Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 422: Side Story: Satisfied

Chapter 422: Side Story: Satisfied

Lin Qingcheng impatiently sat in a chair while two servant girls arranged her hair. Today was a special day, not for her specifically but for the House of Paradise. She had to look the part of the sect master of her branch sect and the prime disciple of the provinces lord immortal.

After several more minutes, the servants stepped up with mirrors to let her study their handiwork. She had to admit that it was far better than anything she could do herself. Her hair was being done up in the style of royalty, with complex knots and loops as well as plenty of sparkling jewels.

Wow great job! She praised.

She continued to revel at her hair as they dressed her for the upcoming occasion. She still chose her customary garb which consisted of a yellow battle dress and her golden mask. Except, her clothes were made of rich silk dyed with and embroidered with gold thread. Her mask was also new, plated with gold but made of near-indestructible spiritual steel. It had a new design, with facial features that looked distinctively snake-like, a homage to her Golden Serpent Robe.

Once ready, she stepped out of her room, followed by an honor guard consisting of some of the best disciples in the House of Paradise. Since her branch sect was officially established, its name had spread far and wide and had attracted many talented women. They were all eager to join despite the implications, willing to sacrifice their bodies to be a part of an immortal branch sect.

Sect Master.

Sect Master.

Rows of women bowed and greeted her as she passed.

She eventually arrived atop a wide balcony three stories up that overlooked a vast city square filled with thousands of people. This was Moonlight City, the capital of the Bright Moon Kingdom.

Dragon Flower Province was developing rapidly under the guidance of Ten Thousand Flower Valley. It was transforming into a true immortal province with the creation of Thousand Flower City, a destination for disciples of the sect and immortal visitors from afar. All this development didnt mean that the old guard was being left behind.

Today was special for the city and the kingdom. They were here to commemorate a brand-new teleportation array, the second one in the whole province!

Some provinces were lucky to have just one. They were expensive and often unnecessary for mortal cultivators who had little reason to visit other provinces. For an average immortal sect at the Spirit Lord Realm, they rarely needed more than one. But for Ten Thousand Flower Valley which had more money than they knew what to do with, more teleportation arrays were naturally better.

This new one was of a different design than the one in Thousand Flower City. It was designed to operate at a smaller range and its limit was merely adjacent provinces unlike the one in Thousand Flower City which could hop over the distance of seven or eight provinces. As such, the trade-off was that it could transport more people and goods while requiring fewer spiritual crystals. It was going to be the instrument for fast travel as well as high volume trade.

And finally, it instantly lifted Moonlight City and the Bright Moon Kingdom to new heights.

Mistress Lin. A handsome man greeted Lin Qingcheng.

She had to blink several times before she recognized him, Crown Prince Mingyue Jian, you seem different.

Mingyue Jian chuckled, Mistress Lin, I assure you, I am still the same man as before.

Ah. She muttered.

Her business with him and the Bright Moon royal family seemed so long ago. She had already forgotten most of it. She had been focused on cultivation the last few months and cared little of anything else.

Mistress Lin, let me introduce you to my fiance, the future Queen of the Bright Moon Kingdom.

A beautiful woman stepped out from behind Mingyue Jian. She wore gold and silver and a brilliant headdress of pearls and diamonds. Her makeup was exquisite, making her look like a moon goddess. Her black hair was sleek and shiny. Her white skin was spotless and pure like snow.

Wangyin ah! Lin Qingcheng exclaimed, rushing up to clutch her disciples hand.

Chen Wangyin bowed to pay her respects and smiled brilliantly, Master!

Lin Qingcheng laughed, I always knew it would be you he chose.


You were always the prettiest among my directors. And you know men

They shared a laugh.

Mingyue Jian coughed awkwardly, Wangyin is not only beautiful but her mind is equally sharp and capable. It was natural for me to choose her. Since Ten Thousand Flower Valleys arrival, the province has been at peace. There is less need for martial might but more need for logistics and finance in order to support the kingdom's future growth. I cannot think of a more perfect woman as my queen.

He rubbed Chen Wangyins shoulder and the pair looked at each other, exchanged an intimate moment between a couple soon to be married. Their budding love was obvious. They had gotten to know each other over several months and it was a great match. Lin Qingcheng felt a small tinge of jealousy, wishing she could marry her master one day.

Mistress Lin, I have already sent my condolences to the other two candidates, Qin Yan and Yuan Qiaochu. I apologize for us not having enough fortune to be together. I hope they can find their own happiness soon.

Lin Qingcheng nodded, They will be a little sad but they are also happy for you and Wangyin. Treat her well.

I will! Mingyue Jian said.

Wangyin, I will leave the Bright Moon Kingdom in your capable hands. My master is amazing and he has broad ambitions and the capability to fulfill them. A single Dragon Flower Province will not be able to contain him nor I. I shall follow him and travel the provinces and continents, wherever he may go, and bring along my beliefs along with me. The House of Paradise will spread across the land, helping women who are enslaved and giving them agency over their bodies and their lives. But the House of Paradises origin will forever be in Moonlight City and I hope you will continue to watch over the birthplace of our sect.

I will, master! I will never forget your saving grace. My loyalty to you will never waver. Chen Wangyin said with a deep bow.

Wangyin Lin Qingcheng said, raising her up and giving her a hug.

After sharing a moment, Chen Wangyin nudged Lin Qingcheng with a playful smile, Master, that was a great speech. Did Mistress Zhou write that for you?

What? No! Lin Qingcheng tried to argue but her furious blush gave it all away.

The pair chatted for a little while longer and then went with Mingyue Jian to greet the other guests. The large balcony was teeming with prominent figures of the province and dignitaries from other provinces. There were many sect masters of local mortal sects. There were ambassadors from other kingdoms and empires. The surviving members of Bright Moon royal family and nobility were also present as well as the Holy Lunar Priestesses blessed by the Tear of Chang Xi.

Eventually, Mingyue Jian excused himself from the party to address the gathered crowd below. He was a gifted orator and spoke of the Bright Moon Kingdoms bright prospects. With a teleportation array, the capital would have relevance for generations to come. The kingdom was entering a new age of prosperity and Mingyue Jian would play the role of a guiding force for the common people of the province, with his queen by his side. Ten Thousand Flower Valley, the House of Paradise, and the Bright Moon Kingdom were all aligned. Peace and development would lead to continued prosperity for the province, for everyone.

Lin Qingcheng watched silently, listening to the roar of the crowd below. She felt proud. She was the one who first came to this city. She was the one who first wanted to change things for the better. She had a lot of help and everything worked out in the end. She was satisfied.

She could finally cast the Bright Moon Kingdom from her worries and look forward to a new adventure. Her master had promised, it was coming soon.


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