I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 1108: Dangerous Plan

Chapter 1108: Dangerous Plan

The speed of Charjabug's movements is quite slow; their insect legs are hidden beneath their abdomens, making them difficult to see at a glance. Whenever they start to wriggle, their square-shaped bodies sway back and forth, creating a very humorous sight.

Especially the two that Ayashi sent back, which are a bit rounder than other Charjabug, causing them to barely make any progress despite moving for quite a while.

Yuga watched them clumsily and couldn't help but wonder how they managed to survive in the wild. Were they always this slow when facing enemies?

Not long after the Charjabug started moving, three tiny Joltik, each no bigger than a palm, suddenly appeared around them, quickly surrounding the Charjabug.

The two Charjabug were very timid, and the sudden arrival of the Joltik startled them greatly. However, the three Joltik were actually quite weak and posed no real threat.

The three Joltik were very alively and quickly climbed onto the backs of the Charjabug. Startled, the Charjabuginstinctively released electricity from their bodies, but rather than scaring off the Joltik, this action made them even more excited.

The Joltik basked in the electric light, their golden fur standing on end as the threads of electricity flowed towards their bodies, drawn by the Charjabug's electrical discharge.

It turned out that the Joltik were attracted by the electricity emitted from the Charjabug.

Joltik like these cannot generate electricity on their own, but they need to absorb enough electricity to grow healthy. Joltik with parents often absorb their parents' electricity to grow. If they are orphaned, they will latch onto larger Pokémon to absorb static electricity.

Because of their small size, larger Pokémon often have trouble detecting their presence.

Moreover, these Joltik are quite common in Unova. In urban areas, it is common for people to spot these Joltik near their home outlets. Since the amount of electricity they absorb is small, people in Unova often overlook their presence.

Due to their ability to sense weak static electricity generated by animal fur, Joltik are very sensitive to electricity, which is why they could quickly notice the Charjabug.

The Charjabug's ability is called Battery, which not only enhances the power of their allies' special attacks but also allows them to store an extraordinary amount of electricity within their bodies.

In the wild, Vikavolt often have a habit of using Charjabug as backup batteries, especially during battles. They tend to keep Charjabug tucked under their feet, and when they need to fight for extended periods, they will absorb the electricity from the Charjabug to replenish their energy.

Because of this habit of Vikavolt, Charjabug are very willing to share their electricity with their companions.

Feeling no hostility from the three Joltik, the two Charjabug finally settled down and, realizing the Joltik were absorbing electricity from them, actively released more electricity for the others.

The Charjabug's actions greatly increased the Joltik' fondness for them, and soon enough, the five little creatures became good friends.

Yuga observed the interaction between the three Joltik and the two Charjabug from the side, finding it quite amusing.

Just then, an Ariados descended from the sky on a thread of silk, landing directly in front of the Charjabug. Its long spider legs knocked against the specially textured insect nest, making a loud clattering sound.

The Ariados's fierce appearance and menacing gaze caused the two Charjabug to scream in terror, letting out a high-pitched "Charjabug!" before bouncing high into the air, jumping a considerable distance away in the blink of an eye.

Yuga was astonished by the Charjabug's remarkable jumping ability and speed in escaping, finally understanding how they managed to survive in the wild! However, they still had the Joltik on their backs, and how could Ariados let them go so easily? It quickly shot out two strands of silk, and in an instant, the Charjabug, along with the Joltik on their backs, were tightly bound.

This Ariados was not the Shiny Ariados one from the Ecopark; rather, it was a descendant of the Shiny Ariados and Galvantula.

The Shiny Ariados and Galvantula reproduced at an incredible rate, and over the past few years, they had had one batch of offspring after another, earning the title of "Breeding Star" of the Ecopark! Many of their offspring had become high potential Pokémon through the innovation potion. Compared to other Pokémon, the success rate of using the innovation potion for the offspring of the Shiny Ariados and Galvantulawas surprisingly high.

The shiny Ariados had a fierce temperament and typically only focused on mating, giving birth, and lounging around, leaving all childcare responsibilities to the husband, Galvantula.

Initially, Galvantula had to work hard, but as their first generation of children grew up, he also became hands-off, leaving the responsibility of caring for younger siblings to the older ones!

