I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 888: The Old Bird

Chapter 888: The Old Bird

The storm had subsided, and not far away, Dragonite spotted Yuga and quickly flew to his side, holding two unconscious crew members in its claws.

Mr. Drake's Kingdra silently emerged from the water, carrying the unconscious Swablu on its back.

Dragonite's arrival caught the attention of the colossal sea monster, and it turned its gaze toward Dragonite, which had landed on Yuga.

Yuga couldn't help but fear that the sea monster might unleash a powerful Water-type attack at Dragonite.

Dragonite, on the other hand, also felt its skin crawl under the sea monster's intense gaze.

However, the sea monster appeared to have a gentle disposition. It tilted its head, casting an apologetic look at Dragonite. Then, it raised its fan-like tail out of the water.

On its tail lay the crew members and their Pokémon who had fallen into the sea.

Mr. Drake had also arrived above the sea monster, riding on a Salamence. Seeing that the crew members on the sea monster's tail were safe, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The sea monster seemed to realize that its actions had caused trouble for the humans before it. With a look of apology, it used its tail to transfer the unconscious crew members to a small island behind it.

After several trips, it had safely transported all the crew members and their Pokémon to the sandy beach of the small island.

Each time it moved its tail, it created turbulent waves on the sea's surface.

The sea monster probably understood the potential harm it could cause with its every movement, so this time, it acted gracefully and slowly, not causing any further disruption.

It was through the sea monster's rescue efforts that Yuga and Mr. Drake noticed there was a small island at the center of the Misty Zone.

Their ship, affected by the waves, now lay askew on the sandy beach of the small island. The extent of the damage was not immediately apparent, but several masts had been broken.

The scattered Wingull and Pelipper, which had been scattered during the storm, nervously perched on the ship's sides and masts.

These Pokémon were used to the ever-changing sea conditions, and despite their modest strength, they were unafraid of wind, rain, and waves.

So, while they had been quite scared during the storm, they had suffered minimal injuries. Even those that fell into the water could easily take flight again.

Grateful for the sea monster's goodwill, Yuga and Mr. Drake led the remaining injured crew members and Pokémon onto the small island.

Observing the injured crew members scattered on the sandy beach, Mr. Drake felt a headache coming on. The priority now was to treat their injuries.

This was where Yuga's skills came in handy.

"Mr. Drake, leave their treatment to me!" Yuga offered.

Mr. Drake was relieved. Yuga, as a Grass-type Trainer, had a knack for recovery and healing.

"Thank you. I'll leave it to you!" Mr. Drake replied.

Yuga nodded and said, "Don't worry!"

Under Mr. Drake's command, the remaining conscious crew members gathered the unconscious ones, making it easier for Yuga to treat them.

Yuga released Florges, Chimecho, Bellossom, Venusaur, Roserade, Sawsbuck, and Serperior.

Florges immediately created a Grassy Terrain, covering all the injured crew members within it to prevent their conditions from worsening.

Then, Chimecho used Hell Bell to soothe the emotions of everyone present.

Following that, Sawsbuck took over with Aromatherapy, continuing the healing process initiated by Chimecho.

Aromatherapy and Hell Bell were wide-range techniques that could benefit many people and Pokémon at once.

The free-hand Chimecho kept swinging to heal the seriously injured crew members.

The other Grass-type Pokémon – Bellossom, Venusaur, and Serperior – focused on individual care.

They moved in unison, providing assistance wherever needed under the guidance of Chimecho.

The Grassy Terrai of the three of them are not as good as Florges's, and they cannot treat a large number of wounded at once, so they can only follow Chimecho.

As Yuga efficiently directed the healing efforts, all the injured crew members were stabilized. Their lives were no longer in immediate danger.

Seeing Yuga's calm and collected demeanor, Mr. Drake nodded in approval. It seemed that Yuga was truly capable of handling the situation: Mr. Kuni'o has a successor!

In the water, the sea monster watched Yuga and the others on the shore busily tending to the injured. It extended its long neck above the water's surface and began to sing a melodious song.

As the song echoed, the emotions of both humans and Pokémon were soothed. They felt an overwhelming sense of tranquility, and the fear from the recent disaster dissipated.

Even the Pelipper and Wingull that remained on the ship, worn out from the ordeal, fell asleep thanks to the beautiful song.

