Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 707 Fighting A Rank 9 Beast Part 2

"Spread out! Don't get hit by it!" Mira's voice came out a harsh bark, rebounding off the mountainous terrain as she stood up, dusting herself off. She landed quite far away but was rushing back toward her comrades. 

Not getting there fast enough, a pair of Paragon Wings manifested above Mira's back, and she shot forward like a missile.

The others heard her voice and listened, immediately separating from one another. Although that would put them at a disadvantage individually, they were sure Mira had a plan.

"What's the plan?" Asami's voice was low, her eyes on the beast as it thrashed its tail, sending shards of rocks hurtling toward them.

Her fans fluttered, casting shadows to obstruct the incoming projectiles, her dark Qi holding them at bay. But it was evident she wouldn't be able to hold for long. The beast's power was too overwhelming.

"Remember raiding those Spirit Stone Mines?" Mira asked as she returned to the battlefield, launching a series of feathers at the beast, bringing its attention away from the others. 

Nova, Seraphina, Rayna, Everly, and Eden nodded, while Celaine and Asami were confused but still listened. 

The Shadowfang growled and lunged into the air, attempting to swat Mira away, but she quickly dodged out of the way.

"...Just follow my lead!" Mira ordered, not having enough time to explain herself. 

Fortunately, the others didn't question her and nodded.


Nova took the lead, her hand glowing as she channeled her technique.

"Sunfire Sphere Spear Shot!" she roared, the sound echoing through the mountains. The sphere launched from her spear, flying directly toward the beast.

The Shadowfang merely tilted its massive head, allowing the fireball to skim past. It responded with a swipe of its claw, releasing a massive shockwave that Nova barely deflected with her spear. 

The aftershock sent her skidding backward, wincing from the impact, but thanks to this, Mira was able to escape the beast's sight for a moment.

After Nova was sent flying, Seraphina moved in like a stream flowing downhill. Liquid metal coated her sword and upper body as dense, tough metal covered her lower body and shield. This was the true essence of her [Aqua Steel Dance] technique.

A blade met the beast, and a shockwave of energy rippled outwards. Still, the Shadowfang shrugged it off, countering with a lunging bite. Seraphina managed to bounce away, but a stray tail whip clipped her in the arm, dislocating her shoulder, breaking her arm, and fracturing her ribs.

"Ugh! Damn!" She groaned, gritting her teeth to brush off the pain, before hopping back into battle.

As the only "tank" on the team, it was her job to capture as much of the beast's attention as possible, regardless of her injuries. 

While Seraphina grappled with the beast, Everly saw her opportunity and charged in. The sound of crackling filled the air as her saber ignited with lightning and fire. 

She slashed toward the Shadowfang, and the [Heavenly Arc Slash] technique sent a wave of searing electricity scorching toward the creature. The beast, sensing the attack, twisted its body in an inhuman manner, the attack barely grazing its monstrous form.

Backing off and hovering in the air, Everly unleashed the full fury of her [Inferno Thunderstrike] technique upon the beast. Fire and lightning intertwined in a devastating display, raining down upon their foe.


Her attacks seared the beast's fur and penetrated its hide, being the first attack to deal any real damage.

"ROAR!" The Shadowfang roared in anger and shot a beam of darkness out of its mouth toward Everly.

"Shit!" She cursed and tried to dodge, but it was too late. Sensing that this was the end, she closed her eyes, ready to die, but-

"Aquasteel Barrier!" Seraphina's voice resounded next to her ear, the two covered in a dome of liquid metal.


The barrier didn't last more than half a second under the attack, but it was more than enough time for the two to move to 'safety'.


"Urgh! DAMMIT!"

They were both flung back, groaning in pain. Their bodies were covered in injuries, but as if she had forgotten about the horrible state of her body, Seraphina jumped back up and charged forward.

"Be careful, Everly! We can't have you die yet!" She yelled without looking back.

Everly was shocked, taking a moment to appreciate Seraphina's words and actions before she followed after her.

'I'll have to say thank you to her if we survive this.' She thought as she ran.

Rayna took her chance next, cloaked in shadow. 

