I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 94: Classes In The Academy

Chapter 94: Classes In The Academy

"All the new disciples gather up here."

Jim spent the next hour taking a detailed tour around the place. The studying section here was really big, but he had a rough idea about most things now.

"Welcome to our academy, it's a great honor to be part of such a mighty one," a very strong looking master who was a member of the berserker pantheon stood in front of the group of fifty disciples.

"This year we have around forty new disciples and fifteen from last year drop out," he checked some papers in his hand before they disappeared the next moment.

"Now I know many of you are already familiar with things here, but some aren't. I'll tell everything related to studying here so everyone won't have any excuse at the end of the semester."

He moved his eyes towards a group of disciples who just ignored his remark.

"First my name is Mark, and I'm acting as chief master of the inner disciples. Here I'm law, anything I say must be executed. I don't tolerate any troublemakers or fighting, so refrain from these acts or else"

Jim checked Mark and knew his threat wasn't light at all. He was a giant, even bigger than Pol, with muscles that looked stronger as well. His skin seemed a bit red, and Jim swore he spotted a faint wave of pure red light moving under his skin every now and then.

Mark moved his glance over each and single one of the new disciples before adding, "I don't care who you are or where you come from. I only care about following the rules and excelling at your studies. Impress me and I'll reward you in return.

Last year we ended up losing the entire first ten ranks in every grade. Those arrogant bastards in the core section are getting more cocky I won't tolerate this anymore! So this year I won't accept any place but the first! "

Jim didn't understand his meaning and he seemed not to be the exception here luckily as Mark explained further:

"The academy is built entirely on the competitive spirit. You are competing with your fellow disciples in the same grade either here, or at the core or outer disciple regions. You also compete with those higher than you so don't relax, even being the best in your class doesn't mean you are the best in the academy."

Mark turned around as he pointed towards the distant rear building, "I believe all went there and registered their classes, right?"

Jim hesitated before he raised his hand. He was the only one doing so and he got a sneer from Mark in return. "C'mon kid, don't humiliate me by doing this! You should have more pride in yourself, speak up high and loud."

"Me sir," Jim retreated his arm as he said. He didn't know if Mark was advising or mocking him, but he felt it was the latter from the eyes he noticed falling over him from everyone.

"Good," but Mark smiled on contrary to his expectations, "you are a wise kid. You know nothing about here and so you can't choose recklessly your future path."

Mark turned to everyone around as he mockingly said: "Not like others here who barely are aware of our teachings and classes and yet they chose theirs blind fools."

'This man he is unpredictable and moody,' Jim concluded as he knew he shouldn't provoke such a man or even deal too much with him.

He couldn't tell if he would smile in his face and give him a warm hug or punch him in the face!

"Now, it's time for me to explain things here," Mark started to move while adding, "keep up, don't slack behind. I won't repeat what I say because you were away or distracted."

Jim moved while ignoring the sneaking eyes from everyone. Yet thanks to Mark's warning words, few only kept peeping on him from time to time.

"Here we have many classes that our masters can help you through. If you asked me which is the best, which is the most important, which has the highest priority for any disciple then I would say every single class here is important."

Mark stopped at one of the buildings which had a strange aura around it. "The list of classes we had are written in the papers you filled, but let me narrate them for you."

Jim had his all attention over the next words of Mark. Despite knowing about the classes from before, he was sure he would learn a thing or two from this master.

"The first class is the magic class. Of course it's logic to teach you everything about the power running through your veins. What you know and learnt your entire lives about magic is worthless in my eyes. Just ditch all of that trash in the nearest corner and start fresh."

Mark then pointed to the building next to him while adding, "we have three buildings only for each class, and each building could accommodate one grade only. So we need you to fill your desires so we can arrange classes for each grade."

His eyes fell over Jim who didn't know if there was a warning hidden in the words or not.

"Today is just the tour day you won't have classes at all. But starting from tomorrow you'll find a schedule for all classes, timing and places. Don't miss any class as missing three will make you drop the class for this grade. Drop two classes and you'll drop the entire grade."

Jim took rapid glances over the group who seemed older and inwardly felt bad for them. He wasn't the only one looking at them, and even Mark didn't show them any mercy as he pointed his finger towards them as he said:

"If you don't want to be like them, be here in time and show some devotion to your masters."

Mark then moved again before adding, "we have also spell class, potion class, magical pets class, magical plants class, magical pantheons and history class, the outer battlefield class, teleportation class, array and runes class, forging class, fight support class, war class, and finally the Graz game class."

Jim was surprised to hear about some new classes he didn't know before. 'It was good for him to explain then,' he inwardly muttered while they reached an open space between a group of ten buildings.

"I won't explain all the details of each class for you, but some classes can tell you what they are for by just their names. The spell class will teach you how to cast a spell. The potion class will teach you how to make a potion, and so on. If any has a class he or she doesn't know the purpose of just feel free to ask."

One of the disciples got some courage as he raised his voice asking: "What is the runes and array class for?"

"It's called array and rune class, and it's not something you should be asking me about. It's a class used to teach you how to make arrays and runes!"

The tone of Mark made everyone else hesitate to ask, but not Jim. He knew he wouldn't have such a chance to ask what he lacked, even if he was reprimanded by that berserker.

"What are these things used for anyway?" he said in a loud tone while everyone stole a glance at him, knowing he would be killed with words the next instant.

"Things? C'mon, be a more respectful human kid!" Mark shouted as expected, yet he answered, "Arrays are used to form defensive or offensive wide scale spell effects, while runes can store spell effects and release them in time of need."

Jim inwardly smiled as he knew the master was just faking angry now over the disciples but he would answer anything thrown on his face.

And he didn't intend to stop throwing his questions.

"What is the magical pets class about?"

"You are a fool, right?" Mark sneered, "as the name tells, it teaches you everything about the magical creatures who you can tame in the open universe, how to tame them, how to train them, and even how to make them breed!"

Jim couldn't help to smile while some disciples did as him and others even laughed.

"And the teleportation class?"

"C'mon, you should be one of the best to know what this class is about!" Mark sighed in disappointment before adding, "this is to teach you how to travel between worlds. Travelling isn't easy, and knowing how to do that on your own is a mandatory life saving skill in my opinion."

"And forging class?"

"Don't tell me you hit your head before coming up here in the morning!" Mark aggressively said before adding, "it's about teaching you how to make your own weapons and gears.

Don't expect the academy to give you these things, and thinking of just going out there to that messy Sherwid town of yours and buy what you need is a big misconception and delusion."


"Isn't there anyone to ask but this noisy idiotic one here?" Mark didn't give Jim any room to continue asking as he shouted at the rest of the disciples.

If any had thought of asking him now after seeing how he responded to Jim's questions then he or she had to drop that. It wasn't easy facing such angry and mocking words from such a master.

"Humph pathetic!" Mark sneered before waving his hand in a helpless way, "go on kid, give me all what you got deep there."

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