I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 92: I Aim To Be The Leading Disciple Of Inner Disciples

Chapter 92: I Aim To Be The Leading Disciple Of Inner Disciples

The next morning came fast where Jim stood up from the bed and looked at the world outside. "It's a bit early to wake up," he yawned but he rapidly recalled the words of the three master yesterday to him and so he hurriedly moved to wash up his face.

"Don't get there too late, being early is better to know who your true rivals are in the next years," these were the words, the sincere advice from Armando.

"These boys" Jim couldn't help but sigh as he stayed up late in the evening waiting for the team to assemble. He even sent the two girls to them but they returned empty handed.

"They prefer to stay the night there," Ashley said.

"Those jerks think the two beloved dolls of theirs are awake and will notice their efforts tsk," Jenny said.

"Don't speak like that," Jim had to discipline her a little, "after all you all are my girls."

Jenny tried to seduce him and just recalling her face when he escaped into his room and locked it up made him laugh. "This fiery girl she can't judge better on things," he muttered before laughing again.

On the table there were his items that he neatly arranged before going to bed; his ring, his emblem, his books inside a small leather bag, his sword, and his cloak hung over a cloth holder made out of wood.

"This looks great," he wore everything fast while holding his sword and the next instant his body shone brightly in golden color once more. "I will never get tired of it," he laughed while sheathing the sword and carried the bag over his back before taking a rapid glance over a drawing on the wall.

It was a big tree picturing all the races inside the academy. There the highest race was obliterated and left the space deformed. "This is my place now," he touched the spot with his index finger after putting it in his mouth. "Wish me luck old fairies," he muttered before turning around and left the room.

"You look so terrible."

The moment he stepped outside the mansion he was staying at he saw his team standing in the small garden waiting for him.

Puffy eyes, tired faces, and even untidy uniforms they simply looked horrible. "Sigh, you should have listened to me and rested here yesterday."

"We need to make sure they are ok," Rick yawned, "and we just moved when they woke up."

"They did?" Jim asked in surprise, "are they ok?"

"Boss, you should go and see them yourself," Roo yawned as well, "the first they asked about was you then the two girls."

His tone showed how much disappointed he was, and from the looks on their faces Jim knew they all felt the same. "That's reassuring," he turned to glance at the two girls who just had a strange look over their faces.

"But now isn't the time to waste on this," Jim seriously said, "there are important matters I need to say to you."

"About the first class day?" Rick yawned again, "don't worry boss, I told them everything I know."

"I doubt you know all," Jim sighed, "just listen and don't interrupt me. Today is the most important day after the arena day. You'll meet your long time colleagues, people you may consider as rivals."

"I told them that boss," Rick tried to act resourceful and well knowledgeable but Jim totally ignored his remark as he continued:

"I want you to be alert, study them very carefully. Know their traits, strengths and weaknesses. Their habits, what they like, what they hate I want everything like you are their best mates and lived together with them for years."

"What is all this for the boss?" Rick asked again.

"Just shut up and listen," Jim strictly reprimanded him, "there is no time for this. If you came early yesterday then we could have a more relaxed conversation. but now, just shut up and listen."

His attitude and strictness made everyone silent as they all had strange looks over their faces. "At first they will ask you for lessons to attend don't hurry up to choose. Wait until everyone chooses their classes and arrange yourselves into smaller teams; each will attend one of the busiest classes first."

This time Rick didn't speak or express his thoughts while everyone nodded despite not knowing why. "The masters there are quite strict and they have the power to expel any troublemakers. Don't respond to any provocations and be calm."

"What if someone tried to bully us?" Deno asked.

"They will," Jim said before adding, "but you have to be calm and not answer to any of these."

Jim turned his gaze before everyone as he added, "there will be time to respond to everything, but now just endure. If any of you got expelled I won't be able to help him ever again. Don't forget this."

They all nodded with gloomy faces and disappointed expressions. It seemed Rick told them something different, and they had some expectations to be let down by Jim's words.

"Rick," Jim turned to him before adding, "Kro and Roo you three have to compete over the position of the leading disciple."

The three glanced at him in a weird way before Kro said: "But boss this position is selected by election from all disciples."

"One third selection, one third the masters' opinion, and one third the belongs to me."


It wasn't only the three who exclaimed in surprise but everyone here said in the same breath.

"Those belonging to the leading disciple of the inner circle have one third of votes for their favor in such a race," Jim said and his words were a bold declaration about his own ambition.

"This" Rick stuttered, "the fight over such a place in the inner disciple circle is very intense..."

"I know," Jim said before adding, "I'll handle this matter, and you handle one of the two thirds remaining to win the position."

"But there is only one such position," Kro said.

"And there is the vice position and the leading disciple of the higher council of the outer disciples," Jim said and his words told them what he was aspiring to.

"But I think such elections won't be held on day one," Roo said.

"Indeed, but the winners always act from day one," Jim said before taking one ring and giving it to Rick, "here contains many academy coins. I have already paid the one thousand fees for all of you yesterday. Take the rest and spend it over other disciples."

"This is too much boss," Rick had an instant scare when he checked the content of the ring, "I don't think this will be needed."

"It will," Jim firmly said while recalling the words of Sher from yesterday, "the power of wealth is undeniably one of the strongest alluring factors for others. Just use these with no limit, you know I can amass more than them easily."

They all knew what he was referring to. "Alright, now dress up neatly and make me look better. Your looks" he paused while moving his eyes over everyone, "makes me look bad."

They embarrassedly laughed while hurrying to tidy up their uniforms.

The road to the classes of the inner disciples was different than the one leading to the outer disciple classes. "Go on and don't forget what I said," Jim warned.

"Keep an eye on them for me," he softly whispered to the two girls before giving them a hug and Ashley got a soft kiss over her cheeks and lips but Jenny seemed angry from yesterday and refused such kisses.

"Good luck, I hope you all get stronger," he wished luck for them before staying back while watching their backs, "after all you are my main supporters, the mighty pillars I will use to build upon my entire legend."

He turned around and walked towards the direction of his classes.

'You know they won't remember half of what you said,' the old man suddenly spoke.

'If they recalled half then I'll be lucky,' and Jim inwardly laughed, 'Don't worry old man, I told the girls everything needed to know while getting home. They won't forget what I said.'

'But will they listen?' the old man honestly said, 'if they were the Twisex girls then I could be confident.'

'Sigh, you have a point,' Jim said before adding, 'but saying it this way makes me feel bad. I should have a stronger place in their hearts over the girls,' he complained like a kid.

'Hahaha, if so then I can tell you with clear conscience that you are seeking the impossible kid, hahaha.'


"It looks lively in this early hour of the morning indeed."

The moment Jim got closer to the compound of buildings designated for the classes he spotted many disciples heading there as him. Even around the place he spotted many distant silhouettes who made him feel less irritated by waking up so early.

"I hope they won't try something funny with me," he smiled before adding, "after all I intend not only to be the leading disciple of the first year, but the leading disciple of all the inner disciples."

'You'll need much luck and great support from the masters to achieve that,' the old man said.

'They already believe in me,' Jim laughed, 'after all two of them know my real value from the Sherwid town.'

'Yeah, that was a surprise for me,' the old man confessed.

'And to me too,' Jim sighed, 'but at least I have nullified the dangers of these two sellers from before.'

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