Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 544 Complex Emotions

Mira spent her time while Maria was unconscious, brooding over what she should do in this situation. Truthfully, she's never been in this position before, but she felt so many conflicting emotions that she wasn't sure what was the correct answer.

She felt indifferent to the fact that Erika and Cole had died. Death was just another part of life; in a way, she considered death a release. Take their deaths as an example. They lived the last few hours full of suffering that would make even the most battle-hardened man lose his mind. Death was no different from freedom in their case.

She felt sad that two kind, selfless, and caring cultivators died just because they were somewhat related to her. Deep in her heart, Mira knew they didn't deserve to die like that. They deserved to live a long, happy life, but Mira's appearance snatched that away from them!

She felt angry that someone dared to hurt HER Maria like this. Although it was just psychological damage, Mira knew this would permanently scar her psyche and maybe even harm her future. Hell, this might even drive a wedge in their relationship, a relationship that was the only thing preventing her from becoming a bloodthirsty demon. For daring to do something this bold, she needed revenge, but it couldn't be an ordinary revenge. No! She had to make them tremble at her name!

On top of that anger, she felt an endless amount of rage! That asshole was interfering in her life again! Now that she knew that they were using the Unorthodox Faction as their pawns, Mira wanted nothing more than to charge down the mountain, slaughtering every Unorthodox Faction fool!

Mira wasn't an idiot. She knew that sooner or later, they'd come for Maria, and there'd be little the girl could do. If she could prevent future trouble by massacring millions, she would do so without hesitation.

'Maybe that'll be my next agenda. Hmmm~ I can even recover my Blood Essence and boost my cultivation by killing and absorbing so many people.' Mira clenched her fists, which were itching to bathe in blood.

Lastly, on top of all those emotions, Mira felt glad that something like this had happened to Maria. Life isn't always sunshine and rainbows; it's about time she understood that. Maria couldn't continue living like everything would be alright just because she wanted it to be.

Only by going through tough times and overcoming them will she grow, both as a cultivator and a person.

However, as Maria's lover/wife, Mira felt horrible for being happy about something like this. It made her feel like she wasn't worthy of having a relationship in the first place.

'A relationship is not just about love, but giving each other support during tough times. Yet, here I am, feeling happy and at the same time relieved that Maria has lost her parents. What kind of support can a person like me give? Rather than that, wouldn't I just end up pushing her away?' Mira thought self-deprecatingly.

She felt that she shouldn't be feeling these things, but she couldn't help it; that was just who she was. Life and death have been hard on her and have calloused her mind so much that she's no longer bothered by such things.

Sitting next to Mira, Dominique looked at her Mother's face and felt something was wrong. Usually, she wasn't so affectionate with Maria, but right now, she gently held the blondie in her tails, stroking her head.

'It's only been a few hours since Mother and Maria left the room, but why does it feel like something has changed?' Dominique wondered, unaware of the torture session broadcasted to the world.

She grasped Mira's hand, looked at her with those large doe eyes, and asked, "Are you alright, Mother? Did something happen to Aunty Maria?"

Mira snapped out of her thoughts, hearing Dominique's question, and shook her head, "Something terrible happened to Maria while we were away, and I'm not sure how I should make her feel better."

She didn't see any problem with telling Dominique part of the truth as she was the only other person in this she could trust other than Maria.

Dominique put a finger on her lip and tilted her head cutely.

"Hmmm~ If you want Aunty Maria to feel better, don't you just need to be there for her?"

Mira grew confused and asked Dominique for confirmation, "What do you mean 'be there for her'?"

"...If something terrible just happened, I think Aunty Maria would just be happy with your presence. You don't need to do anything special."

Now she understood what Dominique was getting at. She was trying to say she was Maria's rock, something she could lean on in tough times for support. She had to let the girl know she was there for her and let Maria deal with the rest.

"I see. If that's what Maria needs, I'll do just that." Mira declared as she stroked Maria's hair, then turned to Dominique, "You won't be leaving my side during this time period. I don't want something bad happening to you as well!"

Hearing that, Dominique beamed, "Then, please look after me, Mother! Hehehe~"


Somewhere on the Ancient Beast Mountain Range, on top of a mountain, a pink-haired woman was looking down at the Unorthodox Faction leader and the masked man who tortured Maria's parents with an unpleasant expression.

The two had been sitting on their knees for over an hour now, but Sue Ming hadn't said a word to them. She just stood there with her arms crossed, looking down at them. While the two couldn't tell what she was thinking, they knew from the palpable silence that she was mad.

No, calling her mad would be an understatement! She was furious, and for a good reason!

While she was enjoying the broadcast, wishing she could see the look of despair on Maria's face and the rage on Mira's, Cole suddenly started spewing classified information!

Normally, she wouldn't care about that stuff as this wasn't her world, nor did she plan on staying here long, but all that information was more than enough for Mira to understand that someone was after her and who.

Such a thing added unknown variables to her plan that she couldn't account for, as Mira was a 1,000-year-old monster who had never once given in to her Master's "grooming". A person like that is anything but normal. The few words Cole managed to say before he killed himself were more than enough for Mira to paint a picture in her mind and prepare for it!

However, the only question now was how! How did Cole learn of this information?!

Sue Ming gritted her teeth, and the urge to kill these two incompetent idiots appeared in her mind, but she inwardly shook her head. The thought of it being her fault never once entered her mind.

'They're more valuable alive than dead, but knowing that isn't enough to quell this rage!'


Sue Ming grunted in frustration and turned to the side and punched! It was just an ordinary punch, seemingly lacking any power, but-


That punch disintegrated the nearest mountain, obliterating all living and non-living things!

The Faction Leader and the masked man felt chills run down their spine at how easily Sue Ming wiped out a mountain! However, the most shocked was definitely the Faction Leader!

'Fuck! This woman's power is too perverted! Even I can't do something like that so effortlessly!' He had cold sweat dripping down his back as he stared at the spot a mountain used to reside.

"Tell me, how did that man know so much about us? How did he know my name?!" Sue Ming roared, her pressure bearing down on the two of them.

'You crazy bitch! How is that our fault?! You were the one who said your name in front of him!' The Faction Leader and masked man thought but didn't dare to say out loud.

"I apologize for my incompetence, Mrs. Ming, but if you give me another chance, I'll be sure to do a better job next time. Is there anything I can do to quell your anger?" The Faction Leader said with a forced smile.

'Bitch.' He added inwardly.

Sue Ming frowned as he didn't explain his wrongdoings, but she put that aside for now as there were a few urgent things she needed before she could move on with her plans. However, she felt like she had to be more careful around this man, or she might end up scammed for everything she was worth.

'Tsk. Old fox.' Sue Ming clicked her tongue but moved on to something more productive than just standing around wasting time.

"I need all up-to-date information on Mira, a new Battle Maiden Sect disciple. For some reason, I haven't found anything about her since she joined the Sect. I would do it myself, but that Aelina woman is too mysterious. I feel like I wouldn't lose to her, but at the same time, I'm not sure."

"Ahaha! I'd be more than willing to complete this task for the right price, but I warn you, information on Battle Maiden Sect disciples doesn't come cheap." The Faction Leader gave Sue Ming a fox-like smile.

Sue Ming narrowed her eyes but nodded her head.

"Fine! But your pay will be halved due to your previous failure."

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