Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 663 Pentacle

Chapter 663 Pentacle

The creation of the remainder of the defensive statues was much less profound of an experience for those doing the casting than those who were watching it, and it took nearly fifteen minutes after they finished for the last of the Nobles who had watched the process to finish processing what they had seen.

"Now that we have those out of the way, I will send them onward to the remainder of the Kingdoms so that they know we haven't been slacking during our time here. Wolfe, Risa, Millie, Chloe, would you like to accompany me to the sitting room?" Queen Jasmine asked.

"Ladies, you might as well accompany us as well. There will be issues coming up that will require your input." Wolfe informed the others.

Queen Jasmine looked a bit confused, but she didn't really question why as she led them all to her private sitting room. Only after the door was closed, and the soundproofing was in place, did she ask anything about it.

"Care to explain what the others have to do with the bond?" She asked.

"I intended to form a Pentacle. It's a power-sharing array that will bring them all to the same power level by using all of their cultivation, plus a share of mine, as well as that from the other Pentacles I have linked.

So, I need two more people than the guards to complete it, but there are four more options in total." Wolfe explained.

"There aren't, actually." Rail replied.

"No? Does someone object?"

Rail shook her head. "It's not a matter of objection, but Succubi can't gain power that way. There is only one option for us. So, both myself and Dana will have to take alternative measures to ensure that we can continue to grow."

"Well, that is both fortunate and unfortunate. But it also means that if Nimue and Carmine don't object, then we can complete the process right now. The spell isn't complex, but it does require willing consent from all parties, as the members can break off from the Pentacle in the future if they greatly desire it."

Risa looked intrigued. "What happens to the Pentacle if someone leaves or dies?"

"The rest of the members will feel the loss forever, but they can be replaced. One of the witches in the first pentacle that I formed was forcibly stripped of the link when she became Coven Leader, and we can still fell the spot where she should have been, though there is another in the bond now.

It is a bit like the whole spell shifts to accommodate a new person, instead of replacing the lost part."

That seemed to please the twins for some reason, likely the assurance that even if they were killed while doing their duties, they would never be forgotten. Wolfe was sure that none of them were actually familiar with the details, but they would find out soon how effective the Pentacle could be in forcing progress.

Wolfe himself had forgotten that all the Pentacles were linked, and that the other Witches were about to receive a very forceful influx of growth, he was only thinking of how fast the Demons would grow with the Princesses and their immense potential involved.

They weren't going to struggle much, if at all, to make it to Rank Six, and from there, a full pentacle at Rank six would make it to Rank Seven much faster than expected.

A whole group of linked Saints, or Overlords, as the Demons called their Rank Seven Nobles, would be a force more formidable than his world had seen since the Great War.


"So, how do we start?" Risa asked.

"All we need to do is have me cast the spell and everyone accept. Are we all fine with this bond?" Wolfe asked.

Dana had a soft smirk on her face, but she didn't say anything to Nimue and Carmine as they agreed, while the three bodyguards were bouncing on the balls of their feet in anticipation of the linking process being completed. Being able to contract with a lifelong sponsor was huge for them, especially one that was on par with the Royals.

"Let's go. I want to know what a Pentacle is like." Risa demanded.

"Alright, everyone link hands, the mana will flow between all of us to establish the link. Once it's complete, you will all be closer, like sisters, and as the bond grows, you will be able to communicate both with each other and me in your minds." Wolfe explained.

The five demons joined hands, forming a circle in the sitting room, and Wolfe began to form the Pentacle.

[Pentacle Formed] 3/4

[Members added] Carmine, Nimue, Risa, Millie, Chloe

[Balancing Power]

A surge of power flowed between the Demons, and the air shook as it tried to find the other Pentacles. Queen Jasmine opened a small portal to Forest Grove, and the power flowed through, a massive surge that made everyone gasp.

"You will want to sit down and meditate on gathering mana into yourselves. It will all have to pass through Wolfe for this process, since he can refine it most effectively, but it will first balance all of you, and then begin to fully flow to the others.

Risa was already on the high side of Rank Six, and Nimue was only at Rank Four, while Carmine was just preparing to break through Rank Two, as Wolfe had just repaired her mana veins a few days ago.

Wolfe caught her as the influx knocked her out, and her body began to remake itself using the condensed mana of the bond. It wasn't hurting her, but the sensation was too much for her mind to handle at her power level.

"Minor oversight on my end. Carmine was crippled until I fixed her, so she's way behind everyone else, and it's trying to bring her up to your standards." Wolfe explained as everyone took a seat.

"It is trying to force her to get on my level?" Risa chuckled.

"Not all at once, but the slightest of progress for you or me is an entire progression for her. Nimue won't be far behind, and she's got a lot of potential, so she won't struggle for a while."

Queen Jasmine made notes as the bond settled in over the group. The Pentacle wasn't Demon Magic, and she had never seen it before. It had a lot in common with her Vassal Bond though, and functioned in the same way, except that the Vassal bond only granted her a portion of their power gains, and didn't share anything between the subordinates. It was a fascinating spell, worthy of Royalty.


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