Having experienced a catastrophe, they were all exhausted. With the tension lifted, many of them drifted off to sleep, some even showing smiles in their slumber.

Sleep could accelerate their recovery from injuries.

The crew members who were still awake, upon hearing the sea monster's song, also entered a state of blissful calm.

Yuga looked at the sea monster, which had finished singing, and thought to himself, "This melodious sound... Only a Melotic can produce something like this."

Indeed, the sea monster they encountered was a colossal Melotic, a Pokémon measuring two to three hundred meters in length.

Its wide tail was responsible for creating the massive waves that had given Yuga's group so much trouble.

It was a Pokémon that resembled a giant sea dragon!


Having finished its song, the colossal Melotic raised its head to look at the gloomy sky. It appeared unhappy.

Then, it opened its mouth and shot out a powerful Hydro Pump, instantly dispersing the dark clouds.

Golden sunlight pierced through the dissipating clouds, illuminating Melotic's milky white, blue, and pink scales, making it glisten beautifully.

Yuga was stunned by Melotic's display of power. To change the weather so effortlessly with a single Water-type move was incredible!

The weather-altering moves Yuga was familiar with, such as Rain Dance, Sunny Day, and Sandstorm, only affected a limited area or battlefield. None of them could change the weather over such a vast sea.

What Melotic did was truly extraordinary.


Melotic, now bathed in sunlight, gazed at the serene sky, its demeanor far from beautiful.

Yuga couldn't help but marvel, "This is too incredible! To change the entire natural weather with just a Hydro Pump!!!"

Are you a descendant of Kyogre???

Yuga suddenly remembered to activate his Insight ability.


Type: Water

Ability: Marvel Scale

Gender: Male

Potential: Purple

Level: 100

Move: Water Pulse, Bind, Water Gun, Play Rough, Refresh, Disarming Voice, Twister, Aqua Ring, Attract, Dragon Tail, Aqua Tail, Captivate, Safeguard, Coil, Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Hail, Blizzard, Recover, Scald, Ice Beam, Hyper Beam, Protect, Rest, Round, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Surf, Waterfall, Whisper, Dragon Breath, Mirror Coat, Mist, Iron Tail, Icy Wind, Snore, Dragon Pulse.




Am I really seeing a Melotic? A level 100 Melotic with a purple potential? Yuga had seen his master's Pokémon before, and they were all Master level, but none of them were level 100.

Given its purple potential, Yuga was no longer surprised. Could this be considered a Master level Pokémon? Or is it even stronger than a Master level? Yuga was momentarily overwhelmed by shock.

This Melotic was probably the highest level existence in the world.

"What's wrong?"

Mr. Drake noticed Yuga's daze and casually asked.

Yuga quickly shook his head, pulling his thoughts back from astonishment. He replied, "It's nothing, just that today's events are incredibly surprising. I never knew such a Melotic existed in the world."

Mr. Drake was equally taken aback. Despite his much greater age and broader experiences, he, too, was seeing such a Pokémon for the first time.

Who would have thought that such an incredible behemoth would slumber in this remote sea area?

With the injured crew members out of danger, Mr. Drake relaxed and engaged in idle conversation with Yuga.

Unbeknownst to them, when Melotic dispersed the dark clouds in the distance, it had alerted an entity within the distant cloud cover.

It was that dark cloud that forced Yuga and the others to enter the misty area.

The sun shines brightly here for Yuga and the others, but the place where the sea and sky meet in the distance is covered with dark clouds.

Melotic's appearance had drawn all the local Pokémon to this sandy beach.

These Pokémon had lived on this island since birth, under Melotic's protection, and regarded Melotic as their deity. Having never seen humans, they remained hidden in the distant foliage, observing Yuga's group in secret.

Yuga soon noticed these Pokémon, ranging from ordinary Zigzagoon and Linoone to rare Ralts and Gardevoir. He even spotted Solrock and Lunatone...

In addition to Hoenn's Pokémon, Yuga also saw Pokémon that were unique to Sinnoh, such as Buneary, Starly, and Bidoof.

Considering the location, it was not surprising to see Pokémon from the Sinnoh region alongside Hoenn region Pokémon. But what surprised Yuga the most was seeing a Metagross and several Beldum.

These were Pseudo-Legendary! It's really tempting! But with Melotic around, Yuga decided not to be too ambitious.

The Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon were indeed valuable, but the value of life was even higher.

Some of the bolder Pokémon, sensing that Yuga's group meant no harm, ventured onto the beach for a "friendly visit."

At that moment, Yuga glanced towards the horizon and suddenly asked Mr. Drake, "Have you noticed that the dark clouds over there seem to be getting closer?"

Hearing Yuga's question, Mr. Drake furrowed his brow. It did seem that way.


It's coming!

Just then, a voice resonated in Yuga's mind.

It was Melotic's voice, and Yuga's unique ability allowed him to understand its meaning.

"It's coming? Who's coming?" Yuga wondered.

In fact, Yuga and his group's unexpected encounter with the awakened Melotic was entirely coincidental.

Melotic had lived in this sea area for a very long time, and it had lost track of time. Due to its massive size, it rarely moved, making it almost impossible to awaken.

Until recently, a Pokémon arrived in this area, seeking to claim the island Melotic had protected as its territory. It attacked Melotic, intent on taking over the island for itself.

This awakening had spurred Melotic into action.

Otherwise, the commotion caused by Yuga's group wouldn't have been enough to awaken it.

After driving away the intruding Pokémon, Melotic realized that it was unwilling to go back into a deep slumber. Instead, it chose to take a nap to remain vigilant.

Its light sleep allowed it to notice the changing seawater temperature, something that wouldn't normally have disturbed its slumber.

Now, that Pokémon was returning.

Yuga had initially thought that the dark clouds following them were an illusion. However, it turned out that the dark clouds' destination had always been this area.

Their chosen path had coincided with the clouds, and they had unintentionally drawn it towards Melotic.

As the dark clouds drew closer, Melotic became restless. It began lashing the sea with its tail, creating towering waves. Its serpentine body writhed in the water, muddying it.

However, considering the presence of the Pokémon on the small island, Melotic took care not to affect them with its waves.

The island's inhabitants were equally agitated. They had witnessed the previous battle against the intruding Pokémon and still carried the trauma. Hearing the anxiety in Melotic's voice, Yuga, with a solemn expression, said to Mr. Drake:

"It seems that there's something formidable approaching. To prevent any accidents, let's move the injured crew members to the island."

Whatever could make Melotic so uneasy had to be at least a Legendary Pokémon. Yuga couldn't help but think that.

While Melotic's existence lacked the divinity possessed by true deities, it was already close in terms of power, though not on par with the likes of Kyogre or Groudon.

Mr. Drake naturally felt the tension in the air. He nodded and quickly instructed the conscious crew members to help move the injured ones to the deeper parts of the island.

The island's Pokémon were kind-hearted and came out of the forest and bushes to assist them. Isolated from the world for so long, these island-dwelling Pokémon were pure of heart and benevolent.

With the guidance of the Pokémon, the injured crew members were carefully relocated to a central area on the island. There, a freshwater lake provided them with drinking water, surrounded by various fruit-bearing trees, making it seem like a paradise.

To ensure the injured crew members could rest comfortably, the considerate Grass-type Pokémon created many leafy beds for them to lie on.

As soon as the injured crew members were settled, Yuga and Mr. Drake noticed the dark clouds gathering over the island. There were flashes of lightning and discharges of electricity everywhere.

"They're here!" Yuga and Mr. Drake both thought.

"Stay here and watch over the injured crew members. Yuga and I will go back and check," Mr. Drake instructed the others before hurrying back to the beach with Yuga.

When they arrived at the beach, the battle between Melotic and the intruding Pokémon was already underway.


As soon as Yuga set foot on the sand, a golden bolt of lightning struck down from the sky, exploding at his feet.

Yuga couldn't believe that they would encounter this Pokémon today.

It was Zapdos!

It was the same Zapdos that nearly drained of its life by Dragonite a thousand years ago, the same one that had previously injured Dragonite's mother and tried to take away Dratini.

Zapdos had quite a history with Yuga and Dragonite!

Don't ask how Yuga recognized it; just look at the trembling Dragonite next to him.

A thousand years ago, Zapdos was still young, not at its peak, and it was already injured. It was beaten by Dragonite and Nana. Zapdos was subsequently defeated and even ended up being ridden by Dragonite, who feasted on its electricity.

But times had changed!

Over a thousand years had passed, and now Zapdos had grown into a legitimate Legendary Pokémon. Even if it were to face a Elite levwl Dragonite, it could beat Dragonite easily!

