Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 448: Share With Me

Chapter 448: Share With Me

When Long Yifei woke up, she was lying on a soft bed. A fluffy beast pelt was draped over her body. There was also a layer of warm spiritual energy on top of her like an extra blanket. It was so comfortable that she didnt want to open her eyes to greet the morning sun that peeked in through the windows.

She briefly wondered where she was. She then realized that she was still in the library and that a familiar presence was nearby. She opened one eye and saw the blurry image of her masters back. He was sitting cross-legged right next to her and busy meditating. Without knowing why, she watched him silently as his immortal spiritual energy swirled about.

Chen Wentian sensed that she was awake but he didnt turn around. He had to act cool and composed in front of his disciples every now and then. He couldnt always act like a smitten lover even though he wanted to. He still had to uphold his reputation as her master.

Long Yifei finally stirred and sat up. When she noticed that her clothes from last night still remained, an ambivalent feeling struck her, as if she was almost disappointed. This in turn caused her cheeks to turn slightly pink.

Master you came? She said softly.

Morning Feier, did you have a good sleep?

Mmm. But master, you didnt have to come back in the middle of the night to see me.

He snorted softly, Feier, did you not want me to come?

I meant

He finally turned around, his eyes bright and teasing, I came because you called me.

No, I didnt.

Yes, you did. Chen Wentian pretended to sleep, placing his head in his arms, and mimicked her voice, Wentian where are you Wentian

He then laughed, How could I not come to see you when you called my name so sweetly?

No way. She denied though she was unsure in her heart.

She had several dreams last night. They varied from memories of her past and the Kingdom of Silver Cascades to the present and the man who was ever-present in her life. Perhaps it wasnt impossible

She stuck out her hand and pinched his leg. She then hid her face beneath the furry covers.

Chen Wentians heart swelled at the sight. Long Yifei never acted cute and bashful. It was an impossibility. But she had just acted like that without a doubt!

It was certainly peculiar. Her demeanor was different this morning, very receptive to him, far different from usual. It was as if something good had happened, something that made her very happy. He certainly hadnt done anything so it made him incredibly curious.

Tell me He said, You seem to be in a bright mood this morning. Something good must have happened last night. Tell me, share the honey with your master!

She sat back up and studied him. Her icy blue eyes were filled with uncertainty but also a warmth that wasnt there in the past. She cocked her head to one side, still pondering him, still stingy about her secrets.

This had always been a sore spot for him. She was always guarded with him, showing him an image of herself that was carefully crafted to display no weaknesses, only perfection. Up until now, they had shared countless intimate physical moments. And yet emotionally, they were still far apart. He desperately wanted to get closer to her but couldnt find a way.

However, today felt different so he decided to try again.

Chen Wentian sat down on the bed next to her. He spied one of her snow-white hands clutching at the fur pelt. Taking the opportunity, his own hard darted out and grabbed onto hers. Her skin was cold as ice while his was filled with searing heat.

She eyed him with the wariness of a trapped rabbit. He responded with a warm smile and a short chuckle.

Feier, dont you know? If you are happy, you can share it with me and Ill be just as happy. If you are angry, I will be angry for you. If you are sad, then I might not be able to feel the same as you but I will do my absolute best to resolve the source of your sadness.

He took her hand with both of his and patted it, I want to help you. If you need anything, anything at all, Im here for you, unconditionally. This is my responsibility. I will always take care of you.

She stared at him, waves of unfamiliar emotions rocking her mind. She didnt know what to say. What could she say that would be adequate compared to his words?

Chen Wentian, seeing that she was still reluctant, lightened the mood and told her about his recent adventures in the continent. He described going from auction house to auction house and how he was rejected from each one through various means.

He complained about the power of the Seven Potentates of Jiannan that was omnipresent. They were the overlords of the land. They ruled the southern region of the Martial Brilliance Continent without contest and they intended to suppress him completely.

He sighed, Its been a frustrating few weeks. To be honest, I havent been able to obtain a single item on your gift list. But dont be disheartened. Feier, trust me, I still have a few tricks left to play. I promise I will get you everything you wanted and more. Look.

He took out a small item. It was a golden cup engraved with an intricate pattern. It fit inside his palm and radiated an aura of immeasurable wealth.

This is a special invitation to the Grand Annual Auction of the Golden Basin Auction House. They only give this out to powerful dignitaries and influential people but I was able to snatch one using my wits and strength. The Seven Potentates wont know what hit them! They may be arrogant but the Golden Basin Auction House doesnt care about them at all. Hahaha!

Seeing his laughing face, his expression filled with excitement for her sake, one of the many walls within her heart began to crumble. Everything he was doing; he was doing for her. He left all of his other disciples behind, at least for the moment, just for her. He was so good to her.

Oh, that reminds me, I got another little gift from the Golden Basic Auction House! He said and produced a small lacquer box.

He opened the flower-pattern lid. The inside was packed with two rows of small round cakes that were covered in powdered sugar. They emitted an icy and sweet fragrance.

Long Yifei closed her eyes and took in the familiar scent. It was her favorite snack, snow cakes. The center was filled with a variety of icy fruits. The dough was flaky and crisp. The powdered sugar that covered every surface was like fresh snow. They were popular among those that cultivated ice Daos and she liked them above all else. 

I got them just for you. Try one. He said.

He took one snow cake and held it close to her lips.

She obediently took a bite. Her plump lips were smeared with white as she chewed. She swallowed greedily and her lips turned upward into an ethereal smile.

Mmm. She let out a low, throaty moan as she savored the lingering flavor.

Chen Wentian almost lost it then and there but he somehow managed to hold himself back. Instead of pushing her down, he remained where he was, silently watching her with a silly grin.

Long Yifei wiped her lips with her fingers and finally looked up at him. Their eyes met, her piercing blue matching his fiery brown. A spark of emotion erupted between them.

Her lips looked so kissable at that moment. He wanted to but resisted mightily.

She expected him to do it. She was surprised when he didnt. A great sense of impatience and want rose within her. Why wasnt he kissing her? Didnt he want her? Why does he always have to kiss her first?

Her thoughts became more and more muddled the longer she looked at him, the longer he looked at her. That instant seemed to last forever until she finally let down her guard and let her emotions take charge.

Her body acted on its own, with her as a helpless spectator. Her hand reached up and grabbed the front of his shirt. She tugged him towards her and at the same time leaned towards him. She closed the distance with him until their lips finally touched.

It wasnt the first time but it was the first time for their hearts to touch as well.


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