Immortality Cultivation: I Farm in the System Space

Chapter 57 Continuous Alchemy

57  Chapter 57 Continuous Alchemy

This day, just after refining a batch of Rejuvenation Elixirs,

Lin Jing transported out of the System Space and pondered for a moment.

He was already extremely adept at refining Rejuvenation Elixirs; the lack of a Pure Elixir should not be an issue of his technique.

Sure enough, in the batch he had just refined, he managed to produce two Supreme Elixirs.

It seemed that the absence of a Pure Elixir could only be chalked up to luck.

However, a 10% chance was not really high, so he couldn't be too demanding.

Afterward, Lin Jing didn't dwell on it any further.

Next, he prepared to try refining a batch of Foundation Building Elixirs.


Two and a half hours later, Lin Jing opened his eyes, ending his meditation. His energy was fully replenished, and he was ready to continue with alchemy.

"Enter System Space."

Lin Jing summoned the system again, and as the scenery before his eyes changed, he arrived inside the System Space.

He didn't pause, but went straight to the Alchemy Room, where the Fire Meteor Four-Pattern Furnace was placed right in the center.

Lin Jing approached the Pill Furnace, first calming his mind and spirit, then took out the materials and processed them.

This time, he brought out the spiritual materials required for refining Foundation Building Elixirs, because that was what he planned to refine next.

He wanted to see how his current skill level would fare when trying to refine a different type of Elixir Medicine.

However, Lin Jing felt that while he should succeed in refining the Foundation Building Elixirs, the chances of producing a Supreme Elixir were slim.

That was because it was his first time attempting to refine Foundation Building Elixirs.

But even if he didn't produce a Supreme Elixir, it didn't matter; after all, it was his first attempt, and even if the refinement failed, Lin Jing could accept it.

Once he had processed the spiritual materials, he lit the fire, placing the materials into the Pill Furnace in turn...

Then came the long wait...

Of course, he couldn't just idle around; he had to constantly monitor the state of the Elixir Medicine inside and control the flame properly.


Time stealthily slipped by, and before he knew it, an hour had passed.

The flames under the Pill Furnace burned fiercely, reddening its base, indicating that the Elixir Medicine was close to completion—it was the critical moment for collecting the elixirs.

The Alchemy Room was filled with the fragrance of the elixirs, lingering without dispersing...

Lin Jing knew that the Elixir Medicine was ready, but the system prompt hadn't come yet.

"What's going on today? The fragrance has spread; the Elixir Medicine should be ready. Could the system have crashed?"

As he was thinking this, the system prompt suddenly rang out.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the host for refining a Pure Elixir, reward granted: 10 Harvest Points."

"Elixir refining successful, Alchemy proficiency +50."

"Pure Elixir."

Lin Jing was shocked, then his mouth curled into a smile, and he laughed.


"The first time refining the Foundation Building Elixirs and it produced a Pure Elixir—my luck is really not bad."

"Elder Yu previously said that among second-grade Elixir Medicines, Foundation Building Elixirs are the hardest to refine."

Lin Jing then recalled what Elder Yu had mentioned before.

"Among second-grade Elixir Medicines, the easiest to refine are the Rejuvenation Elixirs used for repairing injuries, while the hardest are the Foundation Building Elixirs used for breaking through to the Foundation Establishment Stage."

These were Elder Yu's exact words, but it seemed to be the other way around for Lin Jing.

After half a month of continuous refining, he hadn't managed to produce a Pure Elixir in any batches of Rejuvenation Elixirs, yet he achieved a Pure Elixir on his first attempt at refining Foundation Building Elixirs.

After the excitement, Lin Jing didn't forget the important task at hand, taking out the prepared Pure Jade Box and approaching the Pill Furnace.

Opening the Pill Furnace, a stream of white smoke rose gently from within. Lin Jing reached in and scooped out the Elixir Medicine. The transparent elixir, enveloped in cloud patterns, shone with a dazzling brilliance in his hand, beautiful to behold.