A thousand years ago, Dragonite could consume Zapdos's electrical energy like a meal, but now even a mere touch from Zapdos's electricity felt scorching.

The difference in strength was evident!

It was a stark reminder that fortunes could change. In the past, Zapdos could capture Dratini because Dragonite and Nana had previously injured Zapdos. And the reason Dragonite drained it electricity its because Zapdos injured Dragonite's mother. It was a cycle of cause and effect.

If it weren't for Celebi telling them not to change the past, Dragonite might never had future troubles.

Yuga thought that if it weren't for Melotic being present today, he would have had to drag Dragonite away quickly.

As Zapdos battled Melotic, it hadn't noticed Yuga and the old nemesis, Dragonite, nearby.

Golden electrical currents surged wave after wave, but they were all deflected by the water barrier around Melotic.

As a Water-type Pokémon, Melotic was severely disadvantaged against Electric-types, yet it had been in combat for a while without sustaining any injuries.


Zapdos wasn't one to hold back. If low level moves like Thunder Shock didn't work, it would unleash mid level moves like Thunderbolt, and if that didn't cut it, it had its high level move, Thunder, ready.

Finally, injuries began to appear on Melotic's body.

However, these injuries didn't have a significant impact on Melotic. Its body emitted a brief white light, and all the injuries vanished.

This was the Recover move.

The speed at which Melotic regenerated was nothing short of miraculous. Yuga couldn't help but recall Deoxys, which could recover almost instantly, even if it lost half its body.

Considering the enormous size of Melotic, the wounds on its body looked like deep ravines, and the blood flowing from them could easily dye the sea red.

However, these severe injuries seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye due to Melotic's remarkable Recover move. It was almost on par with Deoxys in terms of regeneration speed.

A vast amount of electric energy continuously surged into the sea, forcing Water-type Pokémon from the sea to crawl onto the beach, regardless of whether they could make it ashore or not. Some weaker Water-type Pokémon, affected by the electrical currents, fainted as soon as they reached the shore.

Not only did the water suffer from the effects of the electrical discharge, but the beach itself was also subjected to the crackling sound of electric currents spreading from the Thunderbolt attacks.

Melotic wanted to stop this, but it was held back by Zapdos, leaving it unable to intervene.

Yuga watched the wild Pokémon affected by the electrical currents and couldn't bear to see them suffer.

Fortunately, these were only stray discharges, and if these Pokémon took a direct hit from Zapdos's Thunder, they might not have survived.

Yuga hesitated, fearing that Zapdos might recognize him, but Mr. Drake had already taken action. His two Salamence and a Flygon opened their mouths and released flames, dispersing the electrical currents that might have struck the wild Pokémon, saving many of them.

Seeing this, Yuga clenched his teeth and released his Charizard, Lapras, followed by his Chandelure and Gengar. He also called his Dragonite, which was already outside, and had them all lend a hand in rescuing the other Pokémon.

Now only Chimecho remained by his side for personal protection. Florges was left with the injured crew members in the deep part of the island since she needed to care for them.

Zapdos realized that it had gone a bit too far, especially with the stray discharges affecting wild Pokémon.

After all, it only wanted to claim territory, not harm other ordinary Pokémon.

Just as it was about to tone down its attacks, it caught sight of Dragonite in the sky. Those golden scales were just too conspicuous.

Following that, it noticed Yuga, who was protected by Chimecho, not far away.

Zapdos's eyes turned red in an instant.

These two were sworn enemies from a lifetime ago!

It couldn't forget the humiliation of being pinned down and rubbed against the ground by Dragonite, even though over a thousand years had passed.

And that human was the owner of that Dragonite.

These two... it would recognize them even if it turned into ashes!

You defeated me, so why not capture me? What, you still look down on me? I didn't even mind that it was two against one!

Zapdos wasn't really looking to be captured; it was just that as a Legendary Pokémon, being defeated by humans and then cast aside was incredibly humiliating.

This humiliation had been seared into its memory for over a thousand years.

Back in the day, it was defeated by Emperor Rude and ended up following him, helping him confront the guardian deity of the Vante Empire, Heatran. From being highly regarded by an emperor to being ignored by a nobody, that was quite a fall from grace.

