I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 71: Having Wounded Members For the First Time

Chapter 71: Having Wounded Members For the First Time

Jim led the team towards the direction of the academy for half an hour. During this time, he kept his silence while all of his team kept chatting and exchanging introductions and making friendships out there.

From the words he just heard, he realized the lives of those who joined him weren't that good. According to their description, the slave lives were full of humiliation, injustice, and mistreatment.

They all were shocked to realize that all of the old members of the team were also slaves. In their opinion being a slave deprived them from the simplest rights of life.

They couldn't even stand beside their masters and talk to him eye to eye like that!

Jim totally ignored these talks and exclaimed in surprise and shock when they learnt that being with Jim secured a place in the academy as outer disciples.

The most shocked were the five Bulltors and the five Colders. The first were cursed for not entering the academy ever since the fall of the fairies, the latter were cursed by their race crimes and were forbidden to enter the academy except as slaves.

Even the test they were prevented from participating in.

"Be alert, we have a team heading here," Jim suddenly said when he noticed one team was finally moving from the side and heading towards them.

They were around a hundred and fifty in number, yet Jim didn't see any threat in fighting them. He turned to his team as he said: "We'll move the moment they got near us in two teams. We both will try to run towards the academy, and my team will run off the road first before coming back to hit them from behind."

The next minutes the team rearranged their lines and then they got separated into two groups. One large group stayed on the road, while the other smaller one moved off the road under the leadership of Jim.

The fight didn't have any surprises, as the team led by the Bulltors kept leading the raiders' attention away from Jim's group until Jim finally descended upon them like thunder.

The massacre that erupted next didn't leave many alive. Only those who were cowardly to stay back and preferred to run kept their lives intact. As for brave ones, they all ended up being killed.

In return some of Jim's team got wounded, especially from those newly joined. They didn't yet understand the way of Jim's fight, and used the old tactic they used with their previous masters acting like the tip of the spear all alone and being cannon fodders.

"You guys" Jim stood helplessly in front of the wounded. "Why did you move all alone to the front? You should have teamed up with us," he shook his head while watching Ashley, Rick, and even Deno being wounded as well.

As the new members moved out of their lines, they affected the overall performance of his team. This caused the three to be injured, something that never happened during the disadvantageous fights at the arena.

"This is the way they used to fight back then," Deno said, trying to defend them from the anger of Jim.

Jim wasn't angry with them, he was just feeling helpless to not think about such a possibility.

"Anyone know how to heal wounds?" he asked while turning around to have silence as a response.

"Sigh," he checked the wounds where some had seriously looking injuries. "We need to go back then," he shook his head.

"Master, we can still fight," one of the injured Bulltors spoke up while expressing what others were feeling right now, "we used to fight and get wounded and continue to fight. These are nothing compared to what we used to experience."

Despite his good will to express his thoughts, Jim only shook his head as he turned his gaze to Deno and Rick, "help those who are heavily wounded to go back to the town. There we will look for anyone to heal them."

"Master, we aren't in such a bad condition yet," a wounded shapeshifter said, "we can still fight, at least move on our own with no help."

Jim sighed. "You don't get it, don't you?" he said before turning his gaze upon his old team, "let's go, we need to find Rili and look for a healer or something."

Jim never thought of his need for a doctor or a healer before. He always triumphed over his enemies with his wits and perfect plans, but right now he was facing this odd situation.

'At least you've faced it before the academy starts,' the old man said as they were heading towards the town.

'You should have warned me.'

'About what?'

'About me lacking a healer!'

'Sigh,' the old man sighed before adding, 'boy, you lack a lot of things. You need to experience them yourself and me just guiding you from time to time.'

Jim didn't argue with his old man while the old man added, 'for example I can teach you now there are no healers in this world. There are races specialized in healing wounds, but no one is calling them in such terms.'

'Then what are they called?' Jim regained his interest about this issue.

'They are called by the names of their races,' the old man laughed, 'but when you look for them, just see who is available and I'll guide you towards the best of them.'

'Sure,' Jim simply accepted this kind of help his old man offered while checking from time to time upon his injured team members.

The return journey took two hours to finally come near the town. "What are that group doing?" but when they got nearby, everyone noticed the presence of a large group standing just three miles away from the gate of the town.

"They are blocking our path?" Deno muttered before Jenny laughed and added, "did they think we are weak because of having some wounded members?"

"We can fight," the Bulltor who spoke before tried to express his thoughts. He glanced at everyone as they all nodded.

"Just stay here," Jim wasn't in the mood to play around anymore, "Lan come and give me a hand."

During the past fight, he only used Jenny's fire to form the fire ball. He didn't think he would need to use Lan's lightning back then.

But now, he was already enraged, and facing those in the front enraged him more.

"Only the two of us?" Lan was afraid as he hurriedly asked while trying to keep up with Jim's pace.

"No," Jim shook his head, "it's only me."

"You alone?" Lan was more shocked while he turned back towards the team members as he shouted, "come on, he plans to fight them all alone."

"Just stop it," Jim muttered, before adding, "I want to test something out. Just don't come, alright?"

His words made everyone hesitant, but he kept moving forward while saying, "gimme your lightning now and retreat."

"Are you sure you didn't hit your head or something?" Lan was skeptical towards following this order, "there are over three hundreds right now!"

"I know that," Jim nodded before adding, "just give me the lightning and retreat."

He wasn't suicidal, but he intended to use this large group to test out one of the two spells he just gained. Lan was hesitant for a moment there before sighing, "I hope you know what you are doing."

"Like always," Jim laughed shortly before feeling the lightning energy coming forth into his body.

What he intended to use was the supreme spell he just gained. It wasn't a pure start spell according to his old man, but it was something that worked best on another spell or ability.

It was a helping spell, and now he was about to test the effect of such spells over his strongest attack.

The next moment he held his sword by one hand, a few inches above the ground while resisting the urge for it to fall. 

Despite that, he didn't stop moving forward. He wasn't trying to act cool here, but this was something that his new spell required.

A dance!

'I have to admit,' he said to his old man, 'this spell is mighty in effect, but that dancing requirement is something I don't want to do.'

'Hahaha, c'mon, it's funny.'

'You are funny,' Jim sighed as he noticed that his old man was enjoying what he was going through. 'I advise you to come and give it a try.'

'I'm just a soul,' the old man said while laughing, 'you are the one who has to test it, not me.'


Jim finally finished the preparation steps before taking a deeper breath as he muttered, "Here we go, it's best for this to have a good effect or else"

The next instant he jumped a slight jump in the air before twisting his hip in full circle. This sudden move startled everyone, and his team suddenly realized what he was doing.

"Damn, he isn't in his right self," Gorden said in a hurry, "we need to go and help him," he shouted while moving to the front.

"Wait!" suddenly Kro shouted before turning to glance at Roo. "Do you get the same vibe as well?" Roo asked.

"What are you two talking about?" Deno moved while Kro turned to say, "this is similar to a very frightening spell we once heard about."

"A spell?" Rick asked.

"This is a dance!" Ashley was extremely worried.

"Dance isn't just for fun y'know," Roo said in pride, "some are just the cover of strong spells."

"But this one lacks music," Kro muttered, "I recall it needs music to be activated."

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