I’m Really Scared

Chapter 2: Simulator

Chapter 2: Simulator

Captain, another victim appeared! Time is running out! When will the action begin?

If this continues, more and more innocent people will be sacrificed!

Lin Xiao Man was hiding in the corner of the restaurant, watching Guan Shan sitting next door, solemnly reporting to her superiors.

She was wearing a headset made by a C-class Trait Psychic, which can realize the transmission of thoughts.

This conversation was not noticed by the two D-class Psychics in the restaurant.

And Lin Shumans mission goal this time was precisely those two D-class psychics who were posing as the restaurant chef and waitress at this moment Zhao Hong and Fang Minmin.

These two were both of the Flesh system, one was an Enhancement type, and the other was a Mutation type.

As purely anti-social personality criminals, the two have committed crimes for only one purpose, and that is to satisfy their own desires.

Lure, control, kill.

In just one week, dozens or more lives had fallen into their hands.

And Lin Xiao Man, as a member of the special security operations team, was sent to act as the undercover agent for this operation because of her unique camouflage ability.

Team leader Lin Wus voice came: Be careful, dont worry, this time the opponents ability is very unusual, experts are still analyzing. If you act blindly once, it is likely to cause more casualties.

Lin Xiao Man took a deep breath: I see

She looked at the waitress, who was serving a plate of unidentified but attractive meat for Guan Shan.

Once eaten, it is tantamount to being parasitized and becoming the opponents puppet.

Damn Is another innocent person going to be sacrificed?

The piece of meat hung on the hook had delicate palm prints, slender joints, and red nail polish on five fingers.

Its obviously a womans hand!

Guan Shan froze in his seat for an instant.


How could this be an illusion!

Whats the situation with this horror game simulator? Explain to me what is meant by paying attention to personal safety when playing. Do people die in your games?!

I came to have a good meal, how come it becomes a horror movie now?!

What the f**k is it?!

Although Guan Shans heart was in a mess, but on the surface, he remained calm and gave full play to his self-cultivation as a reporter.

Because he knows that in horror movies, in this case, if he really yells, he knew what would happen.

So, he looked quite calm, and forced his eyes back from the hand that was still dripping blood.

But before he had time to sort out his emotions, he smelled an extremely fishy and disgusting scent coming to his face.

It was like walking into a slaughterhouse, countless sewage and rotten meat piled together and fermented for several months!


Guan Shans face changed suddenly, and he could not hold back covering his nose and mouth, almost vomiting.

He lowered his head, and his pupils shrank instantly.

The only thing that can be certain is This shape and size is definitely not animal meat!

Guan Shan was pale and trembling all over, attracting the attention of the waitress who was about to leave.

The latter politely walked back again, leaned down and asked: Hello, sir, do you have any problems?

Guan Shan felt that he was about to suffocate.

Hearing the pleasant voice of the waitress, he quickly pointed to the unidentified object: This

However, as soon as he looked up, the waitresss ugly face made up of squirming pieces of meat suddenly came into view!

When the waitress spoke, the mottled and rotten greasy pieces of meat squeezed each other like living creatures, making a grunting sound.


At this moment, the waitresss face was only twenty centimeters away.

This very impactful image at close range made Guan Shans eyelids twitch and almost jump straight up.

He wants to take back what he said. Like hell this waitress is normal!

This is even scarier than the one in the kitchen!

So, this horror game simulator just makes everything he sees part of the game?

But this game is too real!

Guan Shan tried his best to control his facial expressions, swallowed, and calmed down his rapid breathing and beating heart.

Calm down! Calm down!

At this time, once a flaw is revealed, he wont be far from death!

Guan Shan did a good job of mental building, gritting his teeth, enduring the nausea, and staring directly at this thing that he doesnt know what it is.

Must not show fear!

No, cough, no problem! I just got an allergic reaction suddenly, old problems, nothing serious, ha ha ha ha, dont worry at all!

Guan Shan swallowed some acid reflux saliva and showed the standard smile of a professional reporter.

Are you really, okay? I think you just pointed to your plate and wanted to tell me something?

If you have any dissatisfaction, you must say it, we are happy to accept and correct it!

The waitress spoke enthusiastically, and suddenly an eyeball with mucus appeared in the middle of the rotting flesh on his face. After turning a few times, he stared at Guan Shan.

It seemed to be observing his general demeanor.

No harm, just now I discovered that there were spices in this meat that seem to trigger my allergies, and I wanted you to remove it for me, but I took a closer look and found that wasnt any.

My allergies were probably caused by the dust on the road.

Guan Shan still had a professional smile on his face, without any flaws.

Im sorry to bother you, so please continue with your job!

The eyeball on the waitresss face stretched out like a snake, staring at Guan Shans eyes back and forth less than a few centimeters away.

Guan Shans heart beats like a drum, and he feels that his back is almost drenched with cold sweat.

If this continues, he wont be able to hold out

Fortunately, after about two or three seconds, the waitress withdrew her eyes. She probably smiled and said, Then I wont disturb your meal. If you have any questions, you must tell us in time. Our store pays the most attention to our service.

Guan Shan looked at the back of the leaving waitress, he was relieved and was about to collapse.

At this time, he suddenly noticed that in addition to the game interface in front of him, two lines and a health bar appeared on the top of the waitresss head.

Meat Nest Waitress (Lv.6)

HP: 400

Explanation: Where is she? She is everywhere.

Level? Health bar? Monster! This waitress is a monster!

Guan Shans suddenly understood: It turned out to be the ghost of this horror game simulator!

It simulates a scene based on reality, and then lets me fight monsters!

The mechanical sound rang in Guan Shans ear again.

The plot is loaded!

Late night, you step into a strange meat buffet, under the warm and bright light, the meat in the pot is not meat, and the people in the restaurantare not people.

Novice Tip: Please observe the scene carefully and use props to kill opponents. The more kills, the higher the score and the more rewards!

*Note: Only by killing the final BOSS can the simulation be ended!

Props in the scene? Guan Shan caught the key word.

He looked around cautiously, and he saw a strange shining spot under the dining table next to him.

When he stared at this point, a bunch of messages popped up immediately.

Glock 17

Magazine capacity: 17/17

Attack power: 50

Description: a pistol that can be seen everywhere, pew pew pew~

What the f**k do you mean by pew pew pew This game is too much

Guan Shan couldnt help but complain in his heart but looking at the pistol that was only one meter away from him, he still felt a little relieved.

As long as there was a weapon and a health bar, its easy to win!

At least it means that this simulator simulates Resident Evil, not an escape game


Guan Shans eyes flickered, and he moved to the giant in the kitchen that was trembling and making the chop sound.

In the end, the BOSS should refer to that guy.

BOSSButcher Chef (Lv.8)

HP: 1200

Explanation: The living are called people, the dead are called meat.

Guan Shan was stunned: What a thick health bar! It turned out to be three times that of the waitress! Can this boss really be killed with a pistol? Or are there other props I havent found

So, he seized the time again and read all the information that could be collected in his field of vision.

He had nothing on him, a Lv.1 newbie.

The guests in the field of vision have basically become level 1 to level 3 monsters the title of Meat Eater

The system also hinted that it can be upgraded by killing monsters.

The restaurant is so big, once I start to act, it will inevitably attract the attention of the waitress.

Now it seems that the only thing I can do is move around while killing mobs to level up, and then see if there are other props.

This is the only way!

Guan Shan took a deep breath and confirmed the location of the level 1 Meat Eaters around him. When the waitress turned around, he leaped under the table next to him. grabbed the pistol!

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