Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 638 Imbalance

Chapter 638 Imbalance

"Alright, I will start the arrays on the knife here, and then whoever wants to join in can add mana to it to strengthen the spells." Wolfe began.

"Oh, this should be fun. I would like to see what happens when we upgrade those arrays." One of the Queens giggled.

As Wolfe reached the completion of the arrays, the magic of the Demon Kings and Queens wound around his own mana flow, pouring into the spells and creating the grandest Nether Lightning Array that Wolfe's mind had ever contemplated. Just being near it was enough to send shivers down his spine, and Wolfe had a greater than usual attunement to the spell. He could only imagine how horrifying it must be for the servants in the room.

For about a tenth of a second before the blade exploded in a shower of metal fragments.

"Alright, minor technical difficulty. That sort of dagger isn't up to containing so much magic. Do we have something that's a bit more compatible with enchanting? Perhaps one of the weapons the others have chosen?" Wolfe asked.

The Royals all jealously guarded their weapons at the prospect.

"No, we will try again with another weapon, but not go so overboard. If we actually all put our powers into a barrier, we might upset the balance." An ancient Demon that Wolfe believed was the King of Tartarus announced.

Their first attempt might have done the same. Wolfe could feel his bonds again, though faintly, and if he worked on it, he thought that he might actually be able to pull himself back into his world by using the Transport function of the Familiar Bond.

The emotions in the link were concerned for him, but they weren't panicked or bereaved, so there was a good chance that nothing too horrible had happened yet. For certain there hadn't been an attack on Forest Grove, or he would have sensed it even if everyone in his pentacles survived.

"Alright, no more than three at a time. That shouldn't blow up the weapons now that we've enhanced them." King Memo announced.

To prove his point, he offered up his own weapon as their next sacrifice.

The Queen and the King on the other side of him both added their mana to Wolfe's when the spell ended again, and the battleaxe turned an inky black that seemed to absorb the light, except where streaks of lightning flickered over its surface.

"Now that is impressive. Tell me, Magi, do you always tailor your spells for mana efficiency?" The Nephrite King asked.

"Indeed I do. It's less of a chore to keep them active when you're under attack this way, and if the enemy can't get through before they exhaust themselves, there is a good chance that they will get the hint and go away." Wolfe replied.

Why would they stick around if they didn't have the power to take down the barrier? At that point, all they could hope for was to exhaust the defenders as well, and try again later.

But this barrier, it was a masterpiece. With the efficiency introduced by the changes the Demon Royals had introduced to the inscriptions that Wolfe had crafted, he could likely hold the barrier alone against both saints. Just looking at it was giving him insight into the proper use of mana in a way that he had never considered before.

He wanted to try applying that knowledge to his own cultivation, but there were still over a dozen more weapons to make.

King Memo pulled another item from the weapon pile, a gnarled walking staff made of some sort of black demonic wood with a huge ruby at the top, and placed it on the ground in front of him.

"Let's remake the one for the Magi before we move on. I can feel something wrong with his world after that spell misfired. There is an imbalance there, but it's backwards of ours." He insisted.

"A backwards imbalance? Could the mana be turning bestial?" One of the others asked.

King Memo nodded. "I think it is. There aren't enough powerful magic users on the planet, so the powerful beasts' mana is overtaking the flow and changing the balance of the magic in the world. If nothing is done, they will have an exponential power increase in the near future."

Wolfe sighed.

"What about the Witch Saints, aren't they back yet? I've been concerned about them seeking retaliation against my town when they get home."

The Demon Royals just shrugged, not knowing anything about it, but one of the assistants ran forward to whisper in a King's ear.

"My advisor informs me that they are being held for trial by the Faerie Queen. By your world's reckoning, they've got about eight years left until their trial date, so they won't be returning any time soon.

But that's likely a large part of the problem.

With no Saints at all in your world, but Saint level magical beasts, the witches and demigods no longer have the power to maintain superiority."

Wolfe frowned at the news, and the King gave him a strange look.

"There are demigods in your world, right?"

Wolfe shook his head. "As far as I know, there aren't any at all. There are only a handful of other Magi, all under Rank three, about a hundred rank five witches, and that's about it for anything resembling magic users with power. There aren't even all that many witches at Rank Four, as they got hit with a bloodline curse during the war, and it limits their growth."

The Demon Royals all began to look concerned about the state that Wolfe's world was in.

"We should do something about that if we're going to keep the Magi away from his world. Would your people be upset if we sent someone over on vacation to fill your place while you're gone?" Queen Elizabeth asked.

"Only if they thought that they were being invaded. If you send them to Forest Grove with a note from me, it should be fine." The Royals looked at each other, and seemed to send a silent mental message out because twenty powerful Demons, at the level of the Advisors and Ministers at high rank Six and Rank Seven, joined the circle of chairs.

"Do you have a permanent summoning circle in your town for them to arrive at? I know that witches usually don't do that so that we can't drop in to bother them for sport." King Memo asked.

So that was the reason that they only drew the spells for the summoning ritual? Wolfe had never considered that the spell circle could be activated from the other side by something wanting to come visit.

"Yes, in the spire, there is one near the top." Wolfe replied.

"Perfect, I've found it. Now, if you write them a note, we can send these lucky winners on vacation for the next few weeks." Queen Elizabeth joked.

But really, it should be a vacation, there wasn't much for them to do in Forest Grove other than make sure that things didn't go horribly wrong with the world. If they wanted, they could even spread out. But encouraging that might be taken by the other witches as encouraging a Demonic takeover of the world, and that was not a political mess he wanted to step into.

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