’ve appreciated it if you were stronger than a Sage and could take them down quicker.”

Yogiri blurted out.

If Yogiri’s power killed the wise man, the Philosopher’s Stone in his body would lose its power.

Therefore, it was necessary to take care of the problem by gradually diverting the power.

“Mmm! The pigeons are back but it wasn’t read! What’s going on here?”

While Tomochika and the others were talking with Koryu, Edelgard and Georges were arguing about this and that, when a pigeon came from somewhere.

“Well, that’s a pigeon, isn’t it? Read? “

“Mmm! It’s a magic carrier pigeon that can carry messages! If it reaches its destination and plays the message, then of course it’s read!”

“Ah, yes.”

“But it’s strange, because unless there’s something wrong with the message, it should be delivered to ……”

“That’s not surprising. Lain is dead.”

When Edelgard tilted her head, Koryu simply told her.

“What the hell? That Lain-sama can’t be dead! I’ve seen it! Even if her whole body is burned to a crisp, she will instantly be resurrected!”

“And for your information, the town you were living in was destroyed.”

How is that possible?“

He stood up, and Edelgard stood up with anger.

“If you don’t believe me, that’s your business, but why don’t you send a pigeon to some other trustworthy person and see what they say?”

Edelgard and Georges left the room for a moment.

They must have gone to check it.

“Wait a minute! If that’s the case, the other towns are…”

It was a story that made sense to him.

The town was protected by the Sage’s blessing, and even traveling by train required a barrier in a world full of danger.

It was obvious that the town would be in danger if the Sage were to disappear.

“Could it be that you’ve killed a Sage without being prepared to do so?”

Tomochika looked at Yogiri.

Yogiri was calm.

Tomochika didn’t think anything of it, but Yogiri must have taken this situation into consideration.

“If it makes you feel any better, the town of Hanabusa is safe. The Sage Alice has taken over there. The Manny Kingdom’s capital was already in a state of destruction, but with the Holy King and the Sword Saint, it can be managed. The fighting city is full of strength, so I think it can hold out for a while.”

It wasn’t much consolation to be told that.

That’s no reason to give up the Philosopher’s Stone. Or can you offer me another means of return?”

Yogiri’s top priority was to return to his world.

He would not waver in that regard. No matter how much damage was done to this world, he had no intention of giving up.

“Well, I kind of asked you if you were ready, but I shouldn’t have said anything since you want me to kill the wise man.”

“You’re talking too much to me…”

“You’re putting too much priority on the mystery boys move…“

“Anyway. I know a lot of things, including alternative means of return, so can I follow you guys?

“You’re not going to tell me that now, are you?”

“Of course I’ll tell you everything later. If I tell you everything now, you’ll have no use for me.”

“All right. I’m not going to make you my friend, but if you want to follow me, be my guest.”

Tomochika had no particular objection.


The next morning. Tomochika and the others came to the port.

The ship could be easily arranged through the hotel concierge.

What was docked was a huge luxury cruise ship.

“I think I saw something like this before.”

“We’re going to hit an iceberg and sink.”

“I thought so too but don’t tell me!”

Tomochika had only an ominous feeling.

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