Of course, Zapdos had long forgotten who Emperor Rude was after a thousand years, remembering only that it seemed to have been captured by someone.

It wasn't that Zapdos had a bad memory or was disloyal, but back then, it was still young and didn't spend many days with Emperor Rude before the Arus Empire was destroyed. They never really formed a deep bond.

On the other hand, that Heatran, the guardian deity of Vante, remained loyal to the Vante Empire for centuries even after its emperor's death. If it weren't for the later emperors of Vante crossing the line, it might never have left Vante.

All of this was what Zapdos had heard later, but with the passage of time, that Heatran it had once known had disappeared without a trace.

Zapdos didn't know if it had died or hidden away in the depths of some remote forest.

While Yuga was busy defending against Zapdos's lightning, he suddenly saw Zapdos staring at him with those angry red eyes, which made his heart skip a beat.

Has it spotted me?

Then he saw Zapdos charging furiously toward him. However, Melotic must have thought that Zapdos intended to cause trouble on the island and quickly intervened.

A fierce blizzard was unleashed by Melotic and blown toward Zapdos. The rapidly dropping temperature and the snowflakes filling the sky hindered Zapdos's progress, causing frost to form on its wings, seriously impeding its ability to fly.

Zapdos, now uninterested in dealing with Melotic, sent an Thunder Wave to try and paralyze it. While Melotic was indeed paralyzed, it was only a minor inconvenience for Melotic, as it quickly recovered.

With its paralysis lifted, Melotic raised its tail, which was over a hundred meters long, from the water and swung it at Zapdos. Despite Zapdos's strength, its size was only about that of an adult human. It was instantly sent plunging into the sea by Melotic's tail.

As Zapdos emerged from the water, its feathers were soaking wet. While this didn't affect it much, it was genuinely furious!

You dare to bully me!

In mid-air, Zapdos transformed into a gleaming golden sun, but instead of radiating light, it radiated electricity.

It began to unleash its electric power without restraint, using the move Thunder, which was even more potent than Thunderbolt. While the accuracy of Thunder wasn't great, Zapdos didn't care. It fired one lightning bolt after another, sweeping them across the battlefield, striking anything and anyone in its path.

You all dare to bully me!

It had forgotten that it was the one who initially tried to claim their territory.

Facing Zapdos's relentless attacks, even Melotic, whose strength was on par with a Legendary Pokémon, couldn't stop the swift lightning bolts, especially the largest one, which was aimed straight at Melotic.

With a resounding crack, half of Melotic's body was obliterated by the lightning. The other electric currents were still wreaking havoc, and Zapdos had lost its rationality entirely.

Yuga's Charizard, Lapras, Gengar, and Mismagius, along with Mr. Drake's two Salamence and a Flygon, were all swiftly flying through the air, assisting other ordinary Pokémon in withstanding the thunderous onslaught.

Seeing the situation escalating, Yuga shouted to Chimecho, "Chimecho use Light Screen, quick!"

"Ring, ring, ring..."

In response, Chimecho rapidly swayed its body and emitted a series of tinkling sounds, channeling all of its psychic energy.

One by one, Light Screens materialized above the Pokémon, shielding them from the lightning strikes.

The entire sky above the sea was covered in Light Screens resembling fish scales, reflecting a dazzling array of light, creating a magnificent scene.

Mr. Drake was stunned by Chimecho's incredible technique. It would take an immense amount of psychic power to simultaneously deploy thousands of Light Screens.

However, despite Chimecho's impressive display, its power was still limited. It hadn't reached the level of an Elite level Pokémon, and even though its Light Screens were formidable, their strength was not enough to withstand Zapdos's onslaught.

In just an instant, all the Light Screens were shattered as if they were made of paper, reduced to mere fragments.

When the Light Screens were simultaneously destroyed, the burst of light from their dispersal threatened to blind everyone, including the Pokémon.

Even Zapdos's eyes were temporarily affected, causing a momentary pause in the relentless thunder.

During this brief respite, thousands of Light Screens reappeared under Chimecho's control.

To prevent the Light Screens from shattering once again, Chimecho unleashed its psychic power without reservation. Its little face turned almost purple-red, a sign of the tremendous strain it was enduring.

But even with its all-out effort, cracks appeared on the Light Screens, and it seemed they would shatter once more.

Yuga was deeply worried about the potential irreversible damage to Chimecho's psychic power from using Light Screen in such an intense manner.

