Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 673: I Come From the Deep Sea!

Chapter 673: I Come From the Deep Sea!

Gu Suwan clutched her throat and stammered, “No, no, go ahead, I'm not hungry...”

“Okay, more for me then.” Pale Revenant's form dispersed with a whoosh, transforming into a black torrent of the deep sea, sweeping across the battlefield once more.

The golden elephant, Martial Immortals, and True Devils were left without a single drop of blood.

The battlefield was clean again!

With a splash, the little girl reformed before Gu Suwan’s eyes, sniffed her armpit, and murmured with a furrowed brow, “I ate too much, it stinks.”

Indeed, her presence was thick with the stench of death, her eyes pale as if gazing from the depths of the grave, a somewhat terrifying sight.

“Pale Revenant…” Gu Suwan knew the little girl's name. Finally calming down, she pointed off in the distance. “Look over there, a giant leech, its flesh is the richest and most fragrant.”

Following her gaze, one could see, on the other side, Yue Yin still battling two powerful demons alone!

It was Greenchild and Yu Shiling!

But clearly, Yue Yin had passed the hardest part.

This was because the two Suan Nis that had been by Gu Suwan’s side had gone to support her!

Now, five Suan Nis fought at her side!

The battle was fierce; they were under great pressure, facing death repeatedly... until Pale Revenant, a force that disrupted the balance, finally arrived!

And this, too, was orchestrated by Yun Xiao.

In that moment, Gu Suwan looked up to see Yun Xiao single-handedly slay Zhu Shenlu—this was the true turning point!

The entire Thunder Department erupted in uproar!

All the confusion and reluctance in Gu Suwan's heart vanished, leaving only infinite admiration for this young man in her heart!

She'd become one of his devoted followers, just like Pale Revenant!

“Go eat it then!” Gu Suwan, suppressing the excitement in her heart, directed Pale Revenant once more.

“Mhm!” Pale Revenant nodded obediently and vanished from beside Gu Suwan.

In the next instant, this tiny shadow appeared beside the green leech, her fist smashing into it and splattering copious green blood!

“Zhu Shenlu is dead! The others were slain by this corpse demon too!”

Yu Shiling was right there, her eyes trembling as she looked upon Pale Revenant, seemingly harmless.

Greenchild had seen it all, his back punctured with a bloody hole!

He exchanged a glance with Yu Shiling!

Though they were reluctant, they both knew the mission was utterly botched!

With a roar, one woman and one demon turned tail without a word and fled!

“Think you can just escape? What do you take me for? Thin air?” Yue Yin's icy visage twisted instantly, her shout fierce as she and the five Suan Nis hotly pursued Yu Shiling!

A Sword Immortal in her element, Yue Yin swiftly caught up to her opponent, pushing Yu Shiling down from the sky, entangling again right at the entrance of the Divine Heaven Jade Purity Office!

Meanwhile, on the other side, a leech covered in suction pads crashed into the ground, tearing open a rift, and thundered away.

“Little bug, where do you think you’re going?” Pale Revenant crashed into the earth like a cannonball.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! A great chasm burst open, exploding from the Cao Immortal Manor towards the north!

With a tremendous roar, a petite figure, grappling with the green leech, burst from the earth, green blood splattering everywhere!

“Let go!” the leech roared, its many suction pads flailing.

Pale Revenant didn’t let go, her hands gripping a suction pad, tearing it apart!

With a sickening sound, the leech's skin burst open, ripped into a bloody gash!

With a rip, green blood splattered across the land, witnessed by many of the Thunder Department's Arbiters.

Wherever the green blood splashed, whether on the ground or on palace structures, thick smoke billowed, and decay set in.

“Let go!” Greenchild, hysterical, dove into the earth many times, only for Pale Revenant to brutally drag it back out!

“There’s no escaping this, I have to fight this corpse demon!”

Clear in his mind, Greenchild's body began to shrink dramatically, the once bloated mass of flesh tightening, solidifying, until it morphed into a humanoid figure, green and grim.

Though the creature was humanoid, its body was covered in suction cups, and from its ribs sprouted eight tentacle-like appendages, also adorned with suction cups and barbs.

"Corpse demon, is it?"

With a sinister grin, Greenchild charged at Pale Revenant.

BOOM! Their collision was an explosion of sheer brute force!

BOOM! This time, both were blasted away!

It was clear that Greenchild's fleshy body was formidable, not yet in its prime state for a brawl!

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The two demons clashed, causing the earth to shatter and the heavens to quake!

In contrast to other battlegrounds, this was a raw spectacle of carnal destruction, each punch landing with a visceral impact that made blood surge and noses bleed!

The ground continued to explode!

Countless palace buildings were reduced to dust under the impact!

These two moved swiftly, like shadows, and many Arbiters could only see explosions without a glimpse of the fighters!

"A mere corpse demon, you're leagues beneath the Great Mother!"

With a roar, Greenchild overwhelmed Pale Revenant, suddenly embracing her!

His eight tentacled arms instantly wrapped around Pale Revenant’s limbs, their barbs piercing her flesh, the suction cups latching onto her veins!

With a squelch, his barbs and suction cups fully connected with her body!

In such a tight embrace, he had nearly swallowed her whole.

"Even if you're a corpse demon, I'll drain your blood and leave you a dried husk!" Greenchild sneered, activating all his suction cups, unleashing his most potent innate talent—capable of extracting moisture even from a block of gold!

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Even Pale Revenant's tough body twisted under the strain.

Her youthful face, pressed against by the suction cups and caught by the barbs, was covered in blood.

“Ordinary corpse demons, indeed, fear being drained of blood.” In such a life-or-death moment, Pale Revenant spoke calmly and coldly.

As Greenchild furiously sucked, a sinister premonition washed over him.

“But, I come from the deep sea,” Pale Revenant added.

She possessed not only the traits of a corpse demon but also the grievances of the vast and deep sea.

“What do you mean?” A chill ran through Greenchild.

In that instant, Pale Revenant transformed into black seawater!

In a flash, Greenchild had sucked all of her watery form dry!

“Huh?” Greenchild embraced empty air, standing frozen on the spot.

He had consumed Pale Revenant, but—

“Where’s the dried corpse?”

His body trembled as he looked down at himself.

Gurgling noises came from within.

“No!!” Greenchild cried out in despair.

With a thunderous explosion, his body burst into countless pieces of green flesh!

A mass of black seawater exploded, enveloping all the flesh and instantly dissolving and devouring it!

With a swish, the black seawater reformed into a little girl in a maid outfit with twin ponytails, floating in the air, pouting.

“Dummy, in this world, only I eat others; no one eats me.” After speaking, she tilted her head, perhaps finding the term dummy too affectionate. So, she corrected herself and snapped, “Dumbass.”

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