Opening the Pill Furnace, a stream of white smoke rose gently from within. Lin Jing reached in and scooped out the Elixir Medicine. The transparent elixir, enveloped in cloud patterns, shone with a dazzling brilliance in his hand, beautiful to behold.

Inside the Elixir Medicine, the liquid flowed slowly as if it were alive, making it hard to bring oneself to swallow it.

Pure Elixirs shouldn't be in contact with the outside world for too long. Lin Jing snapped back to his senses and placed the Elixir Medicine into the Pure Jade Box, securing it inside.

After completing all this, Lin Jing gathered the remaining Elixirs—two of Medium Grade and one of Low Grade.

Because Pure Elixirs were so overbearing, the moment they formed, the grades of other Elixirs within the same Pill Furnace would decrease.


If elixir medicines had souls, they would surely weep and wail, for not only had their spiritual power been siphoned away by their own kind, leading to a decrease in quality, but they were also subjected to discriminatory treatment by their master.

Alas, an elixir is just an elixir, devoid of any concept of right and wrong.


After finishing alchemy, Lin Jing emerged from the System Space.

Today's harvest was quite bountiful, and a Pure Foundation Building Elixir left Lin Jing unable to calm his emotions for a long time. Helplessly, he opened the door and walked out.

It was already the dead of night, and the outside world was extremely quiet.

With a gentle leap, Lin Jing jumped onto the roof and lay there, gazing at the profound night sky.

The night sky overhead, dotted with stars, appeared no different from that of his hometown.

But upon closer inspection, there were differences.

Lin Jing looked up to see a night sky exceptionally pure, much like the one he saw in the mountain village during his childhood.

It's just that the memories of his childhood had already grown blurry.

In his previous life, once he entered the big city, every day was a struggle for survival.

Back then, he was so busy with the daily grind that life had bent his back.

He had forgotten to look up, forgotten even the appearance of the night sky.

In this moment...

As he watched the night sky, his memories gradually became clearer, and scenes from his childhood played out in his mind.

He suddenly felt like drinking, yearning for the alcohol from his previous life, the liquor his grandfather used to secretly stash away...

And so, gazing at the night sky, Lin Jing slowly drifted off to sleep...

Since entering the mid-stage of Qi Refinement, he had not slept for a long time; most of it was spent in meditation.

But today was just right...


It wasn't until the next day's early morning light shone on Lin Jing's face that he slowly woke up.

This sleep was incredibly comfortable, and the tiredness from last night's alchemy practice had vanished without a trace.

Stretching his arms, Lin Jing yawned and then moved his somewhat stiff muscles and bones before leaping down from the roof.

Today was yet another day for alchemy.

Lin Jing planned to make use of his good spirits right now to concoct another batch.

Afterward, he returned to the room and once again entered the System Space.

An hour within the System Space later, Lin Jing emerged dejected.

This batch had unexpectedly yielded four Supreme Rejuvenation Elixirs.

It was the most Supreme Elixirs he had ever produced in a single batch since he started making elixir medicines.

Unfortunately, none of these Supreme Rejuvenation Elixirs were Pure Elixirs, and for this Lin Jing could only blame his own bad luck.

After coming out of the System Space, Lin Jing immediately began meditating to recover.

The day was still young, and there was time to concoct another batch.


By evening, the results of the second batch were ready.

With just one Medium Grade and two Low Grade, Lin Jing helplessly chuckled. How was it that his alchemy seemed to be regressing?

The following days continued in this vein.

The next day, one batch was successful, one failed, no Pure Elixirs...

The third day, two batches failed, one succeeded, no Pure Elixirs...

The fourth day, two batches succeeded, no Pure Elixirs...

The fifth day...

The sixth day...



Until the tenth day, Lin Jing still had not produced a Pure Body Restoration Pill.

At this moment.

There were only five days left until the deadline of the bet with Li Tangyu.



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