Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 912: Entering the Unknown

Chapter 912: Entering the Unknown

The lock opened and dropped to the ground right at the feet of Lucifer.

Lucifer picked up the lock. "I would be needing it again to lock this place when I leave."

He kept the lock in his shadow realm before taking one more glance to make sure that no one was here. He also left a shadow where he was standing to make sure that he was going to find out in case someone closed in on the Temple.

He also sent a few more shadows in the surroundings to cover an even bigger area. Only after setting up all the precautions Lucifer prepare to step inside.


He pushed the door open.

The door hadn't been opened in a long time. As soon as Lucifer opened the door, a metallic screeching sound filled the surrounding area.

The doors appeared to be heavy, especially with the sound they were making, yet Lucifer didn't feel it. He was able to open the doors easily with a casual push after the doors were unlocked.

Lucifer stepped inside the temple and closed the door behind him.

The entire temple was completely dark on the inside. It became even darker as the doors were closed.

Fortunately, Lucifer wasn't affected by it. He raised his right finger, bringing a sphere of light into existence.

As soon as the sphere of light appeared, the entire surroundings illuminated.

Lucifer noticed the inner walls of the Temple, and they looked to be in a really bad condition. The walls on the outside didn't even have a scratch and looked as if they were completely new despite so many attacks by the Star Alliance to enter.

The Inner Wall was telling a completely different story though. It was as if the walls here had gone through a war. There were cracks all over the walls which made it appear as if the Temple could fall at any time.

There also appeared to be strange markings on the wall, which were like drawings that were telling a story.

He didn't know from where the drawings started though, since these marks were all over the temple. They didn't have a start or the end. It was as if it was a complete cycle.

Lucifer placed his finger on one of the carvings, feeling the texture of the wall.

Right before him, there appeared to be a carving that depicted something akin to a cage. There appeared to be a person inside the small cage who was glaring at three people before him.

Each of the three people before the person in the cage held a spear in their hands, aiming it at the cage.

Lucifer moved over to the next carving, which appeared something akin to the torture of the man in the cage as he was stabbed by the spears. Arrows were fired at him, and then man was even burned in the flames, all without letting him out. Despite all that, the man never fell on his knees.

Lucifer took a few steps and moved over to the next carving. The people with the spear stood in a group as one of them pointed toward the cage.

The following carving depicted the men creating something... Something similar to the Temple where he was standing.

As soon as Lucifer saw that, his expression shifted. He didn't even go through the rest of the story to find its beginning and the end to know what might have been the possibility.

The Temple was created around the caged person.

"This place... It's not a Temple but a prison! That's why there is destruction in the inner walls!"

He became extremely alert as he sent his shadows to check every corner of the Temple to find that cage or the prisoner.

The Shadows checked the entire temple from top to bottom yet nothing was found. There was no cage here. There were also no signs of life.

Only after making sure that he was wrong Lucifer calmed down.

"That means the temple in these carvings is different. Either that or they made more than one temple to make sure no one could easily find the correct Temple."

He could only get his answers through the carvings, and that's what he decided to do.

He recalled all his shadows and moved over to the next carving. The Temple appeared to be finished.

In the next carving, there was no mention of the Temple. Instead, it showed something else entirely.

Two groups stood before each other, one holding a spear and the other holding what appeared to be a staff.

It was unclear why the two groups were together. There were no dialogues or actions on the carving. And even if there were, Lucifer knew he wouldn't have been able to read them.

He moved over to the next carving in which a body was lying between the two groups. The group with the spears pointed them to the group with the staff. A war ensued. The next few carvings appeared to depict a magical war.

Lucifer was amazed at how amazingly the war was depicted. The battles were so vivid. It was as if Lucifer could see the battles taking place with his own eyes, even though this was just in the form of the carvings.

Most of the carvings from that point on depicted that war in which many people seemed to have died.

At last, only four people were left. Three of them held a spear in their hands, while the fourth was the one who was using a staff previously.

Unfortunately, that staff appeared to be sliced in half. Still, the person wasn't killed. No matter what the three Spearman did, the fourth man just refused to die. It was as if he was a true immortal, unlike the others from his race.

Immersed in the story, Lucifer didn't even realize that he had finished the entire circle of the Temple, and he was almost back where he started. The man was placed in the cage.

As soon as he realized that the story was back where it started, he finally came to his senses. "So that's where the story starts."

"The reason this world is abandoned is probably because all the people here already died in the war of their own. As for the three who survived, they were all men and couldn't continue the species, ultimately dying of one age. The world was left all alone. So that's the history of the world with no life..."

"Still, if this isn't the real Temple of the prisoner, then where is the real Temple? And if it's the real Temple, then where is the prisoner?"


Lucifer abruptly heard a strange sound coming from behind him.

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