Immanent Ascension

Chapter 35: A Big Announcement (2)

Chapter 35: A Big Announcement (2)

The next day at morning assembly, an announcement was made that caused a stir among all of the Seers.

The last of the interviews will be conducted this afternoon, High Archon Sabadras said. The results will be announced first thing next week. Please make sure to attend tomorrows morning assembly, as there will be a special announcement.

The High Archons teasing of a special announcement had the intended effect, as virtually everyone gathered early on the Sixthday morning assembly.

In his haste to find a spot, Xerxes couldnt find Gandash, but instead found himself standing next to Jad.

What do you think its about? Jad whispered. What if theyre sending us off to fight the Abhorrent already!

No way, Xerxes replied. I bet theyre announcing some of the assessment results early. Like for the ones who did really well.

Neither of them were correct.

In order to reward you after this week of testing, said High Archon Kingallu, you are being given a chance to relax before the coming rigors of intensive study and training. By means of a banquet!

A ripple of excited exclamations rose in the crowd.

Finally, Jad said. Something fun!

There will be food, the High Archon went on, wine, singing, dancing, and more. Of course, given the occasion, youll need to wear your finest clothing.

Xerxes heart immediately sank. Hed brought formal clothing, but it was the same outfit hed worn at Ligish Castle, which was a hand-me-down from his father. Hed had no compunctions wearing that outfit in a tiny castle in the wilderness. But to a banquet on Sin-Amuhhu? There was no way.

We know that not all of you brought such clothing with you, the High Archon continued. So youll receive double your regular stipend at the conclusion of this assembly, and will be allowed to leave the school to go to the nearest marketplace.

A round of cheering erupted, and Xerxes joined in.

Afterward, Kingallu said, You will stay within walking distance of the school, and will return before the lunch hour. Do not hire horses, carriages, or use any other means of transportation to travel farther than you could go by walking.

The nearest marketplace is the Gula Bazaar, a quarter-league to the east. Many of the vendors there cater to mage aesthetics, and you should be able to find a wide variety of formal garments. Stay away from the areas to the south and west of the school, as theyre primarily residential. There are many small shops and restaurants to the north, but remember, you must return before lunch, so do not lose track of time and return late. Any who are not back by the appointed time will lose the privilege of attending the banquet, and will be subject to additional punishments.

Any questions? No? Well, enjoy your morning, and well see you in the main hall this evening at the seventeenth hour.

The Seers all rushed to get in line to get their stipend, and some of the young mages literally sprinted back to the dorms after getting their allowance.

Xerxes didnt run, but he didnt stroll either. He got back to the dorm room before Gandash, and took the opportunity to open the box that contained his spending money and stare at the gold and silver.

How much should I take? he thought. He knew that he needed to buy a new garment, but he had no idea how much it would cost. He wasnt very up-to-date on prices back on Mannemid, let alone here on Sin-Amuhhu. Knowing that Gandash would show up any minute, and not wanting his friend to see his stash of money, he slipped out six shekels of silver and added them to the four the school had just provided. I doubt Ill spend this much, but I really want to go all out. I need to make sure Katayoun notices me from across the entire campus!

He got the shekels into a small carrying pouch just before Gandash returned.

Can you believe it? Gandash said. This is going to be incredible!

I bet it is, Xerxes said. Are you planning to go to the market?

Of course!

Xerxes watched as his friend slid a chest out from under his bed, unlocked it, and flipped the lid back. Xerxes jaw clenched as he saw what was inside. Numerous neatly arranged stacks of gold and silver shekels. He looked away; his friend obviously had a lot more than he did. Not that it was a surprise.

Gandash took out a handful of money and threw it into a pouch. I think Im going to invest in some new bracers. The formal kind, you know? And probably some boots. Have you seen the kind the Archons wear, the ones where the front part curls up in front of the toes? I have to have some like that.

Xerxes hadnt noticed such footwear, but not wanting to sound ignorant, he said, Oh, that kind. Yeah.

Come on, lets go!

Gandash dragged Xerxes out of the school and down the street to the east.

There were carriages everywhere, as well as horses, pedestrians, vendors, soldiers, and beggars. Xerxes felt like his neck was going to be sore from all the looking around. But Gandash kept them moving at a quick pace toward the bazaar.

It was a grander market than anything Xerxes had seen before. He stepped through the main gate into the area with vendor tables, tarps, tents, and the like. How big was this place? There seemed no end to the pathways.

As he walked along, a conglomeration of scents and sounds met him. He caught a whiff of leather from a shop that sold belts and bags, and then a faint, musty aroma as they passed a stall with stacks upon stacks of cotton cloth. He turned his head when he heard yelling, only to realize it was nothing more than a friendly negotiation. And then he heard tinkling sounds from a shop that specialized in glass beads.

It only took about fifteen minutes to slip away from Gandash. While his friend was looking through some silver jewelry, Xerxes said, Im going to check out something over here. Be right back.

Then he ducked around a corner and walked as quickly as possible through three or four intersections before looking around to see if Gandash was trying to catch up. He wasnt.

Finally, he thought. Now I can look around without moneybags peering over my shoulder the entire time. So, where do I start? Robe first? Or hat?

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