While Galvantula wouldn't dare to boss around his wife, he showed no mercy when it came to exploiting his children. So, recently, both he and the shiny Ariados focused solely on breeding and left the childcare to others.

The Joltik that the Charjabug encountered were actually the three young children just born to the shiny Ariados and Galvantula, while the Ariados was their older sister.

Ariados slowly pulled the Charjabug toward her using the silk thread, and soon enough, the two Charjabug were dragged right in front of her. Once the silk was untied, the two Charjabug trembled in fear under Ariados's gaze, repeatedly muttering, "Don't eat me! Don't eat me!"

The three tiny Joltik, dangling from the silk on the backs of the Charjabug, slid down the threads and tapped their little companion with their tiny front limbs, signaling for it not to be afraid; the one in front of them was their sister.

However, their small size made it look quite ridiculous as they tapped the Charjabug, which was at least ten times larger than them, causing Yuga to laugh out loud unintentionally.


Only then did Ariados notice Yuga's presence and gave him a slight nod as a greeting.

Yuga smiled at Ariados and said, "These two Charjabug are new arrivals. I'll be counting on you to take good care of them."


Ariados nodded in agreement, but inwardly felt quite burdened; the three little ones at home were already bothersome enough, and now there were two more!

In a fit of irritation, Ariados shot out silk and strung the five little ones together before dragging them off.

Seeing Ariados leave with the Joltik and Charjabug, Yuga turned and exited the Insect Paradise.

However, just as Yuga left the Ecopark, he received a call from Masato Shirai, informing him that the Sunflora generator that had just arrived from Carlos at Vedanturf Town had been hijacked at the airport.

Yuga was shocked to hear this news—who had the audacity to cause trouble in Vedanturf Town?

After hanging up with Masato Shirai, Yuga quickly rushed to the airport in Vedanturf Town. By the time he arrived, the chaos at the airport had already subsided. Masato Shirai and Saskia were calming the crowd and investigating the scene, while two Arcanine were diligently trying to sniff out the presence of the hijackers. However, the airport was too crowded, making it nearly impossible for Arcanine to locate anyone based solely on scent.

Yuga walked over to Masato Shirai and asked, "Director Shirai, have you found any clues?"

Masato Shirai shook his head and said, "Not yet, but we've caught one of the accomplices involved in the hijacking; we just haven't had a chance to interrogate him yet."

"Where is he? I'll go take a look."

In an office at the airport, Yuga saw the captured person—a fierce-looking man in his thirties.

"How is it? Has he confessed to anything?" Masato Shirai walked over to the officer guarding the prisoner and inquired.

The officer awkwardly shook his head, saying, "He won't say anything."

Yuga stepped forward and said, "Leave it to me."

After Masato Shirai nodded, he and the officer stepped aside to give Yuga room.

"Gengar, Hypnosis!" Without hesitation, Yuga summoned Gengar and instructed it to use Hypnosis on the prisoner.

The moment the prisoner saw Gengar, his expression changed drastically; he realized what Yuga intended to do. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, his head became heavy under Gengar's Hypnosis.

Seeing Yuga so decisively use Hypnosis to interrogate the prisoner surprised Masato Shirai. Typically, police only resort to Hypnosis as a last measure during interrogations, as it can cause some damage to the brain.

Yuga ignored Masato Shirai's thoughts, and under Gengar's Hypnosis, the man quickly divulged everything he knew.

It turned out he wasn't the mastermind behind this incident; he was merely one of the hired bounty hunters.

Bounty hunters were synonymous with outlaws, each one living on the edge of danger, willing to do almost anything for money. It was no wonder they dared to stir up trouble in Vedanturf Town.

From the man's few words, Yuga quickly identified the mastermind behind the hijacking of the Sunflora generator—Bryony and Mable.

Because Malva had warned him to be cautious of their retaliation, Yuga already knew what they looked like. Thus, as soon as the man mentioned them, he immediately thought of them.

These two women, along with the captured Xerosic, Celosia, and Aliana, were five of the core scientists of Team Flare. During the crackdown on Team Flare, they had been missing and Yuga hadn't expected them to have arrived in Hoenn.

But why would they want to hijack the generator? Yuga couldn't understand why they would resort to such actions.

