Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 562: The Real Deal

Chapter 562: The Real Deal

Out of the seven remaining, Immortal Yellow River Yang Maoda was the one who finally acted. A giant gourd appeared on his back which was the size of a water buffalo. It was a Water-Carrying Gourd, the special treasure of the Yang Clan of Great Waves.

The cork at the top few off and a great fountain of yellow, muddy water poured out. The volume of water was astonishing, akin to a surging river after a downpour. The stone floor of the arena was quickly covered by the yellow water. It quickly grew in depth until it even covered the people that were lying on the ground. All of the excess water poured over the edge of the raised stone platform as a thundering waterfall but the height of the water continued to rise.

"What are you doing?" Su Tan asked sharply, "You're going to drown them!"

"Don't worry. Didn't I promise to use everything I had to save everyone? Since I've made such a promise, I naturally won't accidentally kill these useless people. Just make sure you don't forget your own promise!"

Su Tan glared at him but didn't say anything. What she had promised to ensure this disgusting person's cooperation filled her with even more dread than the invisible demon in the domain above them. If she didn't have so many people to save, she would have chosen death over such humiliation.

Chen Wentian was among those that were submerged. He opened his eyes but he could barely see anything through the murky water. However, he could still breathe as there was a large bubble of air around his mouth. He looked around and the other wounded immortals were also given the same treatment.

He could vaguely guess what Yang Maoda intended to do. Since the ground beneath them was no longer safe, the idea was to create a layer of water where the shadow domain could not easily penetrate. Everyone could then go through the water under Yang Maoda's protection and escape to safety.

This could have been good if there wasn't a fearsome water demon involved. Chen Wentian wondered if Yang Maoda was being a little too arrogant. It was very difficult for human elemental arts to surpass the innate powers of beasts and demons. This person from the Yang Clan of Great Waves had overwhelming faith in the might of their immortal Dao and was acting too arrogantly.

"Can we leave yet?" Tai Wuyi asked anxiously.

The water level was now approaching their waist. The arena had already been turned into a muddy lake but water continued to flow. This aged and most dignified member of the Four Greats had already turned into a frightened chicken that was clinging to any hope of survival. Everyone faced danger differently and this persons natural reaction was that of a coward.

"Not yet, a little bit more." Yang Maoda said through gritted teeth.

His entire being was focused on controlling so much water so he had few words to spare.

"Senior Ancestor Yang has abilities beyond our comprehension. We will surely be saved!" Yang Kaitian said.

His enthusiasm was ignored by the rest. They were too busy looking around in all directions, prepared to defend against a demon counterattack that didn't come. Their nerves were stretched to the breaking point but their invisible enemy continued to play with them. It would have been better to face down an unbeatable opponent than suffer such mental anguish.

"Alright, it's time." Yang Maoda said in a low voice. "Carry the wounded and follow me. I will open a way out."

"Okay." Su Tan said while the others replied with silent nods.

Just as they turned to grab their fellow immortals, Yang Maoda's head disappeared under the surface of the roiling lake. His body undulated like a fish as he darted away in a flash.

"What?" One of the sword brothers shouted.

"Where did he go?" Another asked in shock.

But Yang Maoda was already gone. He had already gone beneath the thick wall of impenetrable fog. It was obvious what he had done. He had abandoned them.

"Bastard!" Peng Yuefeng roared and slashed out in fury, creating three long fountains on the surface of the water with his sword energy.

Su Tan's reaction was one of numb disbelief. She couldn't imagine such a despicable person existed. As a resident of the subcontinent, the lowest tier of all human territories, she held great respect for the Martial Brilliance Continent in her heart. This person who hailed from a hegemon clan of the main continent was like a mountain, a noble and infallible pillar of support. Yang Maoda had made a sincere promise to help her in exchange for her dignity but it had all been a lie. He had been prepared to save only himself from the very beginning.

Chen Wentian held back a chuckle. This Yang Clan of Great Waves was indeed impressive. From top to bottom, it was all filled with scum. He had heard of this Immortal Yellow River from spies within the clan. Yang Maoda was merely a slave, a servant raised to carry out all the dirty tasks that the core family members could not be bothered with. Since the master, Yang Gehu, was already so vile, the servant couldn't be any better.

A few moments later, a towering column of water tore through the shadow domain. There was a clash of spiritual energies as two figures appeared within the fog. One side was small and hunched over like a naked monkey while the other was a towering demoness made of water.

Chen Wentian remembered her like it was yesterday, Qin Shiuer, Lord of the Calm Lake. She was over three meters tall. Her face was flawless as if had been crafted by an artist. Her hair flowed behind her back like a waterfall. Her entire body was nothing water of a light blue hue.

Despite this intangible nature, she still had sizable bulges in all the right places, especially a pair of enormous breasts that straddled the fine line between fantasy and reality. Everything about her was exaggerated. She was clearly a demon but she also seemed like a mighty goddess, fitting the fantasies of all men.

Aaarrrgghhh! Yang Maodas ragged howl broke the beautiful scene.

He had been pummeled into submission for a brief moment but he was not yet defeated. He gathered all the yellow water around and launched a crazed attack that was akin to a tsunami.

Yuck, this water is so dirty! Qin Shiuer said after the attack passed through her without any effect, So foul. Disgusting. Did your mother give birth to you in a gutter? Why are you so ugly?

Even when she frowned, there was no flaw that could be seen on her face, only more perfection. The four sword brothers had even been struck dumb by the stirring sight before them.



Yang Maoda let out another furious shout, Impossible! Youre just a shuimu! Ive killed countless shuimu before! This is impossible!

Qin Shiuer chortled, Silly human, how could ordinary shuimu compare to me? I will tell you a little secret. Pure shuimu are immune to all water-based attacks. We are beings born of water so naturally, we are not afraid of the very thing we are made of. What you know as shuimu are simply bastards and half-breeds. Their ability to control water is pitiful so they deserve to be killed by humans. However

She raised an index finger and pointed it at Yang Maoda, I am the real deal.

Instantly, a myriad of water droplets shot toward him like an arrow rain. The sky filled with watery death and there was nowhere to hide. He managed to block the first volley but there was a second and a third and a fourth.

This was a demon at the peak of the Spirit Lord Realm. She had already drank the essence of so many humans and immortals. Her strength already carried a hint of the might of Spirit King Realm. She was already on the boundary.

Ahh! Ahhhh! Yang Maoda bellowed in agony.

The arrow rain targeted his limbs and shattered his bones and tendons. His ability and talent were never that great to begin with. He was simply a slave of the Yang Clan. He could strut around the Eastern Subcontinent like a king but in truth, his strength was actually below the likes of Peng Yuefeng and Su Tan. From the beginning until the end, he had acted too arrogantly and it was his undoing.

Ah hah shit

Yang Maoda couldnt hold on anymore as his defense was shattered. With all four limbs crippled, he had nothing left. His body trembled as the last big resistance left him and he fell face-first into yellow water that was already soaked red.


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