Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 435: Serious Contradiction

Chapter 435: Serious Contradiction

Long Yifei arrived at the grand hall for breakfast. It was now a week since she joined the order. She was getting used to the routine of lectures and theory in the morning and demonstrations and practical exercises in the afternoon. The only thing missing was her master as he and the other acolytes couldnt visit for another week.

Morning, Sister Long.

Morning, Sister Long.

She returned the greetings as she took a seat among a gaggle of familiar faces.

Sister Long, try this eight-treasure porridge, its great! Zhao Linmei said from next to her. Ive already had two bowls!

Long Yifei smiled lightly at the bubbly woman, Sister Zhao, its good that you like it so much. But you shouldnt eat too much.

But I want to Zhao Linmei whined.

Long Yifei shook her head and munched on a chive pancake. Zhao Linmei had a good appetite and she was a bit on the chubby side. But if her acolyte liked her that way, it was not Long Yifeis duty to chide her.

The conversation around the table of ten new students drifted aimlessly for a while until a particular topic drew everyones attention.

Sister Wei, what is this Gift Giving Ceremony thats taking place in two months. I have been hearing a lot of rumors about it. What should I do if I dont have an acolyte? The question came from Ye Landou, a Sacred Daughter from a northern subcontinent.

The Gift Giving Ceremony was exactly what it sounded like. It was an event where new students at the school publicly received gifts from their acolytes. The gifts would be used for the four classics and could be in the form of exquisite instruments, premium writing and painting brushes, or rare tomes from famous authors.

The quality and expensiveness of the gift represented the amount of support a student had and their potential future in the order. It was a public display of their beauty, talent, and clout. The best Sacred Daughters received the best gifts, that was the expectation.

The Gift Giving Ceremony was one of three major events of the school year for the first-year student. It was followed by the mid-year performance and then the final examination. If one had a poor ceremony where they received bad gifts or no gifts at all, it meant that they had no support to cultivate the four classics. Their progress would suffer. Their mid-year performance and final examination would be worse than others. And when the second year came around, they would never be able to catch up to their peers.

Ye Landou tugged on Wei Shuangshuangs sleeve, worry streaked across her face, I dont have anyone to give me a gift. What would happen then? Would I get expelled?

Wei Shuangshuang patted her hand, Sister Ye, dont fret. You arent the only Sacred Daughter that doesnt have an acolyte. The Order has had many like you over the years, if they were all neglected, the Order would not have survived for so long.

Good sister. Ye Landou hugged Wei Shuangshuangs arm, Is that true? You arent just teasing me?

No, no. I promise! The Order has many ways to provide support to those less fortunate.

At this point, almost everyone at the table was looking over at them, causing Wei Shuangshuang to almost preen with an air of superiority. Only Long Yifei wasnt paying attention. She was busy taking small bites from a pancake and reading from a textbook.

Wei Shuangshuang turned away from Long Yifei and addressed the others, There are several ways for Sacred Daughters to receive gifts. The most obvious is from those that have acolytes. The Order expects that acolytes will not be stingy. For an acolyte, their Sacred Daughter should be the most important person in their life.

She cast a sideways glance at Long Yifei but there was no reaction, so she continued, The second, less known method is to directly gifted by the Order. The Order cant support everyone but it is still a powerful force in the cultivation world. Throughout the years, it has managed to amass a sizable treasury. Those Sacred Daughters in need can apply for assistance. The amount you receive will depend on your talent and what kind of commitment you are willing to make for the order.

Ye Landou was still unsatisfied. Sister Wei, is there any other method? I dont want to be a nun forever. I still want to find a great husband and get married!

There were a few blushes and giggles at her declaration. Wei Shuangshuang also laughed. She stroked Ye Landous hair like a big sister.

There is one other method. Newcomers wont know about it and the Order doesnt exactly advertise it. But those without acolytes can always find one.

But but where can I go to find someone like that? We arent allowed to leave the campus and the only men here are already acolytes. Unless its Ye Landou trailed off.

Other acolytes! Someone else chimed in.


One acolyte for two sisters?

Does that work?

Wei Shuangshuang raised a hand to calm them down, Thats partly true. A few acolytes have multiple Sacred Daughters. These are usually the most wealthy and powerful among them. For example, my father was at the Spirit King Realm and he only took in two Sacred Daughters as his wives, one of which was my mother. Properly supporting even one Sacred Daughter is a heavy responsibility. There wont be anyone collecting a huge harem of Sacred Daughters. The Order wont allow it.

But thats not what I meant. The true third method for gifts comes from acolyte applicants. They are male members of sects and clans associated with the Order that have not found a Sacred Daughters yet. The number of these acolyte applicants far exceeds the number of Sacred Daughters. Those of you that are interested will get an opportunity soon to meet them. Youll be able to receive some nice gifts from those that become interested in you. Who knows, someone might even fall in love with you and give you a huge gift!

Many pairs of eyes brightened at this. Every person wanted to be cherished by others. Those that did not have an acolyte hoped that they would be able to meet their prince soon, someone who would lavish them with a wealth of love and gifts. It didnt matter if it was a rich princess like Wei Shuangshuang or a newcomer like Ye Landou and Zhao Linmei, they all desired the same thing.

Long Yifei didnt participate in this conversation but she overheard all of it. She felt something was wrong but she couldnt quite grasp exactly what. She didnt like how the women at the table all wished for the best and most expensive gifts as if that was the most important thing. The way they had to depend on men to receive gifts also left a bad taste in her mouth.

She had thought that the Virtuous Order of Chunzhen was a holy land for women. Why did they all still have to rely on men? It was a serious contradiction, one she couldnt unravel no matter how hard she thought about it.

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