Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 625 Meeting Prince John

Chapter 625 Meeting Prince John

Minister William wrote the Maid a note, excusing her from work for the next two weeks for mandatory bed rest as she recovered. Getting Wolfe to repair her damage for free had been a stroke of luck, and there was no telling what he would demand next time, especially now that the Minister knew that he was looking for a group of five Rank One Demons to make into a Pentacle.

Unlike most other species, the Demons were well aware of the price of a favour, and what it would actually cost when you agreed to an unspecified price for a favour. So, it would not be as easy for Wolfe to find his Pentacle here as he might hope, unless he went for Demons like the Maid, who were injured and desperate to get out of their life at the bottom of society as perpetually Rank One Demons who didn't have the power to do more complex magic that was needed by countless skilled jobs.

Being at the bottom of society made many weaker Demons desperate for power, and they constituted a large portion of the criminal element of the Kingdom, as they tried to do anything they could to get even a little bit ahead. Shady merchants, con artists, magical item thieves, no matter what the crime was, it was mostly the downtrodden and desperate, so when an incident like today's happened it was a big deal.

Those at the top were expected to be on much better behaviour. After all, they already had so much, how could the commoners be sympathetic when they felt it wasn't enough?

Now that the excitement seemed to be over for a few minutes, the Intelligence Minister rose to his feet with a sigh.

"I don't know about you all, but I am going back to my office to catch up on paperwork. I suggest that Mister Noxus takes his pet succubus back home, and I will be in touch later if we determine that your personal eccentricities can be useful in trying to rope in the Prince." He informed them.

"You don't have to tell me twice. Let's head back to town, and we can get some pastries before we head back to the apartment." Wolfe agreed.

"Strawberry cream ones this time." Rail added.

They left the room so fast that they didn't even notice that the Ministers and the guards were all laughing at their strange relationship. They were joined at the hip, but somehow it just felt all wrong, like they were unintentionally putting on a show for the spectators.

The rumours hadn't even had time to start spreading about Wolfe's powers before they escaped out of the Palace and into the city, headed for Rail's favourite pastry shop with big plans of doing nothing but reading for the afternoon.

Wolfe had more magic to study, and Rail was working on an upgrading course for work, learning the legal code so that she could move from Investigator to Prosecutor. It was a position only available to Rank Five and above Demons, and the pay was incredibly high, plus it came with all sorts of perks, like your own mansion and security paid by the Crown.

As if thinking about him had summoned him, Prince John of Nephrite was standing in line in front of them, waiting for pastries, while his guards secured the building.

A man in formal robes out on the town with a succubus in a formal gown was about as far from the image of an assassin as they could imagine, and the guards didn't ask any questions as the duo passed by, stopping a respectful distance from the Prince, so as not to make him think he might be stabbed in the back.

The Prince stopped at the counter and stared at the collection of pastries for a moment before turning to Wolfe and Rail.

"What do you recommend? They all look so good." He asked.

"Well, the strawberries and cream puffs are incredible, but the chocolate raspberry ones are also superb. Pair them with one of their ham and cheese croissants, and you've got an incredible lunch." Rail suggested.

"In that case, I will take one of each. And a black coffee." The Prince decided with a polite nod to them.

The server had just handed his servant the tray when the Prince turned back to stare at Wolfe.

"I know you, I'm certain of it. You're the one who flies across town using Gravity Magic every day, aren't you?"

Wolfe smiled and nodded. "Wolfe Noxus, Patriarch of the Noxus Magi Family. It is a pleasure to meet you, Prince John of Nephrite."

The Prince looked startled. "You recognize me?"

Rail smirked, and Wolfe petted her head to distract her and keep her from exposing his charade.

"Of course, Your Highness. I have been here a few weeks now, and I took the time to review the situation among the nearby Royal Families. I might not be intending to stay overly long in the Demon Realms, but it is only polite to at least know who is worth knowing."

"And I am worth knowing?" Prince John asked with a wry smile.

"Second in line to the throne and leader of the frontier expeditionary forces seems rather important to me. Even with the limited amount of territory that my Family operates, the General in charge of the borders is one of our most vital assets." Wolfe informed him.

"Oh, are you still having issues with the Witches? I had heard that after your people were nearly wiped out, they had stopped chasing the remnants. There are a few Magi Commoners in my Kingdom that are still too afraid to return home, but if it is safe, perhaps they would consider it."

Rail ordered and brought the puffs, while the Prince's servant led them to a table at the back, where he couldn't be seen from the front of the shop.

Wolfe waited for his invitation, then sat down across from the Prince to explain the situation.

"The Witches never really gave up, they just couldn't find any more of us to hunt. If it's safety that they're after, I wouldn't return to that world." Wolfe replied.

"But you intend to return?" Wolfe nodded. "I am needed, so I must return. But you mentioned that they are Commoners. Did you mean that they haven't reached Rank Three, or did you mean that they're from Common Families?"

"Both actually. They aren't powerful, and their families are small, but they have been instrumental in keeping things running smoothly in Nephrite. The Elemental Magic gives us a great variety of magical options that wouldn't be possible with only our own. There are very few Hybrids in my Kingdom, you see."

Wolfe smiled in understanding. "Yes, Elemental Magic is very helpful, especially when you can use multiple elements. Those who can use one Element in addition to their racial abilities are rare enough, but being able to layer three or four Elements as a Magi can is quite the blessing."

The Prince smiled back. "Perhaps you might be interested in visiting? I have nearly completed my business here, and I get the feeling that the Boy King's reigns won't remain peaceful much longer, so if you would like to travel with me, I can arrange appropriate transport for a Patriarch within a day."

Wolfe finished his puff and nodded. "I will keep it in mind. I have a few things left to do here before I go anywhere, but I have heard that Nephrite is a beautiful country."

"In that case, I will give you a communications token to get a hold of my manservant. If you wish to travel to my Kingdom at any time in the future, we will welcome you. Just let him know, and we will arrange for you to travel in comfort."

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