Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 556: Third Day

Chapter 556: Third Day

The third day of the Convocation of Swords began on a strange note. The other disciples noticed an aura around Chen Wentian that was bubbling with happiness. When asked, he simply laughed and didn't elaborate. Since he usually wasn't one to act so cheerful and carefree, they all wondered what had caused him to be in such a mood. They were facing many difficult problems including the convocation and the unknown threat of demons so it seemed rather inappropriate. Only Wu Qianyu knew the reason but she wasn't one to brag and simply followed along with a serene smile.

The challenges and duels of the third day progressed at the same frantic pace as before but there was a great change in the overall atmosphere. While many disciples and sects had been laid back the first two days, now they were filled with fighting spirit and a hint of desperation.

Today was the last day to get into the rankings. Since each person only had one challenge, they all had one chance left. They had to ensure success so that they could test their fortune inside the Forest of Swords. Not doing so was an unacceptable failure.

Because of this sentiment, the strongest participants of the convocation were left alone. Nobody wanted to seek a quick death like that. Instead, it became a fierce battle for the lower rankings. They believed that they would have a better chance against contestants with lower cultivation and less fame.

Everyone went all out. There was much more bloodshed than the previous two days. Rivalries, grudges, feuds, it all exploded across the dueling platforms. A few friendships were even severed for the sake of greed and the allure of the forest.

Amidst it all, Chen Wentian and his disciples sat through the chaos of the third day largely unperturbed. Few tried to find trouble with them as their reputation was well known by now. This group of master and disciples were too tiresome and troublesome. Even if they managed to win against one of the weaker disciples by chance, everyone knew that Wu Qianyu would come out to get revenge. Nobody wanted to get embroiled in such a messy fight on the final day and ruin the futures of their disciples. Even the Tower of Swords and the Four Great Sword Sects understood this and focused on getting as many of their disciples as possible into the rankings instead of fighting tooth and nail with Ten Thousand Flower Valley.

The sun eventually set, bringing a close to this portion of the Convocation of Swords. The challenge tournament was finished and so were the free-for-all battles for the Mind Focusing Realm disciples. All three hundred and thirty-three entrants to the Forest of Swords had been determined.

All nine of Chen Wentian's disciples had made it through. A few dare-to-die opponents had challenged Su Xue and Su Yue near the end but they were able to hold on without additional assistance. Zhou Ziyun's combined strategy utilized their small roster and strong individuals to great effect. He could not have done it better himself.

Hooray! Lin Qingcheng cried out, spilling half of the contents of her cup in excitement, Xueer Sister and Yueer Sister were amazing today! You beat those idiots until they couldnt speak anymore. Hehehe!

The others shared the toast and soon, laughter and shouts filled the banquet room. Of course, they were not eating or drinking anything provided by the city. Chen Wentian had briefly gone back to the sect through the teleportation array and brought back fresh supplies that were untainted.

Chen Wentian watched their antics with amusement. Tonight was the last night they would be able to spend together for a little while. Tomorrow, they would all enter the Forest of Swords and face the unknown challenges within. He let them party and celebrate for a couple of hours before gathering their attention.

Ahem, as you all know, the Forest of Swords opens tomorrow. Thus, I have a few words. He said.

His disciples quieted down and they all looked at him attentively.

Firstly, as we have discussed before, I expect that Qianyu is the only one who will really benefit from these so-called sword truths. Apart from her, you all dont need to take unnecessary risks. It is enough for me if you use this opportunity to simply explore an exciting, strange land. You dont have to push yourselves too hard. You also dont have to feel obligated to team up and help her. I want you each to focus on yourselves.

Yes, master!

He smiled, Good. Secondly, this Forest of Swords can be considered something that is commonly known in the cultivation, a secret realm. Since I have not been inside, I am not clear about the environment. However, I can be considered somewhat of an expert with regard to secret realms, having explored many during my days as a mortal cultivator. These places come in all shapes and sizes with various difficulties but there is one thing you must always remember.

