Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 309: Can You Stop Me?

Chapter 309: Can You Stop Me?

Chen Wentian retreated to the ground, a still asleep Long Yifei wrapped tightly in his arms. She wasnt a small woman by any means and he couldnt hide her completely from the view of the crowd below. They were eager to get a glimpse but they were disappointed as her face was buried into his robes. They could only settle for her perfect curves and large, round butt.

Upon seeing her for themselves, the mob roared with approval that that tinged with just a little too much energy. Instead of being afraid of a descending immortal, they actually surged forward and ended up surrounding Chen Wentian and his disciple. This should have normally been a great insult but he actually wanted this. Going to the ground was usually a bad move against another immortal, especially one that was a whole realm higher than him. Being among a thick throng of innocents gave him some protection, especially when they were scions of major powers and young masters of the strongest factions of the subcontinent.

Abbotess Liang paused in the sky and peered at the scene with suspicion. Gong Liyun was nowhere in sight, choosing not to associate herself with this strange Spirit King that popped out Lotus Tower. Abbotess Liang apparently judged what she saw as nothing more than futile and smiled mockingly.

Shes mine, give her to me unless you want to die. She said, her spiritual voice traveling into his ear only.

Chen Wentian laughed loudly, making sure his voice was heard by everyone, I am Immortal Blue Dragon Chen Wentian, Long Yifei is my disciple. Why should I give her to you? Why do you want her? Give me a good reason.

Abbotess Liang didnt respond. She had no good reason. She also did not want to resort to force as she didnt want to hurt her prize accidentally. Instead, she descended slowly, her spiritual aura rising with each passing moment. While it was directed at Chen Wentian, it also blasted over the crowded plaza, washing over the thousands gathered and silencing them.

The noise around the area subsided, suppressed by an unseen power. The men that stood shoulder to shoulder all looked up, staring at the figure that floated downward. Her crimson robes fluttered in the wind, the loose fabric causing a visible outline of her womanly figure. As she approached, the exact features of her perfectly sculpted face came into view. She was beautiful, probably more beautiful than almost every woman in the subcontinent.

There was a collective gasp around Chen Wentian which emanated outward like a wave. He almost rolled his eyes at their reactions. Sure, this slut was good looking but he had seen better. He was almost tempted to lift Long Yifei into the air and show the idiots what true beauty was. Even when asleep, she would be able to suppress the abbotess easily!

Abbotess Liang stopped just a few stories above Chen Wentian and studied him.

I have heard of you. She said, You disappoint me. Youre nothing like I expected. A man like you doesnt deserve a woman like Long Yifei!

Chen Wentian did roll his eyes this time. Her words were an overt jab at his average appearance. Given her status, she had probably met plenty of beautiful-looking men; effeminate, weak-boned pretty boys who were even more interested in taking care of their appearance than women. Chen Wentian hated those men the most!

He snorted and responded unkindly, You flatter me but you're not my type. First of all, youre too old.

He shook his head and laughed, You may have managed to preserve your face with medicine and makeup but you cant hide from my discerning eyes. Your breasts are getting a little too droopy from my taste. Your ass is too skinny, flatter than a pancake. Yet, that belly pooch is seriously getting out of control.

A collective gasp erupted from all around him, disbelief and shock at his brazen words. His points of criticism were exaggerated but somewhat true. Despite this, it was still taboo to criticize an immortal womans flaws, especially one that was a Spirit King.

Just like how Chen Wentian was treated with much more interest by women because of his immortal status, an immortal female was much more attractive to all men because of the same factor. This was the allure of power and it was universal. If someone like Long Yifei entered the immortal realms, her power would only enhance her devastating beauty to world-shaking levels. She was already equivalent to Jasmine now, how would she be after breaking through? Chen Wentian wasnt sure if he would still be able to resist her charm when that time came.

Abbotess Liang scowled at Chen Wentians words, Little brat, youll regret your disrespect. I am going to take Long Yifei and then deal with you later.

Hahah! Youre going to take my disciple? He taunted, By what right can you take her? I am her master. I am the one that will lead her in the ways of the Dao. I am closer to her than anyone in the world. She is mine, now and forever! Who the hell are you?

Blah, blah, blah. It doesnt matter what you say. I am her new master. The abbotess said, floating down a little closer.

Chen Wentian retreated deeper into the crowd, Oh, do you have any proof? Where is her sect badge? Did I give you approval?

The abbotess didnt answer but finally landed on the ground. Only a short distance separated them now. The crowd shifted and surround them both, leaving a narrow empty path between the two immortals.

Enough of this. I will give you one last chance to hand her over without bloodshed. She then raised her head up proudly and declared to all those gathered, I am Sacred Daughter of the Sororal Order of Endless Love, Abbotess of the Order for the Martial Brilliance Continent, Immortal Fluttering Gown Liang Chuxian! Now, make your choice!

Most of the crowd reacted with awkward silence. Only a few knew about the sororal order enough to understand the implications. Those that did rapidly retreated, pushing themselves out of the throng toward safety. They didnt care about the marriage-seeking event anymore.

Yet, almost everyone else stayed put, unaware of the impending violence. Long Yifei was still here and here they would remain.

Chen Wentian also stood still but he silently preparing. He had delayed long enough and he could sense that the abbotess did not want to talk much longer. Her spiritual energy levels were getting dangerously high.

Abbotess Liang peered at him as if she was looking at a bug, Surnamed Chen, the Sororal Order of Endless Love gives me the authority to recruit talented females at will from across the land. I will guide Long Yifei in the ways of being a true woman, something you will never be able to do.

So, there it is. What horseshit order, what absurd authority? You just want to steal my disciple. He shot back.

The woman smiled, not a true smile but one filled with malice, Thats right. I intend to steal her; can you stop me?


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