In a sudden movement, she leaped towards the Shadowfang, her blade pulsating with dark, venomous energy. "Shadow Venom Slash," she whispered, launching herself at the creature. 

However, the beast reacted quicker than she expected, swiping at her with its tail. She was sent sprawling, the taste of blood heavy in her mouth. Still, she managed to leave a shallow cut on the beast, the venom seeping into its flesh.

Asami danced around the edges of the battle, her fans fluttering like dark butterflies, sending shadowy shards spiraling toward the Shadowfang. 

This was her new technique, Obsidian Storm, which she had been perfecting over the last few months. But her attacks, though relentless, seemed to only annoy the beast, its hide too tough for her shards to penetrate.

Meanwhile, Eden, bow in hand, began to conjure a storm of wind and wood-charged arrows. The bowstring thumped with each release, the arrows soaring through the air with lethal precision. 

Her [Wind Piercing Arrows] seemed to bother the Shadowfang more than they hurt it, but Eden had already expected that. Thus, with inhuman accuracy, she repeatedly shot the same spot on its body, attempting to create her own weak point.

Fortunately, they managed to distract it enough to keep it from focusing on any single one of them.

Celaine took the respite Eden provided to dash forward. 

A newly learned technique flowed from her saber - the Wind Torrent Slash. Her saber traced a glowing arc of wind-charged energy that rocketed towards the Shadowfang, a visible shockwave spreading out from the impact. 

But the beast merely roared in defiance, barely staggered by the power of her technique.

In the midst of the chaotic dance of battle, Mira was deep in focus. She was busy trying to lay down the Suppression Array that she'd used when they raided those Spirit Stone mines. 

Aside from that, her mind was a swirl of thoughts and strategies, the images of her friends' movements and techniques imprinting themselves into her mind. She was watching, learning, merging their techniques with hers in her mind, attempting to form something new.

Even with her strongest technique, she didn't think she had the power to deal any life-threatening damage to the beast. 

'To think a Rank 9 beast is so strong,' She thought, now understanding just how weak those from the Unorthodox Faction were. 

They were living proof that having a deep, stable, and solidified foundation did not simply mean an increase in potential. It was also an increase in strength.

Looking back for a moment, Mira saw that her comrades were quickly going downhill. Horrible injuries accumulated all over their bodies, and they were running out of Qi at an expedited rate. 

'Hold on just a bit longer.'

The Shadowfang, while slightly injured, showed no difference between now and the start of the fight. 

The beast roared in fury, its eyes gleaming with malice. With a swift motion of its massive tail, it sent a whirlwind of razor-sharp rocks flying toward the group.

Nova and Celaine were quick to react. Conjuring a shield of fire energy and a gust of powerful wind, respectively, they managed to deflect the barrage of stone projectiles. 

But the distraction left them open to the Shadowfang's counter-attack.

The beast lunged forward, swiping its colossal claws at Nova. She attempted to parry, but the force of the blow sent her spiraling through the air. Celaine was not spared either, with the Shadowfang's tail slamming into her and sending her crashing into a nearby boulder.

Rayna and Eden swiftly moved into action, coordinating their attacks. Rayna, using her swift shadow skills, distracted the beast with quick feints and slashes. Eden capitalized on this, her arrows finding their mark, pummeling the same weak point she had been working on tirelessly.

Meanwhile, Everly and Seraphina, despite their severe injuries, rejoined the fray, casting aside the pain. Everly's [Thunderfire Destruction] and Seraphina's [Aqua Steel Dance] combo came crashing down on the Shadowfang, pushing it back.

Asami, seizing the moment, unleashed her Obsidian Storm once more. Her fans fluttered, casting an intense shadow over the battlefield as thousands of shadow shards spiraled toward the beast. This time, they managed to pierce its hide, the constant distraction and attacks from the others wearing down the creature's defenses.

On the other side, Mira was almost done setting up the Suppression Array. The array glowed with a soft light, a stark contrast to the intense battle occurring around her. 

As she made the final adjustments, Mira looked back and couldn't help but marvel at her comrades' unyielding spirit and strength.

"Get ready!" Mira yelled, alerting everyone on the battlefield.

Suddenly, the Shadowfang reared back, letting out a mighty roar that reverberated across the mountains.

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