Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 510: Annoying Pest

Chapter 510: Annoying Pest

A few stalls after the previous, an especially rowdy and splendid exhibit drew Lin Qingchengs attention and she steered everyone towards it. It was some kind of shooting game where the visitors were invited to shoot at small, fast-moving targets made of clay. There was also some kind of scoring system where the winner of a round could receive a choice of several prizes including ornate daggers, pieces of spiritual stones, as well as flashy jewelry.

Ten or more people crowded together at front of the long counter. Several dozen more were lined up behind them. The ones running the exhibit let each challenger go one-by-one, with one tael of gold giving them five tries to hit five targets with their sword energy. Those that didnt manage to hit all five could only receive cheap rewards while those that hit all five could have their pick within the best reward category.

At least, this was their sales pitch.

Within a few moments, three people finished their attempts. None of them managed to hit all five. They werent even close. The group running this exhibit was quite skilled. They used their spiritual energy to make clay targets the size of a silver coin dance around like a firefly.

Last try, miss! Ohhh, Im sorry.

Next guest!

Master, I want to try it! Lin Qingcheng squealed in excitement and squeezed herself into the crowd.

Chengcheng, wait! Zhou Ziyun cried out and followed after her.

Chen Wentian looked at the others who all seemed disinterested. He laughed and led them to look around the nearby stalls while Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun had their fun.

Lin Qingcheng waited in line, hand-in-hand, with Zhou Ziyun. She loved games and couldnt resist. She also thought the prizes were quite good, especially the sparkling jewelry on display.

What do you think, sis? She asked, How many big prizes do you think I can win?

Zhou Ziyun snorted, Zero.

What? Lin Qingcheng stamped her feet, Zero? I can do better than you!

Zhou Ziyun chortled, Oh yeah? Lets bet!

One night with master!


The people around them glanced at the noisy girls disdainfully but they paid no attention. Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun were as close as true sisters but this also meant that they were even more competitive with each other. They did many things together so naturally, one had to be the winner while the other was the loser.

When it was finally their turn, Lin Qingcheng went first. She used a single index finger and formed huge balls of poorly controlled sword energy on the tip. When she launched the ball of energy forward, it naturally flew in every which direction, slamming into the ground or ripping a hole through the canopy. Out of five targets, she wasnt even close to hitting a single one.

Darn it! She said, slamming her fist against the counter.

She really thought she could hit a few of the targets but they moved faster than she expected.

Watch this. Zhou Ziyun and extended her hand.

She pointed two fingers forward, the correct hand sign for sword cultivators. She called upon the Flying Dragon Saber Art and formed a thin sliver of spiritual energy. There was no wasted effort as everything was concentrated on her fingertips.

The first clay target flashed by, almost faster than the eye could discern. She followed its trajectory and let loose.


Her attack missed, impacting against the pile of rocks behind.

Zhou Ziyun clicked her tongue in annoyance and gathered her energy for the next target. She calmed her body. She calculated exactly how much sword energy she needed and how fast the target moved. She used just the right amount of control and power and neatly sliced the clay coin in two.

Ha! She laughed and gave Lin Qingcheng a mocking smile.

Savoring Lin Qingchengs growing dejection, Zhou Ziyun scored on the next two targets as well. But on the final one, the person controlling its trajectory introduced some wild maneuvers at the last moment and caused her to miss.

Zhou Ziyun pursed her lips for a moment but put her displeasure aside. A win was still a win. The next time Chen Wentian wanted to spend a night with Lin Qingcheng, he would have to come to her room instead!

Lin Qingcheng was thinking the same thing. Unwilling to admit defeat, she drew out another tael of gold.

Double or nothing! She said defiantly.

Zhou Ziyun smirked, Are you sure? You cant take it back and complain to master later.

When have I ever

Before she could continue arguing, wild applause erupted at the end of the counter.

Five out of five! We have a winner! The host shouted amidst the noise. May I ask this heros great name?

Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun leaned forward and glanced over. A tall, handsome man with sleek black hair held in a topknot and a chiseled jawline stood nearby, the focus of everyones attention.

Uncle is too kind. This one is named Liu Qiye. I am a disciple of the Mount Tai Sect, here to participate in the Convocation of Swords! The man declared.


Did he say Mount Tai Sect?


It was difficult not to be impressed. The Mount Tai Sect was one of the four great sword sects of the Eastern Sword Alliance. This Liu Qiye was a big figure in the eyes of mortal cultivators around him. The only ones that seemed rather bored were Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun.

Liu Qiye noticed their reaction. His eyes brightened with interest and he took a few steps toward them.

Junior sisters, I couldnt help but notice your prior attempts. They were quite spirited but alas. He shook his head and then smiled, his dazzling image stunning the audience into silence, Did you know, there are a few tricks to defeating this sword game. If you would like, I can teach them to you and you might be able to win one of the grand prizes.

Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun didnt immediately respond. Lin Qingcheng didnt quite understand what was going on while Zhou Ziyun was trying to think of the most tactful way of refusing this annoying pest.

Seeing them hesitate, the host of the game laughed and chimed in, as if trying to gain favor with Liu Qiye, My ladies, this Liu Qiye is a truly talented man. Even if he teaches you just a little, your sword will improve by leaps and bounds.

Liu Qiye shot him a glare that silenced the old man. He then turned back with a smile, Where are my manners? Junior sisters, may I ask your name and which sect you are from?

Zhou Ziyun tilted her head slightly as a courtesy, Senior Liu, us two sisters cannot afford to draw attention from someone like yourself. If you will excuse us

Liu Qiye leaned against a nearby tentpole and laughed, Nonsense, you dont have to think so humbly of yourself. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I have been wondering if I had finally encountered disciples of the saintess of swords. Tell me its not true, that you two are not disciples of Lady Gongsun.

Zhou Ziyun almost laughed out loud at that ridiculous statement but she was saved by the arrival of a warm wave of immortal power.

Chen Wentian strode over, each step sending out almost intangible waves of blue flames. The people around the sword game scattered to make way.

Liu Qiye quickly bowed, Lord immortal. This one is Liu Qiye of the Mount Tai Sect.

Chen Wentians eyes narrowed. He hated these types of men the most, these handsome and talented princes and young masters that flirted with women left and right. He had been constantly bullied by them in the past and the mere thought brought up a fierce surge of anger within him.

I dont care who you are. Chen Wentian said.

His tone sent shivers through Liu Qiye. The audience also looked on in apprehension, unsure what was going to happen.

Do you think someone like you can teach my disciples? Chen Wentian said, each word searing Liu Qiyes eardrums.

He wanted to insult Liu Qiye, threaten, bully, and even abuse him. It would be so easy. It would be so satisfying.

But he was an immortal. The difference between an immortal and a mortal was like heaven and earth, like a dragon and an ant. There was no need for him to do anything, it was a waste of time, it was beneath his dignity.

Without another word, he beckoned to Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun and left the shamefaced Liu Qiye behind, still cowering on the ground.


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