Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 336: Side Story: Thousand Flower City (I)

Chapter 336: Side Story: Thousand Flower City (I)

Thousand Flower City was a newly established city. Everything about it was brand new, from the stone-paved boulevards to the houses and mansions. Even the trees, bushes, and flower patches had been planted within the last year. The whole city appeared out of thin air within the countryside and was now the unofficial capital of the Dragon Flower Province.

The city held the only teleportation array within the province and it was the closest city to the only immortal sect in the province, being half a day of travel away at full gallop of the fastest steed. It started as few mud huts beside the confluence of two large rivers, one of which flowed all the way from the sect. The population grew steadily from a few families to hundreds and then from thousands to hundreds of thousands.

As the city grew, it implemented Zhou Ziyuns designs, expanding according to a prepared plan and maintaining a sense of beauty and ascetic. Her ideas were inspired by ancient texts found in the immortal libraries and she fully intended the city to grow into an immortal city in the future. As such, it had to have a certain level of captivating charm and grandeur.

As a result, Thousand Flower City was now the jewel of the province, supplanting Moonlight City. Although its size was still minuscule compared to the latter, its status was immovable like a mountain. The name of Ten Thousand Flower Valley shook the hearts of the common population, eliciting awe and worship. Countless mortals, in search of opportunities and riches, uprooted themselves and migrated to the brand-new city.

Everyone of any worth or status wanted to live in the city. It was simply the place to be!


The day was bright and clear. The afternoon sun was just starting to dip down towards the west. Thousand Flower City was abuzz with activity, with residents and visitors going about their business.

At the eastern outskirts of the city, a gaggle of wide-eyed people arrived in several carriages. They numbered over a dozen, men and women, young and old. Their clothes were high quality but there was a noticeable lack of style or coherence like the outfits and accessories were chosen at a whim. In particular, there was a distinctive excessiveness of jewelry in the women, with multiple necklaces and bracelets as well as oversized rings and earrings. It was as if they had robbed several jewelry stores clean.

Were here! An older gentleman at the front declared.

Those behind him peered in all directions, gawking at the city within view. Rows of uniform buildings were within view, each four or five stories tall, with flat facades of marble and stone. More were being constructed at the outskirts where they currently were. The city had no walls as it still rapidly expanding.

Wow its all made of stone! A tall youth shouted.

He was wearing a silk robe but the intricate buttons werent quite lined up correctly.

Dont scream in my ear, idiot! A shorter man beside him shouted back.

This ones clothes were correct but too small for his size.

Yuanmu, Yuantang! Stop fighting, dont embarrass your cousin! A middle-aged woman slapped them, her gold chains jingling way too loudly.

Welcome to Thousand Flower City! State your name and business! A strong voice stopped their family argument before it could begin.

A line of guards blocked their way.

Make way, make way. The old gentleman pushed his relatives aside and took a seal out of his sleeves.

The guard commander saw the symbol engraved upon it, a water lily, and also sensed the distinctive spiritual energy it contained. He threw his weapon to the ground and kneeled.

Greetings, Lin Family!                       

The other guards followed suit immediately.

Greetings, Lin Family!

Greetings, Lin Family!

This caught the attention of those passing by. Anybody that knew anything of Thousand Flower City knew what the Lin Family meant. They were the relatives of the first disciple of Ten Thousand Flower Valley, Lin Qingcheng!

A small crowd gathered, causing the guards to form a protective perimeter. People strained their heads over others to try to get a view. Those that managed to see the Lin Family were left disappointed and filled with ridicule. This was the Lin Family? They were so shabby, like peasants that had come across an accidental fortune and didnt know how to spend it all.

As a matter of fact, they were exactly that. Lin Qingcheng constantly gave them so much money and gifts that they were overwhelmed. Finally, she had suggested that they visit somewhere where they had the opportunity to spend lots of money.

The guards eventually parted the crowds, allowing an oversized, glittering carriage drawn by a team of six horses to pull up beside them. The door opened and Lin Qingcheng jumped down, clad in a set of sunny yellow robes.

Father! Mother! She shouted and dashed up.

Good daughter!


She gave her parents a huge hug. She missed them dearly and it was a treat for them to visit her. She was so happy they could come.

Father, youve gotten fatter!

You! Her father spluttered.

Mother, youve gotten younger!

Chengcheng! Her mother hugged her again and laughed, The cosmetic medicine you gave me is amazing! Ignore your father, I told him to stop eating so much rich meals but he wont listen!

I do not!

Lin Qingcheng rolled her eyes and then turned to her other family members. She greeted everyone warmly and dropped a red packet in their hands. In all, there was her father Lin Qinghong, her mother Mu Yurou, three uncles, two aunts, as well as four male cousins and three female cousins. Those too young or too old could not make the trip, meaning those here were at least of age or still in good health, all capable of fully enjoying what the city had to offer.

Thank you, sister!

Thank you!

Alright, come on, everyone. Lin Qingcheng waved at them to follow, Theres plenty to see and plenty to do before the banquet tonight. I want to show you around this amazing city first!

Come on, lets go! Lin Qinghong said.

Ignoring the noisy crowd around them, they all got into the horse carriage and set off towards the city center.

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