Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 578: Cruel Cultivation (III)

Chapter 578: Cruel Cultivation (III)

The old man known as Immortal Ghost Sword Luo Ye only lasted two more times before he died a shameful death. In the midst of a heart-wrenching orgasm, his life energy was sucked dry and his soul left his body. His face was locked into an expression of ecstasy and horror, still unwilling to believe that this was his end. His body was now like a set of bones with a loose bag of skin. His balls shriveled up like pickled plums and turned black. His dick shrank until it was the size of a babys.

Yummy. Hehe. Qin Shuier said to herself, He was so old, I really didnt expect much. Humans are always so delicious. It really cant compare.

She savored the lingering taste for a little while longer before sitting down to cultivate. She didnt know that another person was silently cultivating along with her.

Chen Wentian remained hidden in the ceiling. Although he couldnt completely absorb the dissipating soul since he couldnt go down and touch the body, inside this small jail cell, he could still passively absorb most of the soul. It also didnt matter if it was whole or not because he was simply using it to cultivate.

Within his soul realm, Luo Yes soul was collected into a fuzzy white fog. It was suspended in the middle of the endless space, dimly illuminated by multicolored stars in all directions. After a moment, many rays of light shot out, piercing the white fog with a continuous barrage.

Luo Yes soul let out shrieks of horror as it was obliterated piece by piece. The subsequent soul energy released was directly absorbed by the soul space and not the individual souls. To break through, he had to strengthen and expand his soul to the limit, his primary soul that started as an ordinary human.

This time, Qin Shuier remained in cultivation for half a day. This suited Chen Wentian just fine as his own soul art also needed time. The two were like a pair of silent dancers, moving in synchrony. She led and he followed silently in the darkness. She didnt know he was there but he also couldnt do anything to her.

As Chen Mo, his offensive power was not the greatest. If he expended everything to try and kill this demoness, he still wouldnt be able to save the remaining human immortals and he would also lose out on the chance of sucking up their souls. There was also no guarantee of even killing her so he could even come out of it with nothing. Thus, he could only follow her lead.

Qin Shuier eventually got up. She placed the dead body in Senior Brother Seventh Blacks room and moved on to the next prisoner. The second cell held an old woman in the same Spirit King Realm imprisonment formation as before. Chen Wentian took a while to recall her name. It was Immortal Blade Blossom Lan Bingbing.

She was rather plump from what seemed to be decades of decadence. She still maintained her appearance to the highest quality but she could hardly compare to the likes of Shi Shi who was naturally gifted with an ageless image and figure.

Wakey, wakey. Qin Shuier prodded the prisoner.

Lan Bingbings eyes snapped open. She glared at the demon and spat. Pei! Demon whore, you finally came? I thought I was going to die of boredom.

Qin Shuier laughed heartily, Oh, still so spunky? Thats good. Thats good. Dont worry, youre not going to die of boredom at all. Hahaha!

Lan Bingbing tried to break the cage around her but it was too strong, Bitch, I will tear into a million pieces. Do you dare unshackle me and fight me fairly?

Dont be silly. Why would I do that? The demoness mocked.


Qin Shuier snapped her finger and bands of energy wrapped around the woman, tying her to the ground. Unlike the previous man, the womans legs were spread as wide as possible. Her clothes were then torn off, leaving her body exposed.

Lan Bingbing shivered. She knew her end was near. She had put on a brave act to vent her frustration and unwillingness to die. She didnt know what the demon wanted to do to her but it was surely nothing good.

She was utterly shocked when she felt a cool wetness between her legs. What what are you doing?

She glanced down to see the blue figure of the demon between her legs. Stop it! What are you doing? Stop!

Her shouts were useless as she felt something enter her. It was so wet that there was no discomfort. It only felt like a wiggling snake was trying to dig a hole inside her pussy.

Qin Shuier hand rested against in between the old immortal legs. Her watery fingers had formed into a longer appendage as she plunged into her prey, searching for her prize. The process for retrieving vital water from a human female was slightly different from a human male.

It was easy to tap into a mans life vein during their orgasm as it was a moment of weakness for their body, mind, and spirit. They also naturally released some life energy within their jing, their semen, so she only took advantage of this natural wonder.

Women werent like that. They could come as many times as the stars in the sky and they still would not release any life energy. Their vital energy was tied to their luan, their ovum which could give birth to life. A woman would only release one such precious egg every lunar cycle unless some special methods were employed.

Lan Bingbing writhed as she felt the strange thing invade deeper and deeper. She had slept with many men in her life. Even the biggest cock she ever had wasnt like this. Whatever this demoness was doing, it was simply amazing.

Her pussy pulsed and stretched. Strange undulations and unfamiliar movements put pressure on everything, everywhere, all at once. It was incomparable to a mans cock.

No She moaned helplessly.

Even at deaths door, she was so aroused. The pleasure was unbelievable. Her pussy was lit up completely. Every nook and cranny, every tender spot, every sensation she could ever feel, she was experiencing it all at once.

Stop please

She had lived a long life and she admitted that she had even experimented with the same sex a few times when she was really drunk. But this demoness was simply unparalleled.

Qin Shuier smirked. She didnt expect this human to be so sensitive, so slutty. She didnt mind it as it did not interfere with her goal. Her watery appendage soon reached the entrance to the womb. It narrowed to the width of a needle and pierced through.

Ahhh! Lan Bingbing shrieked.

This time, the sensations were truly out of this world. No cock could ever reach this deep, reach inside her most precious place, her core. She felt the tiny opening being forced open as water rushed in. It was strange and terrifying but also delightful.

Mmmm. No She shut her eyes and moaned uncontrollably as she felt full like never before.

Qin Shuier continued. Her appendage split into two and burrowed deeper until they finally touched the ultimate prize, the two small organs that were the source of vital water. She then summoned a secret art known only to pure shuimu and channeled that energy through her appendage and into her victim.

After a short while, Lan Bingbing let out a shudder as she felt something strange. She felt a large amount of strength and vitality leave her body. There was a sharp pain in her lower stomach as she felt something squeeze tight.

No! She shouted, suddenly clear-headed.

There was no more pleasure, only terror. Any immortal of any ilk could recognize those changes in their body. Two special luan had been forcibly ejected, one from each organ. It was filled with life energy and rich vital water. They were immediately gobbled up by the demonesss appendage.

Qin Shuier felt the power of water and life enter her spiritual sea, Mmm, so good!

Give them back! Bitch, Ill kill you! Lan Bingbing howled, struggling against her binds.

She finally realized the whole truth of her purpose and her method of death and she lost control.


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