Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 641 Schedule

Chapter 641 Schedule

The next morning started with a citywide announcement, blared through magical loudspeakers, informing everyone that the Queen was back on the throne and declaring a week-long holiday.

While that didn't completely shut down the city, the Demons' tradition that every shop was only open for four hours a day, and they even had an organized schedule for it. The majority of shops were open until noon, and the food vendors were open from noon until four hours later.

After that, only a few places like taverns and brothels were open for the rest of the day.

But that didn't mean things calmed down. On the contrary, everyone who had the means gathered for what Wolfe would call a potluck dinner in the public parks and squares. Even Rail was making plans to cook a massive bowl of her favourite cheesy potatoes for the event.

Wolfe wasn't known as one inof the world's great chefs, but there had to be something that he could do that would be suitable for a crowd. Not that either he or Rail would have a lot of time for it today, but there was always tomorrow.

Or so Wolfe had assumed until the Palace messenger arrived with his itinerary for the week.

[Patriarch Noxus, we have sent a tentative schedule for your review. If you have no objections, the schedule of Royal Events is as follows:

Noon Luncheon

3PM Garden Party

Followed by 6PM formal dinner

8PM social gathering]

The list went on, but it was mostly repeating the same schedule for every day except the last, when there would be a large party starting at 4PM and expected to end by dawn the following day.

"How do the Demons even manage to make it through an entire week of this schedule? I know some of them have pretty good stamina, but I'm assuming that most of them can't use the Lightning-based body augmentation abilities and upgrades that Magi do." Wolfe asked the messenger.

"You can do what with lightning?" The messenger asked.

"Oh, I have slightly altered my body to be a bit more impressive than it was naturally, increased stamina and muscle mass, that sort of thing. It's a function of bioelectricity altering the body's chemical production. But that's not the point, how do the Demons survive this?" Wolfe replied.

The Demon just blinked a few times, then shook his head and focused on Wolfe's question.

"Mostly, they don't. Only the more powerful ones have the stamina to keep up with a whole week of this schedule. But if you're at Demonic standards, at Rank Five, you should be able to make it through the week. Just try to limit your alcohol intake on the first few days, I hear that helps."

Wolfe nodded and marked down himself as intending to attend, with a plus one for each of the events that had requested an RSVP.

"Thank you, you can take that back to the Palace and let them know that I will be in attendance, starting at noon today."

Then he went looking for Rail, who was presumably in her room, deciding what to do for lunch.

"Rail, are you in?" He called through the door so she didn't have to guess who was knocking.

"Yeah, did they get you a schedule?" She asked, before opening the door in nothing but an apron.

"They did, but if you keep dressing like that, we're not going to make it in time." Wolfe informed her.

"I didn't want to get my clothes dirty." She shrugged.

"Well, there is a lunch party, then a garden party, and dinner, then a social."

Rail nodded. "Alright, not a problem. Which night?"

"Every night this week."

The succubus stopped to stare at him.

"Pardon? You've been invited to all seven parties? That's crazy. Normally, they're for the people to meet and greet with the foreign dignitaries, so you only get invited on the night with your social peers." She explained.

"If you recall, I am one of the foreign dignitaries." Wolfe reminded her.

"Oh, right. You're just so normal that I forget."

If Cassie and Ella could only hear her call him the normal one. Maybe he should bring Rail home with him, just so that she could say that to the girls and he could watch their reactions.

"I need to find an outfit. Or did you have one in mind? All the best party dresses are magical. We've got a couple of hours to decide, so I'll finish these cookies and bring them to the entrance for anyone who comes by the building."

Watching the Succubus's tail bob happily in time with the music as she baked was enough entertainment to keep Wolfe waiting happily for the next half hour, at which point, Rail threw a loose sweater dress over her head to carry the cookies down for the doorman to distribute.

Or eat, whichever came first.

She came back up to her apartment and busied herself doing her makeup and hair, while Wolfe went through a dozen variations of the comfortable formal robes. Each was slightly but noticeably different so that he wouldn't appear to have only one outfit for the formal guests. Sure, they were all magic, but it was a point of pride.

"What do you usually wear for informal occasions at home? I only ever see you in that one outfit." Rail asked.

"Well, it's usually that, or this." Wolfe changed into the shaggy ghilly suit that he wore all winter.

"Or this." Wolfe changed into what everyone had dubbed the Demon King suit, complete with fake black horns and shadowy black aura.

Rail's eyes instantly went bright pink, and she began to wiggle a little as if uncomfortable.

"That look is unfair. Definitely don't wear it out in public, even I can barely resist jumping your bones." The succubus informed him.

"It's that good? I will have to keep it in mind for later." Wolfe replied with a wink.

Wolfe created a white version of the suit, without the horns and aura, with a red shirt and white tie. Rail licked her lips and nodded.

"Yes, that will do just fine for lunch." She agreed.

Wolfe wasn't entirely sure if she meant the suit or him, but he also wasn't entirely sure that he cared which one it was. Both were good options.

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