What Yuga didn't know was that Bryony and Mable had also just recently arrived in Hoenn.

When the League was cracking down on Team Flare, they happened to escape danger because they were out searching for the Zygarde core. Little did they know that upon returning from their mission, they would find themselves without a home.

Months had passed, and while they hadn't been caught by the League, nearly all the other members of Team Flare around them had been apprehended, leaving them in a dire situation.

After some investigation, they finally learned that the person who had exposed Team Flare was Yuga. The one who had informed them about this was none other than Malva.

Malva wanted the members of Team Flare to keep quiet about her, so she needed them to know that she was still a hidden piece for Team Flare embedded within the League. As long as she was around, Team Flare still had a chance for a comeback.

Little did they know, she was the biggest "traitor" exposing all of Team Flare's secrets!

Malva felt that these two minor characters posed no threat to Yuga, so she didn't hesitate to "sell out" Yuga. Her true intention was to use Yuga's hands to wipe out the remnants of Team Flare. As long as Team Flare's members were eliminated, her past as a secret member of Team Flare would remain truly secret.

Having provided intelligence to Yuga before, Malva was confident that he wouldn't report her. The captured members of Team Flare viewed her as a hope for revival, so they also wouldn't expose her.

The reason Malva had previously warned Yuga to be careful of Bryony and Mable was that she had already guessed that these two women would contact her and suspected they would retaliate against Yuga. Only if Yuga was already on guard would her plan be foolproof.

Although Yuga learned that the ones who hijacked the generator were Bryony and Mable, the man didn't know where they were. After all, he was merely a bounty hunter hired for a job, not a leader among hunters, just a small-time lackey. Naturally, he wouldn't know about Bryony and Mable's subsequent plans.

However, for Yuga, knowing who the culprits were was enough. As long as they were still in Vedanturf Town, they wouldn't escape his grasp.

After bidding farewell to Masato Shirai and returning to the YoYo Day Care, Yuga searched for photos of Bryony and Mable. Since they were now wanted criminals, their pictures were readily available on the League's wanted website.

With their photos in hand, Yuga headed to the Haunted House sub-Ecopark. After about ten minutes, hundreds of Ghost-type Pokémon emerged from the YoYo Day Care, blending into the shadows and swiftly appearing throughout the streets and alleys of Vedanturf Town.

If one were to ask which sub-Ecopark had the most Pokémon in Yuga's Ecopark, it would definitely be the Haunted House. There were a large number of Misdreavus and Mismagius captured in Lilycove City, alongside the Chandelure and its little minions he caught in Unova, as well as the partners brought back by Dusknoir. And let's not forget the many that were born later... in short, there were a lot.

As expected, that night, the Ghost-type Pokémon found Bryony and Mable, who were hiding in a sewer in Vedanturf Town.

When Yuga and Masato Shirai arrived with their team, Bryony and Mable were busy leading a group of people, working fervently. They chose to act at night to avoid being detected during the day.

The reason they needed to steal the generator was all tied to its core device.

Mr. Ramos's Sunflora generator had borrowed a skill from Pokémon, known as Mirror Reflect. However, while Mirror Reflect doubles the returned damage of an attack, the generator absorbs and stores Sunflora's solar beams, converting them into electrical energy.

The generator's primary function relied on that core device using the principle of Mirror Reflect.

Bryony and Mable intended to use this device to blow up all of Vedanturf Town, which is why they were hiding in the sewer.

The energy that core device could absorb and transform was immense. If Bryony and Mable operated it correctly, blowing up the entire Vedanturf Town was not just a pipe dream. They were originally core scientists in Team Flare, so achieving this wouldn't be difficult for them.

Since discovering that Yuga was the mastermind behind Team Flare's downfall, these two women had developed a deep-seated hatred for him, which led to such a vicious plan.

After learning about Bryony and Mable's intentions, Masato Shirai broke out in a cold sweat. If this really happened, would he and Saskia, even survive? Even if they were lucky enough to escape unscathed, if the town he was responsible for was blown up, his life would essentially be over.

Although he wasn't sure how Yuga managed to find the two in such a short amount of time, at this moment, Masato Shirai was immensely grateful that the Gym Leader in Vedanturf Town was someone like him!

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