Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 614 614 Explaining Kind Intentions

Chapter 614 614 Explaining Kind Intentions

614 614 Explaining Kind Intentions

The Butler's smile grew impossibly wide, seeming to split his face apart, and Wolfe belatedly realized that he was some form of snake demon, but with a bipedal body. When he was talking, he seemed normal, but scaly. When he smiled, it was just creepy.

From the back of the carriage he produced a large sliver serving platter, oval in shape and ornately detailed on the top, but smooth on the bottom.

"How about this? Silver has always been a good conductor of magical energy. How complex is the spell?" The Butler asked.

"It's one of the Grand Magics, but among them, it is considered one of the easier to cast, as long as there is sufficient mana supply to get it completed within a reasonable timeframe.

Would you object to having the Minister join us? The more mana I can channel into it, the stronger the barrier will be once activated, and he is more powerful than any of the rest of us." Wolfe suggested.

One of the guards in the convoy looked nearly terrified. "You are going to just cast a grand magic out here in the open, with Demons from two different kingdoms assisting?"

Wolfe shrugged. "I don't see why not. We could go inside the protection of the other barrier, but it's not strictly necessary."

"I knew that Magi were all insane." The guard muttered, while another pushed to the forefront.

"Ministers and Patriarch, you can't be asking us to spend months inside a barrier like that? We are Demons, some of us require pain to stay sane, both inflicting and receiving." He insisted.

Wolfe smirked at him and took a few steps backward so he was within the castle barrier. "Come stand by me and I will show you how it works. You should be fine."

The demon reluctantly stepped closer to the Palace, shivering as the barrier passed over him. But before he had a chance to get his bearings, Wolfe reached out and put a hand down the guard's shirt to give his nipple a harsh twist that made him first moan, then roar in embarrassment and attempt to draw his sword.

It only got a few centimetres out before the spell stopped his hand, and Wolfe took his own wandering appendage back to make a grand gesture for the crowd.

"As you see, it is possible to cause pain and receive pain, just not with the intent to injure. While my actions certainly caused pain, it wouldn't harm him physically or emotionally, except for a bit of embarrassment about the public setting. That is within what is allowable, but stabbing me in retaliation is not."

The others nodded in understanding. "So there is a baseline of small conflict that is still allowed, but only so far."

Minister William escorted the guard back to his position, as the man was still spluttering in rage at Wolfe's actions, and then turned to the foreign dignitary.

"Sparring is allowed, and some accidental injuries have been sustained, but deliberate ones are prevented, as well as actions engineered to attempt to cause an accident. It is the intent that matters. If I'm sorting marbles on the floor, and you walk in, nothing will happen to me if you trip. But I wouldn't be able to shove you in, or lead you to a room full of marbles, at least not without warning you." The massive minister explained.

That brightened the guard's expression.

"Patriarch Noxus, do you perhaps practice the blade? I would love to spar with you." He suggested.

Rail laughed at the man's transparent bad intentions. "Even if you walk the line of the spell's protection, you should remember that he is a Magi. We would all be screwed if they weren't pacifists because they cheat at everything."

Wolfe shrugged. "I'm a magic user, why would I not use magic on myself? But while I'm certainly at a higher standard than a human, without additional spells it's unlikely that I would be a match for a trained guard."

"So you do practice the blade?" The guard asked.

"Only a little. It's good exercise, but I'm no match for the actual swordswomen of my hometown's guard. If I need to dispose of a large pest, I usually just swat it with a spell." Wolfe replied.

The visitors all chuckled at his description, but Rail actually bit down on her hand to stop herself from laughing out loud. Over the course of the week, Wolfe had used a dozen different spells to avoid people and tasks that he didn't want to deal with, even going as far as to but a Gravity Barrier and soundproofing spell over the Library at one point so that they could finish studying while one of the Ministers wanted to invite him to a coming of age party.

No offence to Swamp Trolls and related demons, but his daughter really wasn't Wolfe's type, and the Minister was not good with taking hints.

Wolfe stepped back out of the Palace's protection and wrapped an arm around Rail, using her as a living shield against the visitors wanting to interact any more, and the foreign dignitary frowned at him.

"Can you stop that? It's freaking me out." He demanded, glaring at the pair.

"Stop what?" They asked in unison.

"That weird role reversal play. It's not natural to see a succubus ignoring someone making a move on them." He insisted.

Wolfe laughed, while Rail glared at him.

"You've misunderstood. You see, Rail is a very proper and professional Demon, and I'm not flirting with her, I've learned that people don't just randomly touch a succubus, so if I stand behind her, they won't bother me either." He explained.

Minister William doubled over in laughter, holding his stomach and flapping his wings in time with his breaths as the roaring noise echoed through the streets.

"I knew it. I told them that you would find a way to weaponize her against us. I just never expected you to do it that way." He gasped.

Now everyone was staring at the huge Demon, who was slowly gathering his composure.

"My fellow Ministers had a wager going on when the Investigator was assigned to him about whether she would lose her professional composure, corrupt the Magi into staying, or whether she would crack under the temptation and need to be transferred.

I was the only one that bet he would find a way to use his guard against us. I had assumed that he would try to bedroom talk her into giving up secrets, not that he would use the lust effect of a Succubus' touch to keep people away. But a win is a win."

Then William turned to Wolfe with a suspicious look.

"Why doesn't it affect you, by the way?" He demanded.

"Magi composure. You see, the touch of a succubus has no effect if you already wanted her as much as her magic tried to make you want her." Wolfe joked.

Really, it was just that he always had an armour spell up over his body, so they weren't actually touching. But the way that Rail blushed was too good to pass up.

The foreign Butler was blushing almost as deeply as Rail was as he cleared his throat to get them back to business.

"Now that is solved, might we conclude our business with the barrier?"

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