Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 758 758 That's Just Rude

Chapter 758 758 That's Just Rude

Just as the other Magi were coming up to get their inheritance spells upgraded, an alarm went off in the floating orb of defensive magic above the spire. Someone was attacking the defensive magic of the city, trying to break the protections that had been put over Forest Grove.

Asmodain was on his feet in a flash of light, now wielding a mighty sword that radiated power, and Wolfe was quickly beside him, after casting a thought out to see what had happened with the defensive magic.

"Someone is trying to force a portal into the city with hostile intent. The spell that was alerted was [Kind Intentions] and it won't let anyone under Rank Seven in with hostile intent." Wolfe explained as the alarm went off again and Wolfe needed to pour additional mana into the spell to keep it active as it attempted to block the portal activation.

The spell covered the entire Fae Forest, so there were numerous places that they could be trying to arrive, but to Wolfe it felt like they were attempting to come directly to him, or somewhere in the middle of town, near where he was sitting.

Asmodain frowned and cast a spell as the alarm went off for a third time, and then sighed and shook his head at Wolfe.

"It's an interdimensional portal. Someone from another one of the Mortal Realms is trying to come here, but they're being blocked by your magic. They will likely change their target destination soon, and then who knows where they will show up.

But you can't let them just arrive in the middle of a town like this, not even the pacifist Magi of the past would allow a hostile force to just portal into their homes. Do you have a defensive measure if they manage to open a portal despite your spells?" The Seraphim asked.

"Of course we do. Well, technically the plan is automatic rifle fire, enchanted with Rank Seven Cluster Grenade spells, but I think that they will get the point." Wolfe replied.

Asmodain stared at him in shock. "You would attack them through the portal? With some sort of magical weapon?"

Wolfe blinked slowly, trying to process where he had lost the resident of the Upper Planes.

"That is the common reaction here to someone trying to launch a hostile invasion of your hometown. Normally, we use a lower powered weapon, but if they can break through the barriers by brute force, then it's perfectly acceptable to respond at full power.

See there? The guards are already handing out weapons to the assembled Fae and Demons who are of the highest Ranks, so we should have at least ten Saints and Overlords, and another twenty Rank Six spells firing at the combined rate of about six hundred rounds a minute."

Wolfe wasn't sure if the Seraphim was impressed or completely repulsed by the concept, but the alarm went off again, this time with a warble as the barrier was nearly breached.

Wolfe cast a voice augmenting spell on himself and addressed the guards. "It looks like they're going to have the power to push through, even with us refilling the mana storage of the defensive spells. I will take [Kind Intentions] down now, before they break the Array, prepare to prevent any hostiles from coming through the portal. Guards first, increasing in power if their firepower is insufficient.

Guardians and powerful visitors, you will be compensated for keeping defensive spells up on our troops."

Wolfe cast the first round of defensive magic, the five element armour spells on the guards and everyone with a gun, and then deactivated the barrier so that the next attempt would be able to open a portal.

Twenty seconds later, the air shimmered in the middle of the garden, and a massive portal opened, over ten metres across, and directly facing Wolfe and those standing closest to him.

Cassie ran up with more rifles just as the portal opened, taking the side opposite Ella, while Stephanie climbed up on Wolfe's shoulder and Mary's magic flared down below them, creating additional barriers over the classrooms where the students were working.

On the other side of the portal, a large army of medieval armoured humans stood, long bows and swords in hand, led by a golden armoured man in a throne being carried by twenty nearly nude bearers.

"All shall bow before the might of Claudius the Ever Victorious, Emperor of all that he sees, leader of the mortal realm by the will of the Gods." A man standing beneath the throne announced.

Emperor Claudius looked shocked to see Wolfe and the others with rifles, standing in front of a Seraphim, but he didn't make any attempt to stop the advance of his troops past him.

"By the laws of this world, and the will of the Saints, all invading armies will be met with deadly force. Come peacefully from your world or not at all." Wolfe called back, ensuring that his voice carried through the army.

Wolfe scanned the invaders, and found that they were actually very skilled in magic, with most of the force being Rank Three or higher, and they had been using magic to enhance their physical prowess. Their leaders were all Rank Five and Six, making for a truly frightening military force that outnumbered and outclassed the defenders.

If they weren't facing off against an army that blended magic and technology, they could have stormed through Forest Grove with relative impunity.

[Charge!] The commander of the invading army announced.

"Rank One and Two, witches, FIRE!"

The rifles barked, and the explosions sounded all through the enemy lines as the automatic gunfire tore apart their careful formations.

The magic on the army kept them mostly uninjured, but the explosions threw entire ranks of soldiers to the ground, stalling the advance for a moment before the army used Earth Magic to stabilize the ground, so their soldiers could charge through the low-ranking explosion spells.

"Cassie, Ella, you're up. Pull all the mana you need through me." Wolfe instructed.

They didn't have many others at Rank Four who were in the yard on such short notice, and he didn't want to go full nuclear with the visiting Overlords. There were far too many warlike Fae and Wrath Demons in the crowd, and they would be far too happy to start shooting.

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