Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 660: A Cruel Woman

Chapter 660: A Cruel Woman

Negotiations between the two immortals didn’t take long and the they soon returned. Afterward, Chen Wentian and the Bei Clan people left the city lord’s mansion. The remaining guards and their lord Chang Ping all remained kneeling on the ground, fearful of the immortal that hovered over their heads.

Immortal Lake Mystic Qian Hu studied these men with an expression that would have surprised Chen Wentian if he was still here. Gone was the reasonable woman he had interacted with. Instead, it was replaced with one of arrogance and cruelty.

“Why are you lot so useless? You couldn’t even take care of such a simple problem.” She asked harshly.

Of course, nobody dared to answer.

“Tch… you all can give yourselves twenty lashes with the jewel whip as punishment. Chang Ping, if any one of them slacks off, then you will receive all of their lashes instead.”

“L… Lady Qian. Rest assured; the punishment will be carried out!” He replied, though his voice trembled with fright.

“Mmm, is the next batch ready?”

“Yes!” Chang Ping’s face brightened, “We have managed to find ten candidates that have met your requirements. I can send them to your quarters shortly.”

“Good, do that. Qian Xi, let’s go!”

The immortal and her disciple turned away and left the main hall. But before they had disappeared from view, the city lord had pulled out a long whip that was studded with stones and gems. Even as the suffocating aura of immortal might left the hall, screams of agony filled the space and echoed all over.

Qian Hu snorted with laughter as the noise reached her ears. “Mmmm, the screams of men are always so delectable.”

Qian Xi nodded her head like an obedient hen, “Yes, master.”

“Men will always try to slack off and ignore your orders. We must always be diligent and make sure to whip them until they abandon their nature.”

“Yes, master.”

“And you,” Qian Hu suddenly paused and rounded on her disciple.

Qian Xi dropped to her knees in fright and kowtowed.

Qian Hu gave her a kick that sent her sprawling, “Useless thing. You couldn’t even handle a pipsqueak at the Mind Focusing Realm. How were you so useless?”

“I… I…”

The younger woman was speechless. She couldn’t explain how that Bei Yingluo had put up such a good fight. She wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear but her master’s anger would still reach her there.

For Qian Hu, she wasn’t truly angry at her disciple but at a certain male. She had been outplayed by a man, something that had not happened in many years. It was also something unacceptable to her and to the teachings of her empress.

Men were servants. They existed beneath women. This was the custom of the Sapphire Mystic Empire. It was the law of the land laid down by her empress through martial might.

But this mysterious Elder Mo had fooled her. If she had also helped her disciple secretly, she would not have had to show her face. That last attack was truly despicable. Qian Xi would have lost her life otherwise.

“Whatever, I’ll let it go this time.” She said.

“Thank you, master. Thank you, master.” Qian Xi repeated that a few more times before rejoining her master’s side.

The pair didn’t speak again until they returned to the immortal’s quarters. The city lord’s private room had been converted to her tastes and now contained abundant silks and beast furs. In the middle was a large bed made of ornately carved wood. A sweet fragrance filled the air which came from several candles and incense burners.

The place was cozy and carried the faint scent of sex even though there was nobody else present.

Qian Hu lay on the bed and sighed. She stared up at the ceiling while her disciple served her tea. After a few more moments, Qian Xi finally found the courage to speak.

“Master, will it be alright including the Bei Clan in our plans? Do you really intend to give them a way out?”

Qian Hu laughed and there was cruelness in her tone, “I actually find the Bei Clan quite interesting. They are a great example of the empress’ wisdom reaching these northern lands. But since they have chosen to rely on that man, then they are worthless to me. I merely allowed them to join in our plan to use their strength for free. The desert is dangerous and unpredictable. Our plan is not without significant risk so what injuries and deaths they suffer won’t be blamed on me.”

“Amazing, master. You are actually using that man’s disciple for our own benefit!”

“Hmm, of course. Men exist to be used by us. Even immortals. Speaking of which, looks like they are here. Bring them in.”

“Yes, master.”

The doors opened and a group of men filed in. They numbered ten in total and were all young and healthy. Their cultivations were nothing remarkable and even their appearances were average at best. At a glance, these men should have had use to an immortal but Qian Hu seemed delighted nonetheless.

“Very good. Mmmm, very good!”

She stalked around each of the men like a tigress looking for her next meal. She rubbed their shoulders, then their chest. She felt them up as she pleased and even squeezed their asses on multiple occasions.

If the men felt uncomfortable with the treatment, they didn’t show it. They all had weirdly blank expressions and mild smiles. There was also a glazed look in their eyes as if their mind wasn’t quite right.

“Alright, all of you, take off your pants!” Qian Hu said.

All of them followed her command. Without hesitation, they pulled down their pants and undid their undergarments, revealing themselves completely as if for her inspection.

Her eyes flashed with excitement as she studied each person’s manhood. Her fingers twitched and she even licked her lips. She looked like a fox in the henhouse as if she couldn’t wait to dig in.

She went up to the first young man. He still sported a weird expression and didn’t seem to realize where he was. She didn’t pay attention to that and knelt down to focus on her prize.


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