However, given the critical situation, Chimecho had no room to hold back.

Suddenly, Chimecho let out a piercing scream, a stark contrast to its usually gentle and crisp voice. Its body emitted a strong purple light.

In an instant, all the cracks on the Light Screens vanished, and the thunderous bolts were deflected. Ordinary Pokémon sheltered by the Light Screens were finally temporarily safe from the danger.

On the other side, Melotic, now incensed because of its half-obliterated body, was no longer willing to tolerate Zapdos's provocations. While it had a gentle demeanor, that didn't mean it lacked a temper.

With a gleam of milky light, Melotic regenerated the half of its body that had been obliterated, appearing just as it had before. However, this restoration was only surface-deep; to recover its missing half, Melotic expended a significant amount of energy.

In its fury, Melotic employed the weathe move "Hail." Fluffy snowflakes began to fall from the sky in abundance, turning what was once a scorching summer day into a bone-chilling winter landscape.

Though "Hail" was a weather move that inflicted minor damage over time, Melotic used it to emulate the effects of a standard Pokémon's Blizzard attack.

Despite the potential harm the hail might cause to Melotic itself, it was unbothered by the minor injury.

Melotic displayed perfect control over the "Hail" move, ensuring that only itself and Zapdos in the sky above the sea were affected, leaving Yuga and his companions unscathed on the shore.

However, Zapdos found itself in dire straits.

Melotic, seemingly unsatisfied with just the hail, whipped up a blizzard with ferocious intensity, bombarding Zapdos.

Within the confines of the "Hail" weather, Zapdos had no escape; wherever it flew, the blizzard followed, pelting it with chunks of ice.

Under the relentless blizzard, Zapdos inevitably fell into a frozen state. Its wings froze stiff, rendering it unable to continue flapping and causing it to plummet straight into the sea.

Witnessing Zapdos's plunge into the water, Melotic was ecstatic. It ceased the blizzard, instead using its tail to forcefully smack Zapdos deeper into the sea.

Melotic executed "Iron Tail," a Steel-type move known for its significant damage and defense reduction. It thoroughly thrashed Zapdos, causing it to gulp down seawater, swelling its belly.

As Zapdos endured the relentless pummeling from the infuriated Melotic, a significant transformation was taking place in Yuga's Chimecho.

Wrapped in purple light, Chimecho soared to new heights, breaking through its previous limits as a pseudo-Elite level Pokémon, now ascending to the Elite level Pokémon.


Type: Psychic

Gender: Female

Ability: Levitate

Potential: Purple

Level: 71

Skills: Confusion, Gravity, Heal Pulse, Heal Bell, Synchronoise, Shadow Ball, Safeguard, Noise, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Light Screen, Psycho Boost, Reflect, Healing Wish, Foresight, Teleport, Psychic, Skill Swap, Double Team, Rest, Charge Beam, Dream Eater, Magic Room, Recover.


This sudden and unexpected breakthrough substantially increase Chimecho's power, enabling it to withstand the thunderous assaults from Zapdos, an opponent with strength far more powerful tham it..

It was indeed an extraordinary feat.

Although the mainstream lightning was absorbed by Melotic, Chimecho had just reached Elite level Pokémon, whereas Zapdos was a mature Legendary Pokémon with over a millennium of experience.

The gap in their abilities was undeniably substantial.

As all the lightning dissipated, the more than a thousand light screens controlled by Chimecho also disappeared.

Chimecho herself fell unconscious in Yuga's arms, showing signs of having overexerted its psychic powers.

Observing Chimecho's pained expression in its unconscious state, Yuga realized that it had pushed its psychic abilities to the limit.

Turning his attention to Zapdos, which had been pummeled into the sea by Melotic, it was in a pitiable state beyond words.

Its golden feathers were disheveled, and many had even fallen off, floating on the sea's surface. While the icy layers had been gradually stripped away by the repeated plunges into the ocean, its consciousness had grown hazy.

Once Melotic had vented its rage and regained its senses, it noticed Zapdos unconscious. With a flick of its tail, Melotic flung Zapdos onto the beach, and by sheer coincidence, it landed right at Yuga's feet.

Looking at the drenched, bedraggled Zapdos, Yuga couldn't help but think that this was probably the least dignified appearance he had ever seen a Legendary Pokémon in.

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