Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 815 815 Wolfe News Channel

Chapter 815 815 Wolfe News Channel

As Wolfe recited the events that had happened and the hours passed, Reiko became more and more entranced with the story, and annoyed at her fate of being stuck here as the leader of the Morgana Coven, instead of moving up from Rank Two to Rank Five as all the others had done.

They were so far ahead of her, when the Pentacle would have balanced them all out as they grew, and it was all due to the petty rules of the Coven.

Priya had taken her spot, Reiko could feel it, as her power level perfectly matched Cassie and Ella, and she was the only one that Wolfe trusted enough at the time to have brought in to fill the Pentacle spot.

It was a bitter feeling, and it made her want to rage against the Coven.

If they had just waited, if they hadn't put all those silly rules on her reign and allowed her to remain tied to Wolfe, she would have been in that same spot. She would have brought the Coven to new heights with a level of power that was enough to gain back the respect of all the breakaway villages.

None of the problems they were facing now would exist if she was part of the Pentacle still. In fact, they would barely need a Guardian if she was that powerful.

But she couldn't change the past, she could only look to the future, and there was still some hope for that. If she could convince the Coven to let go of some of their outdated rules, she could have Wolfe or the other Magi openly help her and the younger generation to grow their powers.

That would allow them to catch up to Forest Grove in the next year or two, she hoped.

Then she realized that Wolfe had repeatedly mentioned "The others who have sworn allegiance".

"How many Servant Bonds do you have active right now, Wolfe? How many Witches can you call on for mana in an emergency?" She asked.

Wolfe thought about it for a moment. Most of the witches, and many of the beastkin of the Frozen Wastes had sworn allegiance with a Servant Bond, so the total number was incredibly high. But for witches, it wasn't so many.

"Just over three hundred witches in total. Most of them are Rank Two and Three now, but the two Pentacles of Witches are at Rank Five, and getting close to Rank Six as they balance." He replied.

"That's a lot of power to balance, won't it take some time for them to reach your level like that?" Reiko asked.

"Oh, I may have forgotten to mention the other Pentacle. Risa and the twins, who are my bodyguards, as well as Nimue and Carmine make up the last, and they've almost all balanced out at Rank Six now. Demons break through much more easily than Witches, and then there are the Succubi helping that power process out.

Not in a lewd way. Well, not really. Pleasure is all they need, and it doesn't have to be sexual, that's just the most intense sort. So Nimue cuddling with Rail and Dana helps the process along, as she gets some feedback from the Succubi."

Then they had to explain to Reiko all about the lineage of the half Demon princess, and the rest of the Pentacle, which left Reiko gnashing her teeth in frustration.

"So, you're saying that I missed out on not just one but two more chances to join a Pentacle because I can't as the leader of Morgana Coven?" She asked, frustrated.

"That's right. But I can still help you tonight with your growth rate. You got the basics of it when you were with me, and the barriers over the city have cleansed the lingering Bloodline Curse from everyone, but we have learned a few more ways to help the growth process along." Wolfe offered.

"If it will help make Morgana Fortress less of a laughingstock among the other leaders of the Continent, I am all for it. I have heard reports that there are preteen Rank Two witches in some of the villages here and in Myrrh Coven near the border already, and that is making it challenging to get anyone to take me seriously as a leader.

Having a Guardian with me will help with those negotiations, but it would be nice to have some power of my own." Reiko suggested.

"Well, we shouldn't do it before dinner, it might run overtime, and it will definitely catch the attention of everyone else, so we will do it after. If you did like one of the Priya girls did and simply took a Rank Six Fae as a Familiar it would cause your growth rate to skyrocket." Wolfe suggested.

The Guardian made a rude gesture in his direction, and the witches began to laugh.

"I will take that as a no. Though come to think of it, she took a Demon, not a Fae. But the end result would be the same, pulling your Rank up in a hurry."

Reiko looked confused. "Won't they just break or reverse the contract?"

"It's not like you're summoning them away from their dinner. The contract is less strict, and basically unenforceable from your end, but they're a willing partner, so the power-sharing comes without the power struggle." Wolfe explained.

"That sounds dangerous." Reiko noted, slightly horrified by the notion. The contract was basically formed in reverse, with the witch as the subordinate.

"Tell that to the six-year-old that bonded a Succubus refugee who snuck out of the Demon Realms. They're getting along famously, and they were playing princess when we left."

That made Priya laugh. "Except that one was a body double for an actual Demon Princess, and the other is essentially a Princess, as the Assumed Heir to the Priya Family."

"Then, who leads your family now? Still that old aunt of yours?" Reiko asked.

"No, I am the Family Head now. That is why I got to volunteer myself to come on this trip. My little niece will be taking over once she is an adult, and that will let me slip away." Priya explained with a smirk and a wink toward Wolfe.

"Enough flirting. We need to get ready for the party. I don't suppose that Wolfe is available to make another of his legendary fancy dresses?" Reiko asked.

"So you did intend to get naked for me. I knew it."

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