The most important thing and the most critical threat within is not the environment or the native beasts but other people, other cultivators like you. The darkness within human hearts is far more dangerous and unpredictable than anything you will encounter. Do not trust outsiders. Do not accept help thoughtlessly. Be wary of tricks at any moment. It is better to be alone than with a stranger. Understand?

Yes, master. We understand!

Mmm. Thirdly, supplies. It's better to be over-prepared than not prepared. Take out your spatial bags.

Obediently, they all took off their spatial bags for him to examine. With a series of rapid movements, he filled up each one up to the brim with the things he had prepared. He then handed them back for them to examine.

Inside, you will find six months worth of dried rations and one month's supply of fresh water. There are tents, bedding, towels, and extra sets of clothes. There are fresh bandages, basic treatment equipment, three different types of healing pills depending on the severity of the injury, poison resistance pills, cold resistance pills, heat resistance pills, and some others. There wasnt enough room to add too many extra weapons and armor so I have included a variety of useful talismans. There are message talismans, alert talismans, explosive talismans, water-breathing talismans, and many more. Take a look tonight and make sure you are familiar with them.

He paused his rant as he noticed that he was surrounded by astonished faces.

What? He asked.

Li Yuechan coughed awkwardly, Master, we will only be inside the forest for two weeks.

He shook his head, Just trust me, all kinds of crazy things can happen inside secret realms. Sometimes, the exit might disappear and youll end up being trapped inside for a long time. It doesnt hurt to be prepared.

I understand, master is wise.

It probably wont happen but it doesnt hurt to fill your spatial bags. Anyways, Wushuang, Langyi, Xueer, Yueer, you four will have a choice as to which immortal treasure you each want to carry within the secret realm. You can use the Summers Dance and Winters Sun swords you are familiar with or you can use Tortoise Can Fly or the Cloudy Bronze Parasol. He said.

The four looked at each other but it was Li Yuechan that spoke up, Master, we have all used Tortoise Can Fly before but I dont think we have ever seen the Cloudy Bronze Parasol.

Youre right, my bad. He said and pulled the item out from one of their spatial bags.

He opened it up just like an umbrella and spun it around. The cloud-like patterns seemed to come alive as they exuded a protective aura. He activated the golden-bronze shield a few times before putting it down.

Both Tortoise Can Fly and the Cloudy Bronze Parasol are defensive items. It can protect you from all dangers below the mortal realms easily. But from what I have heard, there is a strange suppression inside this secret realm that prevents flying, even with spiritual tools. I suspect that Tortoise Can Fly will be under the same restriction so it can only act as a shelter. Thus, if you choose one of these two items, it is still best to seek out your fellow sisters so that you will have some offensive power.

His disciples nodded in understanding.

Oh, one last thing, He snapped his fingers and pointed to Li Yuechan, Yuechan, give me Little Carrot. I need it for something.

Little Carrot? Okay. She undid the Giant Mole Worm which was tied around her waist like a furry belt and handed it over.

He stored it away and said, Dont worry, I already thought of you ahead of time. I included an additional surprise in your bag, did you see it?

Did you mean this? She asked and pulled out a sword inside a gleaming blue scabbard.

Yeah, take it out and give it a whirl.

Li Yuechan obeyed and drew the sword which was a classic, slender design with an engraved blade made of some kind of deep-blue metal. It exuded a sharp, icy aura and instantly, the rooms temperature dropped by a great deal.

This She muttered in wonder, barely holding back her excitement.

I call it the Ageless Ice Sword. I found a good thing while we were shopping and managed to incorporate it into a good sword I had lying around. Although it is only at the peak of the Spirit Initiate Realm, I will try to upgrade it to a Spirit Lord Realm weapon at the earliest opportunity. He said proudly.

This sword is similar to masters other immortal items? She asked.

Thats right. I will still be able to assist you in a pinch even though it is at the mortal domain.

Li Yuechan sheathed the sword and bowed to him.

Thank you, master. She said.

Alright, thats all for tonight. Chen Wentian said and stood up, If you want to keep partying, you can. If you want to meditate and prepare for tomorrow, thats fine too. Im going to bed, if anyone wants to join me, it's first come first served.

With a smirk, he quickly left the room, leaving a group of red-faced women behind.


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