Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 485: Going All Out

Chapter 485: Going All Out

The gourd in Yang Gehus hand was a special kind of spatial bag. It was crafted to hold one thing and one thing only, lots and lots of water!


A great spout of water erupted like a fountain from the top of the gourd, spraying both combatants. The rest fell to the bottom of the spherical arena and started to pool. While water continued to pour endlessly, Yang Gehu slung the gourd behind his back and brandished his glaive once more.

Its over for you. Yang Gehu shouted over the noise of rushing water.

Chen Wentian simply beckoned him with a finger.

The two clashed once more, this time trading attacks in rapid succession. Yang Gehu used his Great Wave Art which was strengthened by two highly compatible immortal items. Chen Wentian countered with the Flying Dragon Saber Art while occasionally defending with his flames or the Golden Serpent Robe. All the while, the arena was quickly filling up with clear, fresh water.

For those in the audience that expected a quick Yang Gehu victory, the current state of the duel was a stirring surprise. They never expected a common immortal from the subcontinents to have such great combat ability or such high-quality equipment. They couldnt deny they were impressed but it didnt mean they were worried. Everyone still believed that Yang Gehu would win and since he had already revealed the gourd, a victory was all but assured.

Hahaha, that idiot still hasnt realized it yet. Abbotess Yang chortled, Even if he tries to attack the Water-Carrying Gourd now, its too late!

The Water-Carrying Gourd was a special creation of the Yang Clan of Great Waves. All members of the clan carried gourds of various sizes that contained a little or a lot of water. It allowed them to instantly transform an environment without water into one that benefitted their Dao. An ordinary spatial bag could not carry so much water but the gourd was designed to only carry water so it could carry much more of it. The one in Yang Gehus possession was of moderate size while the largest could fill an entire lake!

Still, this Chen Wentian gives me a strange feeling. I thought he was supposed to be a flame cultivator. Why is he using saber arts and why are they so strong? Wei Jiarong said, still with a frown on her face.

Who cares? He knows that water naturally counters flames so can only use some random saber art. Using flames would merely hasten his defeat. Yang Mengshi said.

I dont know Sister Mao, what do you think? How are his flame arts? Wei Jiarong asked.

Mao Ling, seemingly back in the good graces of her allies, shrugged, His flames are far inferior compared to my frostfire. I have to agree with Sister Yang. Only higher-order flame arts can contend with the Great Wave Art and his are far from them.

The other abbotesses also agreed with the assessment.

As they finished their impromptu discussion, the duel above also arrived at a lull. Both men had expended a great deal of spiritual energy in both attack and defense so it was natural to pause and gauge the situation.

Chen Wentian floated near the top of the sphere, looking down serenely on Yang Gehu who was panting heavily, half his body submerged in the water. They seemed to be evenly matched although Yang Gehu had suffered more external wounds, causing blood to drip steadily into the water around him.

Speak of which, the Water-Carry Gourd was still pouring water at an alarming pace. Half of the sphere had filled already and the water level was rising rapidly. Soon, there would be nowhere for Chen Wentian to go.

That is gourd is a little unfair, dont you think? Chen Wentian asked, What are you trying to do? Drown me?

Yang Gehu managed a short laugh, If you have the ability, then come fight me underwater!

With that, he submerged and began launching attacks once more.

Chen Wentian clicked his tongue, greatly annoyed by the situation. He had noticed the actual intent of the gourd too late. Now that his opponent was underwater, it was even more impossible to get rid of it. With the water rising fast, his two choices were either to get rid of it by force or try to fight underwater.

He recalled that demon he had fought, Lord of the Calm Lake Qin Shuier. If he had fought her within her natural environment, such as a lake or river, he wouldnt have stood a chance. Luckily, she had been so intent on killing him that she had abandoned her natural advantage.

Yang Gehu made no such error and came prepared. He had thought of changing the environment of the small enclosure while Chen Wentian had not. Now, he was on the verge of a victory.

There was no way Chen Wentian could fight underwater. He couldn't charge in without his flames. But if the water filled the arena completely, he would have no choice but to surrender.

Boom! Boom!

Chen Wentian blocked a few more wave-based attacks while keenly watching the water continuing to rise. The only way left was to get rid of the water. He estimated the flow from the gourd and the amount that had already been pumped out. It was already a tremendous amount. He couldnt wait any longer.

He put away the Insightful Swallow saber and drew out a glowing white pill the size of a cherry. It gave off a profound and fiery aura before it quickly disappeared into his mouth.

This caused Li Shishi to chuckle, A power-boosting pill, really

Long Yifeis heart jumped at these words. Chen Wentian had received a specially crafted power-boosting pill from the Golden Basin Auction House, only one. It was very expensive and precious. It was supposed to be a life-saving treasure. To use it now meant that he had no other choice. He was really going all out just to remain her acolyte.

Wentian She whispered, You didnt have to

I had to. His voice came from the earrings she wore.

Her stomach did a few flips, Then, you have to win.

I will!

Blue flames roared to life, proud and defiant.

Chen Wentians figure turned into a blur as searing flames filled up the remaining third of the dueling arena. He was the Immortal Blue Dragon. There was no chance he would surrender to a turtle hiding under the water!

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