Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 514: Unusual Arrivals

Chapter 514: Unusual Arrivals

Chen Wentian continued to watch the ever-evolving scene of utter debauchery below. This was the first time he had ever witnessed something like this in person. It was disgusting but also fascinating.

He would never allow something like that to happen to his own disciples. His disciples were his. They were his women. He would never let another man touch them.

Yang Kaitian was different. Zheng Tong meant nothing to him. She was his disciple but she was not his woman. She was merely a plaything, a pet, an object of sexual gratification. To him, there was nothing wrong with sharing a cheap whore with his sword brothers.

Chen Wentian shook his head.

Despite it all, as a man, he still understood the appeal of this kind of thing.

Orgies were quite common once one left the realm of modesty. One man and many women, one woman and many men, or even many men and many women, everything was possible. The human race enjoyed sex and immortals were no different. Chen Wentian was no different as he often dual cultivated with the five ice sisters at the same time.

It was unfortunate that he was the type of person that strongly disliked other men. Because of his past, he saw them all as competition, as threats to his survival. As such, he would never get an opportunity such as the one below so the only thing he could do was continue to watch.

Chen Wentian was still busy watching when he sensed something unusual.

In an instant, several shadow anchors he had laid around the manor lost their spiritual energy and disappeared.

He jerked to attention, looking towards the eastern gate, trying to sense anything he could from the remaining shadow anchors there.

Shadow anchors were simply deposits of his spiritual will and shadow energy. A more powerful source of spiritual energy could wipe them away. Spiritual energy with a strong affinity to a shadow fox would also cause interference.

More shadow anchors steadily blinked out of existence and now he was thoroughly alarmed. The four immortals were still oblivious. None of the protective arrays around the manor had been activated. Only he knew something was wrong.

He couldnt sense anything. There was nothing in the sky above. There was nothing within the ground below. Was there an invisible immortal? How could they hide their entire presence?

Chen Wentian felt a sense of dread he had never felt before in this shadow fox form. Something was seriously wrong. A thing that could interfere with his shadow energy had to be emitting even more powerful shadow energy.

There were many strange creatures in this endless world of cultivation. Creatures of shadow were not uncommon and even he could list off more than a handful. But regardless of what it was, there was no doubt that it far surpassed his ability. Perhaps it was already at the Spirit King Realm. And if it really was at the Spirit King Realm, Chen Mo stood no chance.

Chen Wentian made the decision resolutely. In an instant, he withdrew Chen Mos soul back into the soul realm, causing the shadow body at the manor to dissipate into a puff of black smoke.

He had no desire to get caught by whatever it was. Even if Chen Mo couldnt truly die, he didnt want the shadow foxs existence discovered by such a powerful being. He was a stingy person and always held his secrets close to his heart.


After Chen Mo disappeared, a black mass shifting through the shadows of the manor paused. It retreated some distance into a particularly dark corner to reassess the situation.

Hmmm strange. A deep, ancient voice muttered, Was I discovered?

Senior Brother, whats wrong? A sweet, flowing voice came from within the shapeless darkness.

There was another another shadow.

Another shadow? How can there be another shade here?

The ancient being grunted, Not an ancient shade, not even an ordinary shade. It was something else that utilized the Dao of darkness and shadow.

Where is it now?

It ran away.

The other voice was doubtful, To be able to escape Senior Brother Seventh Blacks shadow network, it must be very powerful.

Perhaps The dark voice drifted off as if in deep thought.

Should we keep going or think of something else? I dont want to put masters plans at risk again.

There was a long moment of silence before the black mass left its hiding place and continued towards the manor a short distance away.

No need. We proceed. I can deal with that curious little shadow if it ever decides to come back again.

The shade entered the manor and came to rest at the same hiding spot in the ceiling as Chen Wentian. The two beings silently observed the human orgy below for a while before leaving and heading deeper toward the basement.

After going down several flights of stairs and past the servant quarters, the blackness slipped under a door and arrived in a bare chamber that held only a brick-lined well. Once judging that it was safe, a pair of blood-red eyes blinked into existence, followed by a gaping maw lined with rows of white fangs.

This being was known to only a few as an ancient shade, a demon born of shadow. It only lived in the darkest places in the world such as underground caves. It was a supreme being of darkness, far surpassing ordinary shades that often haunted the homes of humans, scaring children from the shadows.

An ancient shadow lived for tens of thousands of years. Wherever it went, all shadow and darkness obeyed its will. It was only natural that such a demon would wipe out shadow anchors left by a shadow fox one whole realm below it.

The demons mouth remained open and from within, a blue glow appeared. There was a gushing sound as a column of water poured out in an arc, straight into the well with a splash. A few moments later, a light blue creature in the shape of a human woman materialized. It turned several times to examine the surroundings and then gave a playful bow to the ancient shade.

If Chen Wentian was here, he would have recognized the being immediately.

It was none other than the Qin Shuier, the shuimu, the water demon.

Senior Brother Seventh Black, thank you for the comfortable journey. Qin Shuier said.

The ancient shade named Seventh Black snorted, Noisy. How many days do you need to complete your preparations here?

Qin Shuier twirled around again, These four perverts? I will only need two days to complete my preparations. Their shared interest makes things a lot easier for me and I can take them any time I want.

Will they be enough for you to finally break through?

Qin Shuier lost some of her perkiness, Im not sure. Sword cultivators are a lecherous bunch. Their weakness which makes them easy prey also makes them less appetizing. Their yang essence is weaker and less concentrated than flame cultivators.

Understandable but this is the safest option we have for now. After you caused so much trouble at the Eastern Sanmu Metropolis, we wont be able to go back until you break through.

Qin Shuier pouted but this had no effect on the emotionless mass of darkness. Youre no fun. Fine, fine. After Im done with this bunch, there are several more sword cultivators that are good targets. I even saw an interesting flame cultivator.

The ancient shade stirred, its eyes and mouth disappearing into its body, Good, get to work.

Yes, senior brother. Qin Shuier said as the other demon left the chamber.


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