Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 779 779 Most Efficient Route

Chapter 779 779 Most Efficient Route

Wolfe's plan for the highway system was simple. He would create the main highway, so that goods could move through the well established towns, and then he would let the local leaders decide if it was worth commissioning Earth Fae or witches to create additional side roads to other nearby villages, or significant locations.

Some of them did intend to start raising crops and animals above ground, so they would need roads to the field instead of always going through the town's main surface entrance. There were also some that would want water brought in from a nearby lake or river, or perhaps access to the sea, such as a boatyard and marina.

Now that the curses on the Oceans were fading, with the help of the water Fae, it was becoming viable to actually fish in the saltwater regions, and that added a whole new set of foods to everyone's diet.

The people of Forest Grove would pay well for fresh ocean fish, Wolfe was certain, and the people along the coast would love to have some of the self repairing enchanted clothing that Forest Grove was becoming well known for.

With that in mind, Wolfe double-checked his topographical map and set out for the furthest southern region of the existing road network. It had all been dug wide enough for two cargo trucks to pass with ease, including occasional pull out areas in case of breakdown.

That was good enough for Wolfe, there was no need to make the tunnels huge and invite armies of people down into them, that would interfere with the primary use of moving goods.

So, Wolfe set off for the nearest village along the Sylvan Coven border, as there were no more villages near the route, and created a new branch of the highway.

The local protector, a small Rank Four Earth Fae, dug a tunnel from the town to Wolfe, and met him near the boundary.

"Who might you be, and why are you tunnelling to my town?" He asked.

"I am Wolfe Noxus, Patriarch of the Noxus Family, and officially the Guardian of the Frozen Wastes. I am working on an infrastructure project, approved by the Continental Representatives as a group, to link all the towns from the Sylvan border to the Grand Dutchies, following near the coast.

I will be building a highway for magic operated trucks to move trade goods and people between towns underground, with a branch following your border west to Myrrh Coven and East all the way to the Capital and beyond." He explained.

"So, we will have a direct, underground, route from here to the Sylvan Fortress City, where we can move troops when the monster tide arrives? I am told that you were the one who built all the shields and protective boundaries over the towns along the border, as well as getting approval for the beastkin to move in.

I thank you for that. When I was first assigned here by the Guardian, I wasn't sure if I could handle border duty, or if I was being punished, but the people here are very kind, and the barriers are strong enough that I don't have to sleep in fear." The Fae replied.

"That's precisely the plan. Most of the reason is to move goods, though. The rural areas were notoriously isolated, and it was challenging to respond in time when there was a threat. But when the road is finished, they will be able to move buses full of soldiers and witches to the dangerous areas before the barriers are threatened, and reinforce the local militia." Wolfe elaborated.

The Fae was nearly shaking with excitement at the idea of not being left alone, and Wolfe began to wonder if he was actually very young, perhaps on his first solo assignment.

"Well, I have a lot of ground to cover today, but someone will be along later to put lights in the tunnel. I didn't want to use Fire, and I don't know light magic the way that the Witches use it." Wolfe apologized as he prepared to create more tunnel.

"That is fine, I will have one of the witches from the city come and make lights at the junction. This is a good spot for a warehouse to transfer goods, so I will dig it out right now and get it ready for the first travellers to arrive." The Fae agreed.

Wolfe headed west, greeting all the local village leaders when he completed the roadway, and then returned to the first village, where the road would continue to the east, toward the Capital.

The Fae had already created a massive staging area, where trucks could be loaded and unloaded, which was lit by witch magic set into the ceiling, and just slightly behind the extended barriers of the shield and the protective spells that Wolfe had left behind.

The only strange part was the witch. She was positively tiny, even smaller than Mary, and couldn't be anything but a young child.

"Don't you think she's a bit young to be working all morning?" Wolfe asked as he saw the two come into sight at the edge of the warehouse.

"Probably, but she's my witch, and she was happy to help." The Fae shrugged.

"Your witch?" Wolfe questioned.

"Yes, mine personally. I found her wandering in the woods and purified the curse on her. You know the rules, finders keepers. We've got a contract and everything." The Fae announced, and turned his back, so Wolfe could see the mark on the back of his neck.

It was a reversed Familiar Bond. He had signed a Familiar Contract with the young witch and then taken over the leadership role. She seemed to be in good health, both mentally and physically, and she was already Rank Two, Wolfe belatedly noticed.

The power of a Witch grew their Familiar, and the power of the Familiar grew the Witch. In this case, the Familiar was a Fae three Ranks above her, so her growth was shockingly fast. She had created the lights in the staging area, and she was wearing a fancy Fae dress that showed she had some sort of position in the town. It was too fancy for common daily wear, so it had to be something that the Fae had come up with to make sure nobody messed with his Witch.

"Well, if that's your type, I won't stop you. But remember that both myself and your Guardian will be keeping an eye out for inappropriate behaviour by any of the town leaders." Wolfe reminded him, meaning the exploitation of underage witches.

The little Earth Fae took it entirely the wrong way, though, and he bristled with outrage. "I would never. See how gentle she is? She's the only Witch that I've met who has never cast or even been affected by dark magic, other than the bloodline curse that I cleansed. She's perfect and pure, and she will stay that way."

Wolfe smiled and patted him on his head. "As long as you're treating her well, that's all that matters."

With that said, Wolfe waved goodbye to the oddly small pair and made a new tunnel to the next village down the border. He would have to remember to ask them to radio ahead and tell the rest of the towns that he was coming if they didn't already know. Just showing up with a road was a pretty big shock to a lot of the leaders this morning.

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