Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 322: Clean Up Job

Chapter 322: Clean Up Job

Chen Wentain appeared in the sky, high above an endless wild forest. There was nothing but deep green foliage as far as the eye could see. This land was not a part of the Eastern Sanmu Subcontinent. It was not populated by humans. It didnt have a name and it wasnt even part of any province or continent. It was simply called the Northern Wasteland, a border region that separated the Eastern Sanmu Subcontinent from the Martial Brilliance Continent.

The Northern Wasteland was simultaneously devoid of anything interesting and also filled with mysteries and dangers. It was a vast, uncharted land as big as a subcontinent and contained no teleportation arrays anywhere. The only method of travel was flying but few dared to do so. There were unknown horrors that were known to appear from time to time, beings that could threaten an immortal's life, even kill a Spirit King.

There were only a few safe routes through the border region between the subcontinent and the continent. Chen Wentian was not anywhere near these as his present location was smack dab in the middle of nowhere. He was taking a huge risk being here but he had to. He wouldnt get another chance like this for a long time. He had to tie up a loose end that the Spirit Kings of the Virtuous Order had failed to take care of. They weren't able to do their job properly so he had to clean up after them.

Many kilometers below him, lying sprawled on the forest floor, was a heavily wounded woman. She was a Spirit King, a human, someone who should not have appeared in such a place and in such a condition. He was far too high up for her to sense him. He couldnt sense her either but he had other ways, notably the shadow anchors that had been placed onto her body during their prior bout as well as his shadow fox.

Chen Mo was on the ground and he lay in wait, right next to the woman. That was how he could gauge her state and it wasnt good. She was bleeding continuously out of multiple puncture wounds across her body. One leg was wrapped up in bandages and looked broken. She was breathing heavily and looked to be in great pain.

The woman used to be beautiful but there were few traces of that beauty left. Several angry slashes marred her face with dried scabs. Her hair was mostly gone, either ripped out or shaved to the scalp. Her red robes were torn in many places to accommodate bandages and soaked through with blood.

She looked like a vagabond, like someone that had survived a deadly battle.

This was exactly the case because this woman was his target... Abbotess Liang!

Abbotess Liang managed to escape the two abbotesses of the Virtuous Order by using a priceless spatial treasure. It allowed her to teleport without a teleportation array but the destination was difficult to control. She had drained most of her spiritual energy and yet she was unable to make it back to the Martial Brilliance Continent. She ended up in the middle of the Northern Wasteland and this was as far as she could go.

Aside from severe physical wounds, her spiritual energy levels were at rock bottom. The extended battle with two Spirit Kings had drained most of her strength. Activating the spatial escape portal had taken the rest. She was now as weak as a Spirit King could possibly get.

In her current condition, she couldnt risk traveling through the Northern Wasteland as any stray Spirit King, either human or monster, would be able to kill her without much effort. She couldnt send a message back home either as that might attract stray immortals to her location. She managed to escape but she was still in a precarious situation. She had no choice but to hide in the middle of nowhere in hopes of recovering enough strength for the return trip.

She was alone and she would be alone for a long time. Chen Wentian already knew this and he had come prepared. Out here, there would be no one to bother them and no one to witness a battle to the death.

There was a flash and his ordinary robes were replaced with skin-tight armor made of golden scales, the Golden Serpent Robe! It was every bit as revealing as when Lin Qingcheng wore them though it didnt look as good on him. In order to defeat a Spirit King, he had to borrow it for defense but it wasnt all.

He had on a pair of leather gloves and a pair of leather boots. They were the Crashing Comet, borrowed from Jasmine. They would drastically increase his speed and agility.

In his right hand was the Insightful Swallow. Zhou Ziyuns silver saber gleamed under the sun, ready to taste blood.

In his left hand was the Cloudy Bronze Parasol. The bronze shield that was shattered had been remade. His spiritual items could not be permanently destroyed unless the soul it contained was destroyed as well. Abbotess Liang did not have such ability so it was easy for him to place the soul of the Bronze Boned Armadillo in another vessel.

Right, lets do this!

Chen Wentian dropped down from the clear blue sky, charging at his enemy. The Insightful Swallow was held in front, ready to land a devastating strike.

Blue flames burst out behind him, giving him a continuous boost of speed. The Crashing Comet pulsed with invisible force, propelling him even faster, faster than the fastest Spirit Lord could possibly achieve.

He covered several kilometers in an instant and approached the range of Abbotess Liangs spiritual sense. At the same time, Chen Mo burst into action on the ground.

Shadow Realm!

Desolate black fog billowed out, covering the forest floor and her prone body.

Her eyes snapped open and she leaped to her feet, Who!

Blackness covered her every sense. She couldn't see, she couldnt hear, she couldnt smell. Her spiritual sense was completely blocked off.

Infinite Black Rain!

Chen Mo immediately launched into an all-out attack.

Thousands of black spears exploded against Abbotess Liangs wounded body. It didnt cause that much damage but it still managed to draw fresh blood, reopening old wounds. It was nothing like their first battle and the female Spirit King struggled to fight back against the domain of a Spirit Lord.

You again! She howled furiously and finally reacted.

Purple-colored spiritual energy gathered around her body like a dress fluttering in the wind. The black spears no longer reached her body as they were all intercepted by her makeshift shield. As the endless attack continued impotently, it made a sound like a rainstorm against an umbrella.

A moment later, another burst of Spirit King power blew away the Shadow Realm completely. The rainstorm stopped; the clouds were dispersed. The ordinary world reappeared and the forest returned to its previous calm.

Abbotess Liang took a stumbling step, panting heavily. She searched for the culprit but found no one.

Where are you! Come out!"

She suddenly sensed a terrible danger from above and looked up to see a familiar face, a flash of silver light that covered the sky, and the deafening roar of wind.

Flying Dragon Saber Art, Second Flight, Tempest of the Dragon Wing!


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