Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

583. Embodiment of the World!

583. Embodiment of the World!

In the Eternal Life Alliance, someone suddenly looked up. They beheld a scene in the void that left their face awash with shock.

"What's happening? Why has the sky darkened?"

"It seems even the light of the stars is being obscured."

"How terrifying, what on earth is this?"

"An eclipse of sun and moon, what sorcery is this?"

"Could it be the apocalypse?"

"But why would the apocalypse suddenly appear on the Ancient Continent?"

It was not only in the Eternal Life Alliance. This phenomenon appeared across many regions of the Ancient Continent as if the world itself was blocking the void of the Ancient Continent. On closer inspection, it was indeed a world—a real world!

A sound like a sharp swoosh cut through the air. God-level powerhouses acted, attempting to shatter this mysterious world.

However, their formidable power could not even make it tremble. Only Feng Ling's gaze held a trace of recognition.

"This world's aura, it's so familiar. It seems like Lin Fei's aura. Could it be that Lin Fei has made some breakthrough?"

Feng Ling immediately thought of Lin Fei. This aura was all too familiar. Though it wasn't the Saber World, it still contained the essence of Lin Fei. Feng Ling could not be mistaken.

Given the breadth of his experience, he harbored a bold conjecture: "Could it be that Lin Fei is mastering a complete Dao, thus achieving the status of Martial Ancestor?"

The Phoenix was astounded. The title of True Monarch had already been enough to amaze. But to become a Martial Ancestor? That was truly beyond belief.

At this moment, many were speculating, yet Lin Fei was in the midst of the Ancient Continent's great Dao, genuinely "transforming" into a world.

This was a true world, existing within reality. The world was Lin Fei, and Lin Fei was the world. This was entirely different from his earlier creation of a particle world within his physical body. Those particle worlds could not manifest in reality and certainly did not possess the power of a true world.

But now, things were different. When Lin Fei created a world, one that merged with the great Dao of worlds, it became a real world—personally crafted by Lin Fei!

The next moment, the entire Ancient Continent trembled. A terrible pressure instantly fell upon Lin Fei—or rather, upon the world of Lin Fei—as if "suppressing" his world. Lin Fei even faintly felt a sense of "warning." This was a warning from the Ancient Continent.

Lin Fei could create a world, or even transform into a world, but not within the Ancient Continent. Doing so might disrupt certain laws of the Ancient Continent, or even damage the very essence of the Ancient Continent's world. Thus, the Ancient Continent sought to suppress Lin Fei's world.


With a thought, Lin Fei's form swiftly contracted. His body, a world unto itself, began to diminish.

Soon after, Lin Fei's figure reappeared. However, he had been expelled from the Dao World of the Ancient Continent.

Now, standing in the void, he experienced a power unlike any before—a force that seemed capable of shattering the Ancient Continent itself.

Of course, this was merely an illusion; not even true immortals or Martial Ancestors could annihilate the Ancient Continent.

Yet, Lin Fei felt as if the Ancient Continent was no longer formidable.

Moreover, Lin Fei could distinctly sense the "consciousness" of the Ancient Continent.

It is said that worlds possess spirit, but previously, Lin Fei could not perceive it unless under very special circumstances. Now, however, he could.

"System." Lin Fei immediately summoned the system to check his current state. He

vaguely understood his condition—most likely that of a Martial Ancestor, yet seemingly different from typical Martial Ancestors. Lin Fei needed to examine this closely.

Host: Lin Fei

Martial Realm: Martial Ancestor

World Dao: Perfection

World Level: Minor World (Progress 0%)

Lin Fei noted his realm. Indeed, he had become a Martial Ancestor. Yet, becoming a Martial Ancestor seemed to lack any stages like early, middle, or late phases.

Instead, there was a new category: World Level. Astonishingly, Lin Fei's World Level was only a Minor World, with zero progress, indicating that it was still challenging to advance.

"Wait, only a Minor World?" Lin Fei was startled. "I am a Martial Ancestor, so how could the world I've created be merely a Minor World?"

In Lin Fei's understanding, even Martial Gods or those undergoing Deity Transformation could disrupt or nearly collapse a Minor World. True Monarchs entering a Minor World could cause it to collapse.

How could such a world sustain the power of a Martial Ancestor like Lin Fei? Or was this Minor World not like other Minor Worlds?

However, Lin Fei's current strength was formidable. Every movement he made was imbued with unimaginable power.

Lin Fei wasn't sure how strong other Martial Ancestors or Dao Integration True Immortals were, but compared to his own past, all his previous skills and strengths combined were far inferior to his current Minor World capabilities.

Lin Fei estimated that his current strength was ten, perhaps even dozens of times greater than before—a transformation of a qualitative nature.

Yet, how could a Minor World possess a power a hundred times, or even more, greater than that of the top-tier True Monarchs?

Lin Fei closed his eyes, delving deep into the sensation of the world's force. It turned out that after the Dao of his world had merged into the world within his body and his consciousness had completely replaced that of the world, Lin Fei could mobilize the full power of the entire world.

And, in a dire situation, Lin Fei could even detonate his world to forcibly enhance his strength.

"I can now fully mobilize every fraction of power in this world," Lin Fei mused, contrasting it with those loose Minor Worlds. "In the common Minor Worlds of the Divine Realm, it's simply impossible to unleash all their power."

He acknowledged that while such worlds could at least release some of their might upon collapsing, they would only ever unleash, at best, a mere one percent of their original strength, often even less. "It's not to say that a Minor World is always that weak."

Lin Fei realized that a Minor World, when all its forces were mobilized, could indeed be terrifying. Furthermore, his world within did not yet harbor life. If life were to emerge, then the power of those lives could also serve him. In time, the power of Lin Fei's world would become even stronger!

"What about the Saber World?" Lin Fei pondered about another world he had access to. With a hum, the next moment, he summoned the Saber World with a thought. He still possessed the Saber World, which was a world transformed from the ethereal to the tangible.

Yet, it was vastly different from the true world. The Saber World, once comparable to a top-tier True Monarch, now seemed somewhat redundant since Lin Fei had ascended to the level of Martial Ancestor.

"If only the Saber World could be elevated to the level of a Martial Ancestor," he thought. Lin Fei shook his head; this was a challenging feat. His Dao of Worlds had already integrated into his physical world and could not merge with the Saber World.

"But wait, there's still the Shen in the Saber World. If the Shen could ascend to the level of a top-tier True Monarch, or even that of an Ancestor, wouldn't that also elevate the Saber World to the strength of a Martial Ancestor?"

Lin Fei's eyes sparkled with possibility. It seemed there was a way to enhance the Saber World after all, though it would require a lengthy period. Lin Fei would slowly explore these possibilities.

For now, however, it was time to return. With a swoosh, Lin Fei stepped forward, his figure instantly vanishing as he entered a void passage, disappearing without a trace.

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