Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 282: Shadowy Disappearances (II)

Chapter 282: Shadowy Disappearances (II)

Xu Lanyi steeled her nerves and looked around at her surroundings. The city center where she stood was surrounded by a large traffic circle. More than six avenues branched off from the circle. There were hundreds of horse carts, ox carts, and hand-pulled carts coming and going. Those were swamped by thousands of people rushing about on foot. It was barely organized chaos. If she stumbled, she was liable to get trampled before people even noticed.

She pulled out a map and after consulting it for a long time, started down one of the avenues. She was alone this time and could not rely on Li Yuechan.

She walked along the sidewalk, away from the main stream of traffic. The buildings were unlike Ember Cliffs. They had a nondescript color of ash and dirt. They were made of bricks that were crumbling and wood that was rotting. Some houses were simple shacks.

There were shops and stalls, the same as any other busy city or town. Yet there was also something that she did not expect to see in the metropolis for human cultivators, beggars.

Beggars werent something new to her. They were common in Glacier Province, Dragon Flower Province, and every other place with human society. She had high hopes for the metropolis but this was dashed and reality set it. This place was no better than anywhere else.

Lady! Spare some change?

Miss, would you like to buy a wooden carving?

Please help me!

Voices called out to her as pass by but she ignored them out of habit. Back during her days with Glacier Palace, she never had a lot of money. Allowances were slim and she could not afford to give it away.

Now things were different. Ten Thousand Flower Valley had completely changed her concept of money. She had no real need for money anymore as her master showered everyone with gold and treasure at every opportunity. Her camouflaging spatial bag, in the form of a necklace, was filled with things she could never have afforded. Her extra money bag that she used day-to-day was filled to the brim with gold taels.

She looked around at the poverty around her and her shell began to crack. The sack of gold weighed heavily in her pocket. The final blow came when a group of kids no older than ten came into view. They wore dirty, tattered clothes and were peddling small flowers, probably grown in an alley or back garden and completely worthless.

Special flowers! One tael of silver each!

Their voices tugged at Xu Lanyi. She was reminded of the difficult years of her childhood and the beginning years in the sect. Her money pouch felt too heavy.

She didnt even know she stopped. Her hand moved on its own and withdrew a handful of gold taels. Using her spiritual energy, she dropped one golden nugget in each of the childrens hands.

Thank you, big sister!

Dummy, call her princess!

Generous princess!

Other children noticed and gathered around her. Seeing the expressions on their faces after being given the money kept her going. Her hand moved automatically as her heart swelled. When they smiled, she smiled. When they laughed, she laughed.

More children rush up and the commotion attracted older ones as well as grownups. They all saw a generous person and were eager to get a share.

Make way.

Give me!

Pushing and shoving started. Xu Lanyi quickly became surrounded. They hemmed her in, hands extended, all desperately begging. Grown men started overpowering the children and cut in line. She gave them gold as well. She had plenty to spare and she didnt mind as long as it helped everyone.

However, what followed next shocked her and brought her down to reality.

Eyy! She yelped.

Someone had touched her, groped her butt!

In the sea of dirty faces and dirtier hands, she could not tell who it was. She didnt want to stop just because of this but then a rough hand grabbed at her breast.

Thats it! She was infuriated.

Icy energy blew out, knocking everyone around her away by several meters.

Who was that? She yelled.

No one answered. The crowd back away, frightened by her show of force.

She stamped her foot in frustration. Perhaps there were one or two perverts among the crowd of innocent. She couldnt go around beating everyone up. She felt dumb and nave for being swindled in more ways than one.

Dont move! A forceful voice cut through the hubbub.

A female cultivator wearing purple flowing robes leaped over the stunned beggars and kicked one in the head. The man crumpled to the ground and before Xu Lanyi could react, the new arrival rummaged through the mans clothes and pulled out a distinctive money bag, it was hers. She had been pickpocketed without even realizing it.

The purpled garbed woman stood back up and held out the money bag. Xu Lanyi received it and bowed slightly.

Xu Lanyi of Ten Thousand Flower Valley. Thank you, heroine, for your assistance. May I ask your name?

The woman had a similar stature, equally tall with an unspectacular but nonetheless pretty face. She smiled and bowed back.

Tang Xiang of the House of Axes. It was my duty to help Sister Xu. I could not sit still and do nothing. Tang Xiang pointed to the man beneath her feet, These people cannot be trusted. Sister Xu was too generous and attracted this type of people.

I know Xu Lanyi said, embarrassed.

Come, lets take this criminal to the enforcement branch office. That is where you are headed, am I right? Tang Xiang asked.

How did you know?

The House of Sabers is responsible for law and order in this area. We are given direct authority by the Spirit Kings in this matter. I am one of the enforcement officers on duty.

Xu Lanyi nodded, In that case, I shall follow Sister Tang.

Good, come.

Tang Xiang wrapped up the criminal in rope and then woke him up. After a short one-sided conversation, the man was forced to march in front of them as they headed to the enforcement office.


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