Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 438: A Little Song

Chapter 438: A Little Song

The library was silent. It was open all night but there was nobody else here. The pair of lovers, master and disciple, recovered from their tryst in varying fashion. Chen Wentian cared more about cleaning up the mess he caused while his appearance remained noticeably disheveled. Long Yifei managed to straighten out her dress and return her hair to an almost perfect state.

After a few awkward glances at each other, he pulled her back into his arms, embracing her waist. A small sofa appeared from his spatial bag and they both fell onto it.

Do you have to go back to the dorms? He asked.

She shook her head, No classes tomorrow. It is a self-study day.

How are classes, good, bad, or horrible?

They are good. In the first half of the school year as new students, we are learning about the four classics every day. It is the foundation of cultivation for the Order. We get demonstrations of the various possible Daos every day. We are given assignments to study the basics and history of each classic. We are also starting to get opportunities to practice them.

Nice! I sensed that your cultivation has taken a sizable step forward after a long period of stagnation. Its good that we came here. This place suits you.

Long Yifei didnt answer immediately. She wanted to dispute his assertion but she didnt want to air out her idle thoughts. Compared to something so important as her cultivation progress, they were small dissatisfactions at best.

Chen Wentian didnt know what she was thinking about so he continued with another question, How are the other Sacred Daughters? Making any friends?

She pursed her lips in apparent distaste, They are fine. Sometimes too noisy, sometimes too nosy. The usual. They are alright although no one, in particular, stood out to me.

Haha, what you are saying is that there is nobody that can compare to you? Mmm, sounds right, my Feier is the most beautiful, talented, and sexy Sacred Daughter in the whole Order. He kissed her neck, which earned him a little smile, So I guess thats a no on any new friends?

I She paused for a moment, I am not used to having friends.

Not even at Glacier Palace? He asked.

No, I had no friends since I was already the sect masters personal disciple from a young age. She had not taken a personal disciple for many decades so I was pretty much alone She trailed off.

She recalled the lonely times at the icy sect, many of which she had to relive during her stint in the dream array. She used to be bothered by it but no longer. She was comfortable with it now.

Chen Wentian sighed and stroked her hair, Feier, Feier you arent alone anymore, you know? You have ten sisters with great personalities that are all willing to be your friends. Im sure there are many Sacred Daughters here who are also good people and worthy of your friendship. I wont be able to stay here through the whole school year. I wont be able to watch over you.

Long Yifei let out a small snort and brushed her fingers against her special earrings, Arent you always watching over me?

He chuckled and said, I guess so, but I dont pay attention unless something interesting is happening. That soul is already dead so it is usually in a dormant state and it requires a lot of spiritual energy to fully activate. But thats beside the point.

Well, how about you? She retorted, Did you make any new friends among the acolytes? Do you even have any friends? Do you even talk to other men?

Chen Wentian opened and closed his mouth a few times, Its not the same! Men are selfish, conniving, and backstabbing. I cant trust them; how can I be friends with them?

Exactly. She said with far more smugness than he thought was possible. Women are no different, especially to each other. You think far too well of women.

His heart fluttered a little, Looks like we are indeed compatible. You dislike other women while I dislike other men, two people who are seemingly incapable of making friends. Looks like we are meant for each other.

She didnt respond but she leaned into him with a soft sigh. His words hit the mark and she couldnt refute him.

They continued to chat by themselves in the empty library. Warm and comfortable, neither of them wanted to leave. Eventually, their conversation circled back to the four classics and the Gift Giving Ceremony that was to take place in a month and a half.

Master, from some of the stories Ive heard, it is an event that that does not judge the talents of the Sacred Daughters but instead the wealth of their acolytes. It is where the legacy students and old factions shine. It isnt something that you have to try to compete in. You dont have to exhaust the sects finances for my sake, its not worth it.

He kissed her cheek, My Feier is kind and thoughtful. I understand. Events like this arent uncommon even in the mortal world. The ability to gather wealth and use it to suppress others is also a talent in itself. But dont worry about me, I already have things planned.

What kind of things?

Its a secret for now. But Ill tell you after the Gift Giving Ceremony after I finish slapping these arrogant people of the Order across the face with an amount of wealth that would even shock them. You deserve nothing less. I wont let you be outshined by a bunch of ugly women!

Then I will patiently wait for masters grace.

He laughed and said, Oh, by the way, do you have any kind of preference for the four classics yet? It will make finding gifts for you a little easier if theres one that already suits you more than the others.

Im not sure, She shook her head slightly, Everything is so new to me. Ive only studied the way of ice. I dont know anything about any of the classics. I apologize for being useless.

What about singing? Ive always felt a strong attraction to your voice, it is unlike anyone elses.

I havent sung for many years and I dont know any songs except for a simple one that the disciples of Glacier Palace sang while doing our chores.

Hey, thats perfect! Can you sing for me?

She stirred nervously in his arms. Her ears flushed red with unexpected bashfulness.

He insisted again, kissing her earlobe, Please?

After a long pause, Long Yifei finally collected her courage. She opened her mouth and a soft hum emerged. She recalled the old tune bit by bit, letting a low and dulcet tune. Her voice grew in confidence and gradually filled their small love nest. She sang the simple words to a simple song, blessing the snowy mountains and the icy glory of Glacier Palace.

Chen Wentian was stunned. Her voice was like a heavenly hymn. As his mind absorbed each syllable and each change in pitch, an unexpected feeling of warmth reverberated within him. She could have been singing using another language and it wouldnt have mattered. Her song held a power over him that couldnt be explained.

Unknowingly, his eyelids began to droop. He rested his head on her shoulder and nodded off into the land of dreams. He was comfortable, he was calm, he was exactly where he wanted to be, with his beautiful Feier in his arms.


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