Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 502: Amazing and Beautiful (I)

Chapter 502: Amazing and Beautiful (I)

A few steps later, Chen Wentian and Li Yuechan arrived at a secluded courtyard. The main sect building was designed in such a way that the various rooms and dormitories were separated by walled courtyards that contained roofed pavilions, stone walkways, well-maintained gardens. This way, each section of the building had a sense of privacy and a touch nature.

He pulled her down to sit together on a particularly secluded bench. She sat awkwardly, with far more space between them than he was used to, almost as if she was reluctant. He studied her flustered face and sensed her heart which was beating energetically. He wondered what was going through her pretty head and why she was acting like a nervous little girl.

Master She said, her voice soft and uncertain, Did I do something wrong during our spar?

He shook his head and leaned closer, Yuechan, you were quite very enthusiastic when we were exchanging blows, why are you so nervous now?

She looked away from him but was unable to hide the pink color on her cheek, Master, are you teasing me? I was just concentrating on our swords. Nothing more.

Oh? Nothing more?

Chen Wentian leaned in a bit further until he could reach over her far shoulder. With a firm hand on her arm, he scooted over until not a breath of air separated their bodies. He held her close and touched his head softly against hers.

They sat like that for a while, each listening to the others breath and steady heartbeats. They were master and disciple but also more, a budding relationship that didnt get many opportunities to grow. He was often preoccupied with other disciples while she had to care for her sisters and be the consummate leader. Thus, both of them enjoyed the impromptu time together.

Yuechan He said softly.


Did you miss me these last two months?

She nodded and leaned into him. That simple action was far more affirmation than any words could produce.

Yuechan He said again after some time.


I want to apologize. I know that Ive been a bad master to you and your sisters.

No master She tried to argue but he put a finger to her lips.

I know that you are not the type to ask for anything from me. So it really is all my fault. Your cultivation hasnt improved in more than four months and it's all my fault. I should have found time for you and your sisters

This time, it was her turn to put a finger to his lips.

Master, my dear master, none of it was your fault. My sisters and I arent frustrated about our lack of progress. We don't blame you at all.

Really? He asked.

She shook her head, No, of course not. We understood the situation completely. You were doing your best against a demon threat that proved to be real. You were struggling against powers beyond our comprehension in the Martial Brilliance Continent on behalf of Sister Long. How can we blame you for any of that?


She let out a soft laugh and leaned into his chest, I was just really happy that you picked me to spar with. I thought you would practice with Sister Lin or Sister Zhou before me.

As she said these words, he sensed a change in her demeanor. She was no longer nervous but filled with certainty and conviction. He realized that it was him pulling her aside that made her think that she had done something wrong. He was such an idiot.

You were happy you could spar with me. Was that it? Or perhaps, was there anything else you were happy about? He asked slyly.

She looked up at him quizzically which gave the exact opening he wanted. His head leaned down until their lips were almost touching.

Was there anything else you were happy about? He asked again, Like seeing me again?

She seemed to realize his meaning and smiled widely. Her eyes glistened with emotion and anticipation, their closeness sending thrills through her body.

Yes She breathed, tilting her head toward him.

That was all he needed. He accepted her invitation and captured her tender red lips. She sighed into him, letting him know just how much she had wanted him to do that. His arms wrapped around her, roaming, exploring, while their kiss continued, neither looking to part from each others sweet caresses.

Sitting together on that secluded bench, nobody bothered them, not even a wayward servant. Apart from a few buzzing bees, there was nobody to bear witness as Li Yuechan gripped the front of his ropes desperately, unwilling to move her lips away from his. Amidst it all, Chen Wentians hand had found its way beneath the layers of her practice robes until he was caressing her cool skin.

They eventually broke apart, both gasping for breath, staring at each other with eyes blurry with desire.

Yuechan, I really missed you. He said finally.

Her smile at his words was stunningly beautiful, Master, I missed you too.

With that, their lips crashed together once more.

They put all of their unsaid words behind their kiss. Months of separation and frustration were slowly washed away every moment her tongue was wrapped around his. There was no resentment, no annoyance, no bad feelings whatsoever left over. There was only the devotion between master and disciple as well as a tender, budding affection between a man and a woman.

Chen Wentians hand, after some time, found its way past her waist sash and undergarments. While she was still almost fully clothed, his hand had arrived at the patch of hair that emerged from between her legs.

Yuechan. He insisted as his fingers prodded downward.

Master She mewed into his chest but obediently spread her legs just enough.

His hand slipped down and felt the moisture of her secret garden. He grinned triumphantly as he collected dew drops that had collected on her soft petals with his middle finger. She gasped and trembled at his touch, a sight which simply drove him wild.

Is this how much you missed me? Chen Wentian asked.

Li Yuechan didnt answer but spread her legs even wider.

He obliged and stroked her folds several more times until she was dripping wet. He then teased her most tender nub until she was moaning and shivering in his arms. He continued his ministrations, constantly watching and listening as she slowly unraveled around his fingers. It gave him a thrill that few things in the world could.

Yuechan, look at me. He asked.

She looked up with a dazed grin. He took that chance to plunge two fingers into her depths. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened in response to the sudden invasion. Before she could cry out, he caught her lips again as he started rubbing her sensitive folds relentlessly.

Mmm Mmm Mmm

Her muffled moans were absorbed by his kiss. Her eyes closed shut as she lost control of her body and surrendered the waves of pleasure rocking her core.

Mmm Mmm Mmm

Her hips started to shake as his fingers continued their steady strokes. She was squirming in his arms but he didnt let her go. He wanted her to feel it, he wanted her to come on his fingers.

It didnt take long until she finally came undone. Her pussy tightened around him and shook with vigorous undulations.

Ahhh! She cried out helplessly.

Her body shook uncontrollably and her hips bucked wildly. His fingers were forced out and he could only hold her as she moaned over and over as she rode out the wild sensations.

Her orgasm was long and powerful. When it was finally over, it left her breathless and disoriented. She could do nothing except rest against him, safe and warm in his arms.

Chen Wentian was left grinning from ear to ear. He had enjoyed their little session greatly. Li Yuechan was an amazing and beautiful woman in her own right. He had almost forgotten how her body felt in his arms. That was unacceptable and promised himself to remedy that quickly.

Yuechan? Hey? He prodded her.

Huh? What? Please master, no more. Let me rest. She lamented, punching his chest lightly.

He laughed, Silly girl, what are you thinking about? We should get back to the main courtyard or else the others might get curious and start looking for us.

Li Yuechan jerked up and looked around in panic. Seeing nothing, she gave him a dirty look before standing up to fix her robes.

He laughed some more and slapped her ass, Dont get too comfortable, I plan on making up on lost time tonight with you and your sisters. Tell them that they better be ready!

She blushed and looked away but he knew she was looking forward to it.


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