I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1821 Baymard At Last

Chapter 1821 Baymard At Last

"Land! Land! Over there, I see Land!" Julian was jumping up and down like crazy, after seeing the faraway sight grow larger and larger from his floor to ceiling window. 4 PM.

Their surroundings were dark and snowing lightly, causing a thin mist of snow to swallow the faraway shores. Yet, it couldn't hide the magnificence and splendor his eyes were witnessing. Julian's eyes darted back and forth with an unfathomable gaze that seemed to keep his voice choked up in his throat. This was unscientific.

How can it be so bright and big?

Inches behind Julius, Bilthozar appeared like a ghost with the pocket sized Baymardian/Mirv Dictionary in his hand. Yes! Yes! Yes! As said before, they spent at least 6 hours a day learning Pyron for over a month now. No joke, Landon took on the task of teaching them, as if in a classroom. There were 3 hours of lecture Monday to Friday, and another 3 hours of in class speech practice where they will have to form pairs to practice. Whether it was the women, children or even the men, everyone had to take it. In the practice class, the Baymardian soldiers, Marines and Navy, joined in, grouping with the Mirvs. Landon had to admit it was a great idea because after that, some people became friends, chilling and drinking morning tea together. Again, on the ships, on Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Sundays, everyone must only speak Pyron. But on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, everyone must only speak Mirv. This was to help the Baymardians also pick up Mirv language quicker.

Don't forget that while sailing towards Mirvanna earlier, he also spent over a month teaching the Baymardians the basics. He also distributed pamphlets and assignment sheets too.

In short, this whole period has been used to educate both sides. And as it stood, Landon was proud to say that after sailing for 1 month, 1 week and 6 days, the Mirvs had quickly picked up Pyron, especially since they were forced to communicate only in Pyron 4 days a week while taking his in-depth courses. Now, they did understand simple Pyron sentences. Emphasis on the word simple. If you say: can you please tell me where you work?, they will understand. But saying: can you please tell me your place of corporate functions or something complex will just leave them with question marks. At the moment, it was amazing that they could speak and communicate in simple Pyron without the use of anything complex. For now, that was enough. At least they should be able to get around Baymard more at ease than before. . (@0@)

My, my, my~

It sure was a sight to behold. Standing behind Julian, Bilthozar quickly made use of his pocket dictionary, wanting to make out the giant word that was glowing bright blue (neon) from afar. He knew the word, but wasn't too sure of his initial guess of what it might mean. [The Grand KimBay XXXX Port] Ahhh! 'So I was right,' Bilthozar closed his pocket dictionary, feeling the Baymardians were too smart in all they did. Although the most was thin and see through today, what about instances when it became very choking and hard to see through? That could have been a problem for anyone else but not Baymard. Why… just look at all the giant blinking signs and arrows pointing to one location. How can anyone take the wrong path? If Bilthozar had ever seen modern Las Vegas, then he would understand where Landon's inspiration came from. No joke, there are giant, incredulous signboards that looked like they were built for real Phi-fi-fau Giants. It must have cost a lot to make such signs, especially the arrows that strongly blinked and blinked endlessly all through the night and day. Baymard was telling everyone where to go, so that if you end up on the docks of Marine or Navy headquarters, then you only have yourself to blame when you get taken in and questioned as a criminal. What's more, all other nearby ships were moving towards one direction. So why would you move away from the flock to sail in another? There was true order across the Baymardian waters, as ships of all sizes sailed as though traveling in 50-lane roads. There were paths for ships leaving, ships coming and ships doing round turns. No joke, it was incredible to watch. And every now and then, you would see Coast guard speeding boats that practically flew over the waters to assist when need be, protect the travelers and do other duties. No joke, only Baymardian ships were made of metal in this world. Every other ship was still made of lumber, so they had sometimes had to assist ships who encountered unfortunate fates on their waters like accidental clashes leading to sinking, and even attacks from sea life too. Although the paths the ships sailed on was mostly safe, mother nature had a nasty way of surprising sailors. So the coast guard's were always on watch over such things. They saved people accidentally falling overboard, they also helped in guiding confused tourists and even evacuated the space when they perceived any incoming wars. Diplomatic affairs on waters and negotiations were done by them, and many other activities. .

Looking at the glowing sign boards getting bigger and bigger, everyone quickly took to their feet to do last minute checks. They had already been informed yesterday and this morning that they will be arriving at exactly 4:36 PM. So since morning, everyone has been packing up their suitcases with items they used during this time. It was the first time in their lives that they truly understood what personal hygiene was. They knew that if they didn't take their toothbrush, it would be thrown away since no 2 people could share toothbrushes. It was also at this time that many also understood what sort of travel packer they were. Take Bilthozar for example. He had long packed since yesterday, with only a few more things to do before closing his suitcase and handing it over. But Julian, on the other hand, was running around like crazy today before giving his suitcase away 4 hours ago. At least Landon gave him a backpack which he was now using to put his last minute things in. "Ah! Where is my One Piece Manga book? I was just looking at that now, so where is it?" "Dammit! Where is my toothbrush? Do you know?" "_"

Bilthozar had blank lines on his forehead.

Isn't it too late for that now?

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