Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 476: Gift Duel (II)

Chapter 476: Gift Duel (II)

The shield around Chen Wentian's plinth fell away to show a stone tablet similar to the one Yang Gehu presented, except this one was twice as large.

Chen Wentian gave his opponent a smirk and spoke up, Abbotesses of the council, what I have here is also an artifact from the ruins of the Huan Dynasty. It actually comes from the same set of songs as Hymns from a Wintery Flower Orchard. However, this one is much larger and contains many more songs. I had an expert translate it and it produced fourteen complete songs. Also, youll notice that the edges of the two tablets match. If Yang Gehu loses and gives his tablet to me, I can combine them and produce many more complete songs for my Sacred Daughter!

However, his presentation was met with a dull silence. He had expected nothing from the four abbotesses on Yang Gehus side but even the other three didnt say anything to support him. This was the worst-case scenario and showed how little they cared for him.

The text on this tablet is a bit illegible. Abbotess Yang said finally. She shot him a mocking smile and continued, I have a background in ancient history but even I cannot tell if it is authentic or not. Chen Wentian, you are new to the continent so you are inexperienced. Even so, you cannot trust any random seller on the streets just because you are desperate for gifts.

The other abbotesses shook their heads as if disappointed by his silly mistake. They were all putting up an act, a blatant display of bullying. These experienced cultivators could all tell at a glance that Chen Wentian's tablet of songs was authentic. Yet, none of them spoke up to refute Abbotess Yang. And as long as they said nothing, there would be no proof of any unfair judgment. The simple fact was that they all wanted him gone. The rules that Li Shishi had so proudly declared weren't intended for people like him.

But he wasn't so easy to bully!

"Abbotess Yang!" Chen Wentian's voice was bright and defiant, "You are an expert in ancient history and artifacts, is this right?"

"That's right." Abbotess Yang answered simply, unsure what he was doing.

"You have studied both stone tablets closely, yes? Both stone tablets are made of the same material, are in the same condition, and exude an identical spiritual aura. Anyone can see from the jagged edges that these two pieces should fit well together. They are both clearly authentic. Yet you say one is fake and the other real. Are you confident?" He asked.

Abbotess Yang frowned, a bit of doubt creeping in. But it wasn't quite enough to overcome her disdain and desire to humiliate him.

"I am confident." She replied

"You are? Are you willing to stake your reputation on it?" He asked again.

She was about to blurt out something but she paused and stared at him suspiciously.

He smiled, "No?"

She scowled and refused to answer.

"That's unfortunate." He said, "Lucky for me, I did not buy my gift from a random street vendor but from an absolute authority."

A golden scroll appeared in his hand. He unfurled it to produce a distinctive immortal aura that sailed over the stage.

This is the proof of purchase as well as the guarantee of authenticity from the Golden Basin Auction House. I obtained this item directly from them, just like Yang Gehu did for his. If you all want to question how the Golden Basin Auction House does business, be my guest!

The golden aura of the scroll momentarily combined with his blue flames, producing a multicolored light show of blue and gold. Those that wished for him to succeed in the audience were filled with sudden confidence. Those that wished for him to fail were instead struck with doubt.

What was the Golden Basin Auction House? They were only the most reputable auction house on the entire continent. Their items were always better than anywhere else and their quality was guaranteed. Trying to claim an item from the auction house as fake was a useless exercise.

This was a direct slap across the face of the abbotesses that had been trying to bully him. Many in the audience were unsatisfied with the blatant bias shown by the Seven Potentates but they couldnt say anything. To them, Chen Wentians counterattack was simply refreshing. It was wonderful!

Abbotess Yangs face seemed to have aged several decades in a few seconds. She no longer looked like a stunning mature beauty but a weak and wrinkled grandma instead. She glared at Chen Wentian as if this was all his fault when, in reality, it was her fault for acting so arrogant and stupid.

A woman like Yang Mengshi was innately nasty, narrow-minded, and foolish. Even with all the resources of the continent and envious talent, it was still difficult to change a persons true being. Even being a Spirit King and an abbotess couldnt change that. Compared to her, Long Yifei was like an angel. It was night and day.

You. Abbotess Yang spat, How did you get that scroll? It has to a be fake!

Come now! Li Shishi interjected loudly before Chen Wentian could retort. The head abbotess shot him an inquisitive smile and continued admonishing Abbotess Yang, Mengshi, dont be ridiculous. We can all sense Golden Emperor Hus spiritual intent within that badge. It is impossible to forge. Stop humiliating yourself and making a mockery of the executive council!

You Abbotess Yang wanted to retort but she was finally shut up by the other abbotesses on her side.

Li Shishi chuckled, Now that I have had a long look at this second stone tablet, it is indeed a prized artifact from the Huan Dynasty.

Thats right. The one named Abbotess Yun chimed in, This one is much larger and contains twice as much text so its value is naturally greater. Pity these two pieces are separated, it would be great if they could be reunited.

The third abbotess on their side quickly added their own praise.

However, this didn't mean they had suddenly changed their minds and were now supporting him. These three abbotesses only spoke up for him after he revealed the origin of his gift and not before. Their desire to see him disappear had not changed. They were merely speaking logically based on new developments so they wouldnt be ridiculed by everyone.

It was also possible that Li Shishi already knew. Yet she still forced him to reveal his secret first. She used him to attack Abbotess Yang, saving herself the trouble and channeling all of Abbotess Yangs fury away from herself and onto him. She was a really troublesome woman.

Alright, I think everybody is satisfied. Let us judge the first round. Abbotess Li said.

Six sets of spiritual energies rose above the executive council. They were multicolored, reflecting each abbotess Dao. The six all showed the symbol for Chen, signifying that they had voted for Chen Wentian, some more reluctantly than others.

The only one that hadnt voted yet was Abbotess yang. All six turned in her direction, silently demanding her to stop acting like an idiot. Even her allies could not accept her behavior. She had been put in her place by a mere Spirit Lord but there was nothing else to do but accept it.

This was the Gift Giving Ceremony, an event for many Sacred Daughters and acolytes from different backgrounds. There were many esteemed guests from various powerhouses across the continent, not just the Seven Potentates of Jiannan.

If Yang Mengshi acted like a spoiled brat at the Yang Clan, nobody would care. However, this was the Virtuous Order and she held a high position as an abbotess. She couldnt make a fool of herself and drag down the reputation of the Order or her clan. She couldn't afford to remain stubborn in the face of overwhelming pressure.

"Fine..." She muttered, finally raising her hand.

"Good!" Li Shishi said with a wide smile, "Acolyte Chen Wentian wins the first round of the Gift Duel."

The gathered audience politely applauded the result which went against their expectations. Nobody could have guessed that Chen Wentian could produce a much better gift than Yang Gehu. There was no way for anybody to refute his win, even the people that hated him.

"Well played." Yang Gehu said to Chen Wentian, "I didn't expect you to be so full of tricks. You let me win that piece of the Hymns from a Wintery Flower Orchard because you already found a better piece. Don't think you've won by guessing my first move. That gift is cheap and insignificant compared to what I have prepared. Just watch. You won't get to win another round!"

Chen Wentian scoffed, "Words are cheap, let your gifts do the talking!"

Li Shishi's voice cut in before they could continue arguing, "Let us move on to the second round!"


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